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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

well, matters are connecting to each other. if you are talking about this norm, there are other norms as well which you are keeping quiet about.

I was responding to a specific comment. This discussion is not about the Taliban's domestic policies.
Again, was his association with terrorist group factually proven? Or was it allegations only? Is it fair to sanction a country based on allegations made on an individual? You too are of course free to live life by accusations. What can we expect from sheeples who lacks critical thinking.

Your attitude proves me right when I said that China cannot be claimed to have suffered from terrorism even nearly as much as the west and India have.

You have not suffered, you cannot be expected of understanding the pain.

P.S. I wish you never do. I have first hand and at a very personal level experienced the curse of terrorism. I wouldn't wish it upon even the worst of my enemy, be it even China.
Again, was his association with terrorist group factually proven? Or was it allegations only? Is it fair to sanction a country based on allegations made on an individual? You too are of course free to live life by accusations. What can we expect from sheeples who lacks critical thinking.

Then what about Mussarf`s confession for sending militants in Kashmir

So still need to prove this ????? :tdown:
Again Conspiracy theory :rolleyes:

Ask the Afghans who suffered and are suffering due to them - Taliban and AQ.

Conspiracy theory? :lol:
Yes actually I do have some friends who came over from Afghanistan and they all told me that it was much peaceful when the Soviets were there. It turned bad when they left due to in fighting from rebel groups supported by NATO. Can you prove that it is conspiracy theory? and tell me where the name Al-Qaeda came from and does such a group really exist?

It was a war on medieval Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Not against innocent Afghans. Learn the difference before lecturing others.

Now, where is the prove than Al-Qaeda exist? So you are saying main stream media such as BBC were making up fake stories now? And are you telling me that war against terror in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world did not result in innocent civilian deaths? What were all the anti-war protestors ranting about I wonder?

No ad-hominems - everyone is perfectly capable of it.

Then perhaps you should go back and see who attacked who first? I am sure everyone is quite capable, but who cares if it was tit-for-tat.

Care to explain why NATO wants to get themselves involved in Syria then? based on allegations that they supported and armed terrorist? again, where are the facts? and are you saying that Israelies are innocent? and what they are doing in Gaza is legit?

First you genius must know it is not Syria - its Libya.

secondly the Libyans themselves asked the West to intervene and save them from the violence Qadaffi as unleashing on them.

The small rebel groups represent the entire Libya? Who asked them for help? Pretty sure it is not an international issue before. And does setting up a 'no fly zone' constitutes to flying sorties over Libya and destroying their infrastructures and killing civilians in the process? Isn't that the opposite of what they are said to try and acehieve (protect the civilians)?.

O h yes in Syria they are killing their own people. Where have you been all this time?

The crucail thing that seems to have escaped your high IQ brain is that the Libyan rebels themselves asked for an international intervention. An UN resolution was passes and then only the bombing started. Learn facts before yapping here.

So Libyan rebels gets to represent the entire Libya? Did Libyan government not propose for a ceasefire only to be turned down by NATO? Does the 'No Fly Zone' permit what they are doing now? Is the international communities including everyone in NATO agreeing to what is happening now? If so why aren't everyone in NATO committing their planes when UK asked them to? Now get this into your High IQ brain, learn before yapping without substance.

By whatever means possible. You call it trade, they call it influence.The end point is the powerful countries exploit the lesser powerful under all sorts of pretexts - trade,help,influence etc etc. You or I dont have any moral high point in lecturing them especially when your Govt is supporting a genocidal regime in Sudan.

Well trade is trade, being influenced or not, it is still a trade. Both gets to benefit from the trade. Does the same happen when you plunder someone? Don't bring China into the genocidal issue when India itself isn't so squeeky clean as you like to think them out to be.
Of course you don't have moral high ground to lecture anyone when you shamelessly supported the US bombing in Pakistan and trying to justify their actions in the ME etc.
Then what about Mussarf`s confession for sending militants in Kashmir

So still need to prove this ????? :tdown:

If we were to go by your logics, then shouldn't India be sanctioned too for its treatment against the Kashmiris?
If the Indian government allowed its men to torture Kashmiris, shouldn't that be of concern to the international community?
Besides, someone saying doesn't mean it is a fact right?
No matter how hard you try, you cannot make somebody who doesn't want to believe, believe.

Yes, because I am not like you who is here to flame and smeer dirt on to Pakistani people's face? I am not quite the sheeple like you and others who has little prove to back up their arguments.
If we were to go by your logics, then shouldn't India be sanctioned too for its treatment against the Kashmiris?
If the Indian government allowed its men to torture Kashmiris, shouldn't that be of concern to the international community?
Besides, someone saying doesn't mean it is a fact right?


This some one is their ex president ..

But sorry till your country not faced any thing like this you will be in ignorant mood :wave:
Yes, because I am not like you who is here to flame and smeer dirt on to Pakistani people's face? I am not quite the sheeple like you and others who has little prove to back up their arguments.

then what about USA drone attack on Pakistan ??
What about safe heaven for terrorists ???
then what about USA drone attack on Pakistan ??
What about safe heaven for terrorists ???

Things can be resolved in different ways. Are you saying Drone attacks is the best way to solve such problem?

Not so democratic I say.

This some one is their ex president ..

But sorry till your country not faced any thing like this you will be in ignorant mood :wave:

Does that mean President Bush was stating fact when he claimed that Iraq had WMD? :lol:
Until you know how to think ciritcally. Then you can come back to me. :wave:
Things can be resolved in different ways. Are you saying Drone attacks is the best way to solve such problem?

If their government dnt want to do that so its compulsory for others to clean this

And why you want to change the topic ............ so still need proof for terrorism ??????
Conspiracy theory? :lol:
Yes actually I do have some friends who came over from Afghanistan and they all told me that it was much peaceful when the Soviets were there. It turned bad when they left due to in fighting from rebel groups supported by NATO. Can you prove that it is conspiracy theory? and tell me where the name Al-Qaeda came from and does such a group really exist?

I say you are sock puppet. Prove it otherwise.

Now, where is the prove than Al-Qaeda exist? So you are saying main stream media such as BBC were making up fake stories now? And are you telling me that war against terror in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world did not result in innocent civilian deaths? What were all the anti-war protestors ranting about I wonder?

You dont know jack about Afg my friend and you are just arguing for the heck of it. Ask the Afghans here if you are interested whether Al-Qaeda exists or not. They experienced the brutality first hand.

Care to explain why NATO wants to get themselves involved in Syria then? based on allegations that they supported and armed terrorist? again, where are the facts? and are you saying that Israelies are innocent? and what they are doing in Gaza is legit?

When NATO involves in Syria come back kiddo. Till then no use in 'predicting' things. The fact that they lauch rockets intentionally on civilian areas makes them a terrorist.

The small rebel groups represent the entire Libya? Who asked them for help? Pretty sure it is not an international issue before. And does setting up a 'no fly zone' constitutes to flying sorties over Libya and destroying their infrastructures and killing civilians in the process? Isn't that the opposite of what they are said to try and acehieve (protect the civilians)?.

The civilians around Ben Ghazi and Misrata who were bombed the shyt out by Qadaffi called for help. They were Libyans .period.

And need I remind you genius that a no-fly zone was useless as the primary weapons used by Qadaffi for his genocide was tanks,armored cars ? No, in libya Tanks or armored cars dont fly.

h yes in Syria they are killing their own people. Where have you been all this time?

Do you see anyone attacking Syria for that ? What the heck are you arguing ?

So Libyan rebels gets to represent the entire Libya? Did Libyan government not propose for a ceasefire only to be turned down by NATO? Does the 'No Fly Zone' permit what they are doing now? Is the international communities including everyone in NATO agreeing to what is happening now? If so why aren't everyone in NATO committing their planes when UK asked them to? Now get this into your High IQ brain, learn before yapping without substance.

The Libyan Govt propse a ceasefire while all the time bombing the civilians. You must ne dense enough for not looking up the news. Leave the news, even if you had been here in this forum you would have got to known that.

Well trade is trade, being influenced or not, it is still a trade. Both gets to benefit from the trade. Does the same happen when you plunder someone? Don't bring China into the genocidal issue when India itself isn't so squeeky clean as you like to think them out to be.
Of course you don't have moral high ground to lecture anyone when you shamelessly supported the US bombing in Pakistan and trying to justify their actions in the ME is bad etc.

Are you literate ? Did I not say "neither you nor me" have any moral high ground ? Read properly before hitting the keyboard kiddo.

The bottom line is the tribal areas of Pakistan are a nuisance to the entire world and to Pakistan itself and if Pakistan is not acting to prevent them
then the rest of the world will. No use in whining.
If their government dnt want to do that so its compulsory for others to clean this

And why you want to change the topic ............ so still need proof for terrorism ??????

Not trying to change the topic. Just following up the questions and countering some questionable answers.
Did Pakistan said they will not do anything to sort it out? and why not negotiate and find better ways of dealing with it? Is flying drones over Pakistan airspace and killing innocent civilians the one and only way of dealing with such a problem?
And Obambam what has Syria or Libya got to do with the topic ?

Your America hatred is well known but why vent it in a thread that has no relevance.

The Tribal areas of Pakistan are a nuisance to the whole world and to Pak itself, acting as the graduate university of terrorism and the Pak army refuses to act against them. So the drones.

If you have a better solution , suggest or just sock up.

No use in these shrill anti-imperialism, anti-US cries bringing in irrelevant arguments.
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