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US to oppose plea to declare RSS a terror group

and what if nato militaries and intel. were not existing to do regime-change in every sociialist society... what then??
as if no socialist countries had military.
as if no socialist countries had military.

two examples...

romania - nato-sponsored terrorism, disinfo and sabotage.

libyan jamahiriya - invasion by 35+ nato militaries, preceded by nato-sponsored terrorism, disinfo and sabotage.
two examples...

romania - nato-sponsored terrorism, disinfo and sabotage.

libyan jamahiriya - invasion by 35+ nato militaries, preceded by nato-sponsored terrorism, disinfo and sabotage.
what about USSR. one is responsible for its own mistakes . blaming others wont help.
As long as RSS is focusing its hatred primarily towards Muslims and treating Christians with kid gloves. US doesn't care.
Let them ban conversion and missionaries then they will declared as terrorist organization. Mark my words!!

@SarthakGanguly @jamahir @Tshering22
what about USSR.

foolishness or betrayal by gorbachev, added to by stupidity by yeltsin the drunk.

one is responsible for its own mistakes . blaming others wont help.

come on... that is one of those cliche indian statements like "say yes or no"... how can one exclude the situations surrounding a event... it would be unnatural.
foolishness or betrayal by gorbachev, added to by stupidity by yeltsin the drunk
who slected them , USSR communist officials , so they are responsible. so if you cannot blame communism same way you cannot blame the other principles only adherents can be blamed , like i said nothing is perfect , ppl make it or you can also make it nothing is imperfect , ppl make it.
As long as RSS is focusing its hatred primarily towards Muslims and treating Christians with kid gloves. US doesn't care.
Let them ban conversion and missionaries then they will declared as terrorist organization. Mark my words!!

@SarthakGanguly @jamahir @Tshering22

there are two things...

1. the sangh doesn't actually treat christians with kid gloves... if there was gujarat 2002 there was also the graham staines "jeep burning" and damage to churches in karnataka.

2. some christian "leaders" had for many years not been taking the sangh as a serious threat... they either foolishly allied with sangh ( like sangliana who became a bjp minority cell leader ) or in fact helped sangh by foolishly drumming up non-existent threats like "love jihad"... for the latter, one would have assumed that christians were progressive and would not restrict what christian ladies did in personal lives... but no, whichever christian group first created this non-existent threat of "love jihad" was no different to the anti-human attitudes present in the rest of india.
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1. the sangh doesn't actually treat christians with kid gloves... if there was gujarat 2002 there was also the graham staines "jeep burning" and damage to churches in karnataka.
Christian missionaries are openly converting Hindus through allurement and fraud everywhere in India. What has Sangh done besides making some stupid statements?
who slected them , USSR communist officials , so they are responsible. so if you cannot blame communism same way you cannot blame the other principles only adherents can be blamed , like i said nothing is perfect , ppl make it or you can also make it nothing is imperfect , ppl make it.

some of what you say is true, because in socialism, systems run more on trust than on specific rules... this because socialism is humanism and belief in the other human is necessity.

this is unlike capitalist/theocratic systems where there is huge bureaucracy, with many levels of government and rules, which then become the very reason to have government, and not something for benefit of citizens.

nothing is perfect, yes... but true communism is the natural arrangement of society towards which every progressive person or society must move towards.

Christian missionaries are openly converting Hindus through allurement and fraud everywhere in India. What has Sangh done besides making some stupid statements?

there was the recent case of the church demolished in haryana... the sangh now won''t do big things since it is the government, but it will keep the pot cooking.
no... at least not true islam, as understood by me, a socialist.

huzoor, some months back, some pilgrims died in a stampede in front of the door of a big hindu temple i think in bihar... the stampede began because of a rumor that a live electric wire was touching the ground somewhere near.

some 70 died and more than a hundred were injured... some of the dead would have been those who had just finished performing the rituals inside... did the rituals help??

if you must use that word, please make it "commie tharki mullah".

Watching you reply for a long time. You are no socialist secular. Just a run of the mill usual with lil bit obscure nationality :)
this is unlike capitalist/theocratic systems where there is huge bureaucracy
Let's not compare bureaucracy of Sweden and USSR, ppl will die of laughter. And about theocratic, communism is as theocratic as can get, the top is always masked from realities. Is the wealth of Castro same as avg Cubans??
does castro have "wealth", or just some "perks" for the risks he takes more than the avg cuban??
Why ignore rest of my post.
The perks also can be justified in capitalism too. even though it's not full proof capitalism have some perks also in communism.
Like I said nothing is perfect nor capitalism nor communism. To each his own.
Why ignore rest of my post.

fine then... please read below...

Let's not compare bureaucracy of Sweden and USSR,

ussr was the biggest nation, with many republics and a image to maintain of being the primary power in the socialist bloc and one of the two superpowers... sweden cannot be compared.

nevertheless, ussr was not moving towards true communism but had become fixed in being a single-party dictatorship that protected itself constantly from multi-party western bloc capitalist dictatorships.

to encourage ussr towards true communism was brought out a soviet-edition of the libyan "green book" which of course includes detail of how a society can be politically arranged under decentralized direct-democracy guided by socialism... the libyan system was further along the ideal to the ideal of true communism, true democracy.

The perks also can be justified in capitalism too.

i don't suppose any western bloc leader, in whichever continent, has as many killing attempts and coup plots against them as with leaders of the eastern/southern socialist/progressive bloc... castro and saddam being targets of most assassination attempts, i believe.

nevertheless, my intention was not to portray fidel castro as being separate to the other cubans... cuban citizens have all the rights and facilities expected in a progressing socialist society.
nevertheless, ussr was not moving towards true communism but had become fixed in being a single-party dictatorship that protected itself constantly from multi-party western bloc capitalist dictatorships.
thats why i admire sweden its a multi party socialistic democracy . i gave example of USSR bcoz u talk about USSR are being so perfect . if a big size is bad , then Canada should also crumble also should any big country like china. size is no excuse, it crumbled bcoz of lack of proper administration and contempt among its citizens.
i don't suppose any western bloc leader, in whichever continent, has as many killing attempts and coup plots against them as with leaders of the eastern/southern socialist/progressive bloc... castro and saddam being targets of most assassination attempts, i believe.
same thing can be said in many cases too. every hardworking one deserves its perk, and thats capitalism 101. what i hate is crony capitalism , not socialistic capitalism like Sweden/Norway/ Canada . they provide their citizens proper service. btw i hate USA style capitalism and admire castro for standing up-to it.
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