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US to oppose plea to declare RSS a terror group

LOL....... how is the RSS "causing riots" ? ....... or "injecting venum" into Hindu minds ? :cheesy:

But opposing injustice and unethical practices in India ? :lol:

Hindus and Hinduism IS under attack from everywhere. In the global pecking order Hindus and Indians come right below, maybe just above africa. And the people above on the pecking order have a vested interested in keeping us down there. This IS a reality of the world we live in.

I do not see how speaking the truth becomes a "conspiracy" theory :woot:

Why don't we have the right to make nukes ? or visa on arrival ? why don't Indians get access to global money are low interest rate ? why do we have to buy oil in USD ? :coffee:
There are a lot of other nationalities who face similar issue, or worse, irrespective of their religion. But to Indian(who thinks whole world revolves around India), this is the only conclusion they can make of their misfortune(which is not that great really).We laugh at bangladeshi for saying similar ridiculous things (how they are great, but being held back by others).
There are a lot of other nationalities who face similar issue, or worse, irrespective of their religion. But to Indian(who thinks whole world revolves around India), this is the only conclusion they can make of their misfortune(which is not that great really).We laugh at bangladeshi for saying similar ridiculous things (how they are great, but being held back by others).

Why should I care about other nationalities ? :coffee: .......... that is Absurd. I only need to care about India and Hindus for now.

If your limited intellect prevents you from understanding that, then there is nothing anyone can do. You can continue to be "world citizen" :P

I don't care enough for the BD's to laugh at them, maybe you do that that is your problem. My sympathies.

Finally, I have observe that you have NOT answered a Single of my Question. Only Rhetorics to cover up your lame defence.
Why should I care about other nationalities ? :coffee: .......... that is Absurd. I only need to care about India and Hindus for now.

then you are so far away from communism... so far away... the idea of a single humanity escapes you... you are a villager who lives by "mera gaon mera desh".
RSS wants only Hindus to live in India. First they will call all Indians are Hindus, then they says all Indians are the same race and next, humanity originated from India. This is the #1 fanatic terrorist group among organized religions. brainwashing and slowly destroying India - that's what they do. just like some Muslims will say that Lashkars are peaceful, charity giving, mujahids fighting against infidel army, Sanghis justify this beast called RSS the same way. Sanghi rate of hate - all thanks to ancient terrorists who worshipped Mussolini and brought that sh1t here. That knickeratti volunteers scratching their backs with danda - yes, they are your enemy disguised as a friend. One day those knickerattis want to capture India to go back 7000 years old civilization, the fertile land filled with the corpse of Muslims and Christians, Jains and Sikhs - They'll be travelling in Pushpak Vimanas powered by Go mootra.
Is RSS A Terrorist Organization? By Ram Puniyani
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then you are so far away from communism... so far away... the idea of a single humanity escapes you... you are a villager who lives by "mera gaon mera desh".

I have never claimed to be a communist :cheesy: ........... what ever gave you that absurd idea ?

The Political, social, Religious, racial and cultural realities of the world does not escape me, it escapes you, because you consider all of them to be one instead of separate identities.

I am a villager who's Moto is India first and I vote for the man who says India First. :coffee:

RSS wants only Hindus to live in India. First they will call all Indians are Hindus, then they says all Indians are the same race and next, humanity originated from India. This is the #1 fanatic terrorist group among organized religions. brainwashing and slowly destroying India - that's what they do. just like some Muslims will say that Lashkars are peaceful, charity giving, mujahids fighting against infidel army, Sanghis justify this beast called RSS the same way. Sanghi rate of hate - all thanks to ancient terrorists who worshipped Mussolini and brought that sh1t here. That knickeratti volunteers scratching their backs with danda - yes, they are your enemy disguised as a friend. One day those knickerattis want to capture India to go back 7000 years old civilization, the fertile land filled with the corpse of Muslims and Christians, Jains and Sikhs - They'll be travelling in Pushpak Vimanas powered by Go mootra.
Is RSS A Terrorist Organization? By Ram Puniyani

:lol: ....... take it easy, don't let your hate give you a stroke. :lol:
interesting... it is from the hadees bukhari that the "five times a day" namaaz/salah comes from and not from quran... and as far as i know, the writer, bukhari, came from iran influenced background... so those among muslims who impose prayer on others by fear, are essentially forwarding old irani traditions and not something islami.

@haviZsultan @The_Showstopper @Aamna Ali @Jobless Jack

which is why, dear yazdgird, islam came about and abolished these old anti-human traditions... one society still allows space to that anti-humanity, dear dead yazdgird... india... yazdgird, see these age-old anti-human traditions continued in modern times by exploiting modern situations ( Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Daily Mail Online )... what say thou, @kakathiya ??

did this ritualism help you, yazdgird??

good... kazakhstan and russia and all those states must throw out these superstition-promoting idolatrous hippies and move towards re-forming a ussr-like union.

uh not really according to narrations. 5 times a day prayer was done by the muhammad (pbuh) himself. on his night journey he was recommended to pray 5 times a day by another prophet( i forgot his name ).

however quran specifically talks about Fajr and Asr and Isha (i can confirm fajr and asr)

but since muhammad (phub) prayed 5 times a day. its good enough for me. i honestly dont care what aanyones got to say
5 times a day prayer was done by the muhammad (pbuh) himself.

according to hadees bukhari, i believe... there is no reason to accept any hadees which goes contrary to common sense.

however quran specifically talks about Fajr and Asr and Isha (i can confirm fajr and asr)

thank you.

besides, this argument doesn't apply to me... i don't pray. :cheers: :D
No. But have read a lot of literature, including Quran.

Yep, when it comes to your religion, there are intricacies. While other are just trivial.

God revealed to him that direction need to be changed, I believe he wanted to change the old rituals to give his own.

quit it. you have never read a page of the quran. and even if you did you didn't understand a word.

there is a difference between reading something for the sake of reading and reading to understand
quit it. you have never read a page of the quran. and even if you did you didn't understand a word.

there is a difference between reading something for the sake of reading and reading to understand

i believe he was doing "comparitative religion"... it is all the rage now. :D
There are a lot of other nationalities who face similar issue, or worse, irrespective of their religion. But to Indian(who thinks whole world revolves around India), this is the only conclusion they can make of their misfortune(which is not that great really).We laugh at bangladeshi for saying similar ridiculous things (how they are great, but being held back by others).

Well if it was a deluded thinking by the Hindu community, I'd understand your statements. But they're not alone. We are suffering the same problem as they are.

Maybe you should worry about your country being taken over by radical jihadis, teach them British etiquette rather than tell us about our problems.
Maybe you should worry about your country being taken over by radical jihadis, teach them British etiquette rather than tell us about our problems.

you should go teach this fellow some british etiquette...

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