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US to oppose plea to declare RSS a terror group

Americans as smart as they maybe, they do their research very very well.

That's what is their strength; the analysis they conduct on a potential partner or adversary is extremely detailed. Regardless of what they tell the world which is mostly a lie, they know where to put what. And declaring the parent organization of India's most powerful leader (Nehru and Indira who ruled majority illiterate and poor masses with no access to mass media than DD, versus NaMo who commands this power in this age of communication, social media and private channels) till date is certainly not on their list.

Declaring RSS a terror group would antagonize a big load of Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists (yes, unbeknownst to many posters here on this forum, we do have a huge membership in RSS particularly in eastern regions).

Also unlike India's wannabe-liberal type metro city population, some of the most influential and strong Indians living in the USA are very culturally observant of their ancient faiths be it Hindu or other sister faiths. This community forms one of the wealthiest, most educated and significantly contributing to American economy, only next to the Jews.

People think of RSS as a bunch of disciplinarian, colonial era, shorts wearing dingbats (by haters) and old-timers (by new generation people).

It is quite opposite to that. It has some of the sharpest, most innovative minds associated with them.

I was researching on them for a long time out of curiosity and came to know that their reach is far more powerful than we thought.

There are organization that strongly support the present government abroad like OFBJP and their affiliations with HAF, WHC and their strategic relations with AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies makes them far, far more influential than what a shallow joke like centre-leftist political parties think they command.

Great post also didn't knew Buddhist join RSS in large numbers

What do you reckon?
Have you ever come across a Sikh organisation in India or Sikhs in general crying foul about RSS or calling it a terror organisation?
There's a motive behind this move..& again..this is going to fall flat.

Thought the same
RSS is not terror organization.. but they are radicalising hindus all over India.. its like they are cooking India in low flame instead of burning her in spectacular way.
end result is painful for Indians.

India is already a state with painful situation....Do you think the same India will remain so peaceful when Muslim will constitute 40-50% of the population?...If any one is thinking that India will be peaceful then they are in day dream...Kashmir valley is a live example how a Muslim majority state like to cooexist with their other minority people...Give an example of some democratic Muslim that provides equal opport to all religious people in their nation...In that context, the fear and the anxiety that is raised by the RSS is absolutely valid to safeguard the interest of my nation.

Because people don't join as Buddhists or Hindus or sikhs... they join as children ready to serve Bharat Mata.

Spot on brother...Dil Khus kar diya....
and what if nato militaries and intel. were not existing to do regime-change in every sociialist society... what then??
What if there was no Australia South Africa Newzealand India would have won the World cup.

If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen
i have read it somewhere, maybe three weeks ago... and that is also the impression i got from modi bhakts on pdf.

don't like something i wrote?? :lol:

There was a call for a ban. But the call first came from Women Organisations, and later the opposition and finally taken up by BJP.
I hope you do know to read news
quit it. you have never read a page of the quran. and even if you did you didn't understand a word.

there is a difference between reading something for the sake of reading and reading to understand

Ok. :lol:

Good reasoning and logic you have provided in support.

You guys are just robots, believing every shit thrown at you.
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