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US to oppose plea to declare RSS a terror group

@he-man are these people genuinely care about India or are just proxies of our enemies
What do you reckon?
Have you ever come across a Sikh organisation in India or Sikhs in general crying foul about RSS or calling it a terror organisation?
There's a motive behind this move..& again..this is going to fall flat.
how did the obama usa government turn into entire usa??

"usa opposing the petition against rss" is as true as "new york welcomes modi" - factually wrong and just the fantasy of some nationalist indians who actually want to turn india into totally a hinduvadi state.

i see india more and more turning into a dictatorship.

india has some cosmopolitanism because of its minorities who after 1947 made their presence shown in especially the bombay film industry which helped bring ideas of cosmopolitanism and acceptance of the world to the awareness of the indian masses.

the progress made by those films is now deteriorating by the "indian culture" being promoted in recent "family drama" films and especially "family drama" tv serials in which people greet each other by "radhe krishna" and where the females live in a unreal oppressive environment dictated by "elders" and where obscure hindu festivals like "dhan teras" are celebrated over four episodes.
RSS murdered thousands during and after partition in Kashmir and and Jammu
Partition was a different story altogether n both sides have fair share of bloods in their hands..... So lets just stick to OP...
On topic -
They may declare RSS a terrorist group however current PM n one Ex PM(Abv ji) comes from same background.....
india has some cosmopolitanism because of its minorities who after 1947 made their presence shown in especially the bombay film industry which helped bring ideas of cosmopolitanism and acceptance of the world to the awareness of the indian masses.

the progress made by those films is now deteriorating by the "indian culture" being promoted in recent "family drama" films and especially "family drama" tv serials in which people greet each other by "radhe krishna" and where the females live in a unreal oppressive environment dictated by "elders" and where obscure hindu festivals like "dhan teras" are celebrated over four episodes.
You would have simply put it down that you don't like Hindus way of life being a muslim rather than mocking here our beliefs one more time....
In a way greeting Radhe Krishna is far better than chanting Allah hu before self exploding......
Btw these days I am celebrating Navratri n quitted non veg permanently from my diet(from this Navratri) was certain example of deteriorating culture n against the cosmopolitan way of life.... I am much happier to be labelled with a timid n narrow minded Hindu than to associate anything which has produced so many self exploding humans ....

So you believe the cosmopolitan nature of India was preserved only by minorities whole heartedly n same was not reciprocated by majority...... I agreed to what you said as proved from the same cosmopolitan action of Bhatkal brothers to Dawood Ibrahim to many others indian mullahs who truly lived by your definition...... Did you miss something, recent news of how the same minority ingrained in your so called cosmopolitan culture from India joining the blood bath of ISIS....

I hope you do follow the same culture of immense hatreds towards us but we don't require such ppl to brag about our cosmopolitan credentials.....
Have you ever heard the concept of "Vasudhev Kutumbakkam"? N that's my way of defining Cosmopolitan or most modern way of human life not the one which teaches Slay the non believers.....
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You would have simply put it down that you don't like Hindus way of life being a muslim rather than mocking here our beliefs one more time....

true enough... i as a thinking and careful muslim socialist don't like the ritualism, prayer-bound, village-like life promoted by traditional hinduism... no thinking person would.

In a way greeting Radhe Krishna is far better than chanting Allah hu before self exploding......

yes, saddam hussain self-exploded three times a week.
true enough... i as a thinking and careful muslim socialist don't like the ritualism, prayer-bound, village-like life promoted by traditional hinduism... no thinking person would.

yes, saddam hussain self-exploded three times a week.

Then y don't you go n lick the grave of Saddam if fascinates you so much....
Start from you, go n try jatka swine before you teach us what rituals are for.....
I am done with a bigoted mullah...
I was under different impression about you...
Thank you Mr to follow the cult of Pedophile started around 1500yrs back...
@SrNair see we are breeding these ....
@Sarthak Ganguly
true enough... i as a thinking and careful muslim socialist don't like the ritualism, prayer-bound, village-like life promoted by traditional hinduism... no thinking person would.

yes, saddam hussain self-exploded three times a week.

Isn't Islam likewise a ritualistic. prayer bound and village-like religion ?
Isn't Islam likewise a ritualistic. prayer bound and village-like religion ?

no... at least not true islam, as understood by me, a socialist.

Start from you, go n try jatka swine before you teach us what rituals are for.....

huzoor, some months back, some pilgrims died in a stampede in front of the door of a big hindu temple i think in bihar... the stampede began because of a rumor that a live electric wire was touching the ground somewhere near.

some 70 died and more than a hundred were injured... some of the dead would have been those who had just finished performing the rituals inside... did the rituals help??

I am done with a bigoted mullah...

if you must use that word, please make it "commie tharki mullah".
no... at least not true islam, as understood by me, a socialist.

That's the problem. There seems to be too many variants of Islam which in my view is simply the utmost form of disrespect to its founder Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. You now seem to add a new variant. Nothing more to be said of it I guess
Partition was a different story altogether n both sides have fair share of bloods in their hands..... So lets just stick to OP...
On topic -
They may declare RSS a terrorist group however current PM n one Ex PM(Abv ji) comes from same background.....

Americans as smart as they maybe, they do their research very very well.

That's what is their strength; the analysis they conduct on a potential partner or adversary is extremely detailed. Regardless of what they tell the world which is mostly a lie, they know where to put what. And declaring the parent organization of India's most powerful leader (Nehru and Indira who ruled majority illiterate and poor masses with no access to mass media than DD, versus NaMo who commands this power in this age of communication, social media and private channels) till date is certainly not on their list.

Declaring RSS a terror group would antagonize a big load of Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists (yes, unbeknownst to many posters here on this forum, we do have a huge membership in RSS particularly in eastern regions).

Also unlike India's wannabe-liberal type metro city population, some of the most influential and strong Indians living in the USA are very culturally observant of their ancient faiths be it Hindu or other sister faiths. This community forms one of the wealthiest, most educated and significantly contributing to American economy, only next to the Jews.

People think of RSS as a bunch of disciplinarian, colonial era, shorts wearing dingbats (by haters) and old-timers (by new generation people).

It is quite opposite to that. It has some of the sharpest, most innovative minds associated with them.

I was researching on them for a long time out of curiosity and came to know that their reach is far more powerful than we thought.

There are organization that strongly support the present government abroad like OFBJP and their affiliations with HAF, WHC and their strategic relations with AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies makes them far, far more influential than what a shallow joke like centre-leftist political parties think they command.
what happens in us is non of our concern or business.

let those guys jump up and down.

The US has told a court that it intends to move for dismissal of a lawsuit for declaring India’s RSS as a “terror group” while seeking time till April 14 to do so.

In a motion filed Tuesday before judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York, US attorney Preet Bharara said the “government requires additional time to finalize its motion and supporting papers”.

The US based rights group Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) has filed a lawsuit in the US court to label the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh as a foreign terrorist organization, according to SFJ attorney Gurpatwant S Pannun. It has sought such a declaration for RSS for allegedly “believing in and practicing a fascist ideology and for running a passionate, vicious and violent campaign to turn India into a ‘Hindu’ nation with a homogeneous religious and cultural identity”.
In its response filed on behalf of Secretary of State John Kerry, Bharara’s office acknowledged that the government’s deadline to respond to the complaint was Tuesday.

But “in lieu of an answer, the Government intends to move to dismiss the complaint, and requires additional time to finalise its motion and supporting papers,” it said.
“In the event this request is granted, the Government would consent to any reasonable deadline for the filing of opposition papers that plaintiff’s counsel would propose,” it added.

US to oppose plea to declare RSS a terror group | The Indian Express
huzoor, some months back, some pilgrims died in a stampede in front of the door of a big hindu temple i think in bihar... the stampede began because of a rumor that a live electric wire was touching the ground somewhere near.

some 70 died and more than a hundred were injured... some of the dead would have been those who had just finished performing the rituals inside... did the rituals help??.

Are rituals means to make someone immortal?

Praying to allah makes people free of all sorrows?
how did the obama usa government turn into entire usa??

"usa opposing the petition against rss" is as true as "new york welcomes modi" - factually wrong and just the fantasy of some nationalist indians who actually want to turn india into totally a hinduvadi state.

i see india more and more turning into a dictatorship.

india has some cosmopolitanism because of its minorities who after 1947 made their presence shown in especially the bombay film industry which helped bring ideas of cosmopolitanism and acceptance of the world to the awareness of the indian masses.

the progress made by those films is now deteriorating by the "indian culture" being promoted in recent "family drama" films and especially "family drama" tv serials in which people greet each other by "radhe krishna" and where the females live in a unreal oppressive environment dictated by "elders" and where obscure hindu festivals like "dhan teras" are celebrated over four episodes.

muslims and christians are not linguistic minorities,india is more than cosmopolitan enough compared to any country.
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