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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

Are you for real??

If you still believe that future wars (specially between US & Pakistan, if at all) will be fought with AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's, you're either still living in the 1990s or you're in for a rude shock.

You are the one who is in for a shocker America is being reduced to Russia's fate by AK 47 USINGcivilians in Afghanistan.....yet you say they are ineffective.... and if you ask me G 3 is much better than an AK......:smokin:
Its very believable that a suicide bomber riding a donkey will break into the high security nuclear sites of Pakistan..just grab the bomb..tie it on his chest...run away...the explode it in the middle of Newyork...
I always thought stealing a nuke is more difficult than stealing chicken from a poultry farm..But since "American experts" say its easier than stealing chicken..and even easier than shplifting in walmart...iam worried..

No worries..Captain America will save them
As said before the damn troll's are here they just can't live without doing wat they do best TROLL... jerks.
You are the one who is in for a shocker America is being reduced to Russia's fate by AK 47 USINGcivilians in Afghanistan.....yet you say they are ineffective.... and if you ask me G 3 is much better than an AK......:smokin:

Ok, if you say so!!!!
Kinda like... Dajjal innit ;)

It's a simple matter of technology.

I try to explain to all the people in Pakistan who believe in Khilafat and ummah and whatever that it is not a cure for our problems. Just reciting the Qur'an and having a Khilafat will not magically solve our problems. That stuff may be good for the afterlife but, in this world, it's all about science and technology. It's about who puts in the time and effort to understand science in this world -- the rewards go to them. Allah does not play favorites in that game.

In that respect, most of the Muslim world is still stuck in the twelfth century, while everybody else is going to the moon.
I think we are beating a dead horse here. No one is deploying anywhere.
It's a simple matter of technology.

I try to explain to all the people in Pakistan who believe in Khilafat and ummah and whatever that it is not a cure for our problems. Just reciting the Qur'an and having a Khilafat will not magically solve our problems. That stuff may be good for the afterlife but, in this world, it's all about science and technology. It's about who puts in the time and effort to understand science in this world -- the rewards go to them. Allah does not play favorites in that game.

In that respect, most of the Muslim world is still stuck in the twelfth century, while everybody else is going to the moon.
You are 100% correct - You know people here cry about Israel and think that they will be threatened by Khilfat or like iranian regime.They are idiots!In fact It is Israel's interest that Muslim countries gets government like that of Iran so they don't prosper and remain isolated globally.That is why Israel built Hamas so as to earn international sympathy (Hamas being the bad guys).Muslims IMHO are too dumb to understand this.
@ patriot & developereo you don't seem to understand the nature of mainstream sunni islam. it is a very pragmatic and practical faith. it is quite clear about it's guidelines - everyone at both the inidividual and collective (community level) gets what he or she (or they) are working for - the good of it and the bad of it. science and technology are the work of God in action - there is nothing against islam in pursuing them - to quote from an unusual source "islam demands justice in all spheres of human activity, an achieving this requires knowledge - ilm. every muslim is obliged to pursue knowledge in all its forms .... they [muslims] endeavored to acquire the knowledge of previous civilizations"(p16 The code book by simon singh ISBN 0385495315). incidentally, the book also mentions that "...they [muslims] invented cryptanalysis - the science of unscrambling a message without knowing its key". if you read the quran it mentions the natural phenomenon of rising and setting of the sun, the change of seasons etc as proof of Gods existence and majesty - pursuit of the knowledge of their functions and nature is part and parcel of the faith.

As for the khilafah issue - you need to bear in mind that once th banu ummayah usurped the khilafa after the assassination of H. Ali the khalifa were all illegitimate in the hereditary nature of their selection / election, among other innovations they introduced...as I said in an earlier post, the faith demands that, in the absence of prophetic guidance, you follow the act and not the individual i.e. you support legitimate actions and oppose illegitimate ones regardless of who is doing them. incidentally you do not seem to realize that, with the introduction of the tanzimat, as early as 1254 / 1839, the osmanlis (ottomans) has introduced laws patterned after european laws i.e. left the islamic laws -so much for the "last khilafat"....

then the issue of 'ummah'-it comes from self identification - the "arabs' you talk about are exactly that arabs i.e. they identify themselves as arabs as opposed to muslims first hence their behavior and policies. the iranian model is totally unacceptable to a sunni community because they claim, at least, some element of infallibility for their imams - something which, in the absence of prophethood, is anethema to sunni islam.

the "opposition" to science sprang from the illegitimate nature of the regimes - they had to justify their rule so they sought and promoted "ulema" who would give rulings legitimizing the rule of the khalifas and sultans and otherwise divert the populace. a prime example in modern times is the saudi state - a "kingdom" indeed - islam is an egalitarian faith - it loathes any concept of preference other than on merit - so much for "royalty".

finally, as I said earlier, sunni islam is a practical and pragmatic faith, so you get what you sow - if you, as an individual and a community - deify humans and follow them without question, you get what we all see -if you follow laws and regulations, as they do in the US for example -you rule the world....
It's a simple matter of technology.

I try to explain to all the people in Pakistan who believe in Khilafat and ummah and whatever that it is not a cure for our problems. Just reciting the Qur'an and having a Khilafat will not magically solve our problems. That stuff may be good for the afterlife but, in this world, it's all about science and technology. It's about who puts in the time and effort to understand science in this world -- the rewards go to them. Allah does not play favorites in that game.

In that respect, most of the Muslim world is still stuck in the twelfth century, while everybody else is going to the moon.

Bro let me reassure you of one thing... In Khilafat science and tech gets top priority... it is nt the case that Islam is some sort of a spiritual ideology (although our enemies would like us to think that)... Islam is a mix of matter and spirit and there are verses upon verses in the Quran that invite people to THINK and PONDER upon the world and the universe... This in itself constitute the whole of science i.e observation and experimentation...

The only thing that is holding us back is the enforced slavery of the west in our lands... when Pakistan can manage to build the A Bomb despite multiple problems facing it, it can do anything that others have done... trust me we can even go to the moon... but not when zardari is our chief... no way... the only direction we go down under his rule is DOWN in earth... in a grave...

You simply need the correct setup and mentality behind the mission... a zest for life and the love to taste death as Muslims...

btw Caliphs in the past used to take great interests in scientific work and scientists as you probably know were highly valued by the Islamic State...

Let the US deploy their forces yaar... More POWs for us to use as bargain chips maybe... ;)
heres another secret... we are going to invite some US scientists to work for the Caliphate... we will pay them double what they get in the US... ;)
You are 100% correct - You know people here cry about Israel and think that they will be threatened by Khilfat or like iranian regime.They are idiots!In fact It is Israel's interest that Muslim countries gets government like that of Iran so they don't prosper and remain isolated globally.That is why Israel built Hamas so as to earn international sympathy (Hamas being the bad guys).Muslims IMHO are too dumb to understand this.

nahhh... another Iran or Hamas is not the plan my dear... Believe me the insiders who know this game are beginning to smile at America's desperation regarding AfPak... The only threat we face now is from within our current government, mainstream political parties and from the top brass of Pak Army (well some of it anyway) as well as the intelligence goons (who are doing CIA's dirty business in our country)... the people are now ready for this change... its only a matter of time... be ready and when you see it happen... put all your weight and strength that you can possibly muster behind it without hesitation...

Protect your nukes!!!!!!
Bro let me reassure you of one thing... In Khilafat science and tech gets top priority... it is nt the case that Islam is some sort of a spiritual ideology (although our enemies would like us to think that)... Islam is a mix of matter and spirit and there are verses upon verses in the Quran that invite people to THINK and PONDER upon the world and the universe... This in itself constitute the whole of science i.e observation and experimentation...

The only thing that is holding us back is the enforced slavery of the west in our lands... when Pakistan can manage to build the A Bomb despite multiple problems facing it, it can do anything that others have done... trust me we can even go to the moon... but not when zardari is our chief... no way... the only direction we go down under his rule is DOWN in earth... in a grave...

You simply need the correct setup and mentality behind the mission... a zest for life and the love to taste death as Muslims...

btw Caliphs in the past used to take great interests in scientific work and scientists as you probably know were highly valued by the Islamic State...

Let the US deploy their forces yaar... More POWs for us to use as bargain chips maybe... ;)

The political set up in Pakistan allows people like Mr. Ten Percent to be elected and these people in turn select incompetent military leaders like Pasha and Kayani to head the armed forces. Then they go on blaming the 'Islamists' for their colossal failures!
Bro let me reassure you of one thing... In Khilafat science and tech gets top priority... it is nt the case that Islam is some sort of a spiritual ideology (although our enemies would like us to think that)... Islam is a mix of matter and spirit and there are verses upon verses in the Quran that invite people to THINK and PONDER upon the world and the universe... This in itself constitute the whole of science i.e observation and experimentation...

The only thing that is holding us back is the enforced slavery of the west in our lands... when Pakistan can manage to build the A Bomb despite multiple problems facing it, it can do anything that others have done... trust me we can even go to the moon... but not when zardari is our chief... no way... the only direction we go down under his rule is DOWN in earth... in a grave...

You simply need the correct setup and mentality behind the mission... a zest for life and the love to taste death as Muslims...

btw Caliphs in the past used to take great interests in scientific work and scientists as you probably know were highly valued by the Islamic State...
Khilafat is not possible in a nation like Pakistan in current circumstances. Pakistani society is in such a state of decay that it is difficult to explain with words.

The main reason that Pakistan is finding itself in a big mess in current times is due to shortsighted mentality of its citizens. It is easy to blame Zardari and others. However, majority of Pakistani citizens ALLOW people like these to take power and play with the entire nation. Those who vote for people like these are indirectly COMPLICIT in the actions of Zardari type politicians.

Pakistan is in dire need of EDUCATIONAL revolution and elimination of wadarism and corruption. Only then, a true Islamic style leadership is possible in this nation.

And same logic applies globally for the Islamic world.

Let the US deploy their forces yaar... More POWs for us to use as bargain chips maybe... ;)
I really hope that my fellow Pakistani citizens do not consider them stupid after the May 2 raid. You once used to doubt my points regarding technical prowess of US. Actions speak louder then words.

We should treat this example as an eye-opener. To learn from it, and do something to make our nation strong.
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