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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

The idiot who wrote this story..............is totaly nonsense............he even don't have knowledge of any..................even we agree with him...is that Pakistani stock pile is at one place in Islamabad where somebody can come and pick that.................they are scatared in the country............and beleive me even US don't know where they are ..............if they were knew they never let them to be inside of Pakistan
hmmm.... after the operation in Abotabbad ..... i guess it can happen .......... although the command and control structure might be different out there but still we cannot stop coming them from air....plus as per CIA ........ they have developed their own infrastructure within pakistan ....... this is more concern..................................
After Abbot Abad Operation, it is quite possible for them. My question is do we have technology to fight against Stealth helicopters & bombers?? Can we respond within minutes , if yes than how can we find their locations without radar (As Stealth will not appear on radar). Now it is very clear that Americans has a very clear mission to destroy or stop our nuclear mission at any cost & for this they use a very solid trick of Bin Ladan Drama Attack. In Actual they wanted to know our response time, also remember that Abot Abad is few kilometers away from Kahota & Khushab reactors.

Now Americans will have following options to use:

1) Find Excuse to Attack:

For this they have found half excuse now they will link Bin Ladan's data (Obtained from his compound) with our atomic Scientists/ISI Officers to show the world that our army officers / Scientists have relations with Al-Qaida. Or they will attach themselves with some guided missile from Afghanistan or from stealth bombers & tell the world that Talibans made attack on pakistan's nuclear assets. Or Americans first kill our very high profile army persons/both army persos+ high profile civilian persons to show the world that our Neo-3 strategy is under attack.

2) Take control to Steal Uranium / In case of failure in plan Destroy our Reactors:

aster creating one of the solid excuse (Plotted & implemented by Americans) there first preference will be to take control of our nukes. For this they will repeat military attack with stealth helicopters & naval forces. They will use E-bomb at sargodha airbase to jam our all communications so that all planes will be useless with out communication. Also take control of Sargodha airbase. Second & third team will attack at Kahota & Khushab reactors. During these attacks we will know just before American's boots will be at our Airforce base & reactors (As we dont have ability to find stealth helicopters in our air space). Who will command than ?? After using E-bomb, what will we do without airforce (As Stealths can be destroyed only with fighters planes) ?? Will we have quick response strategy by our military commanders against them, As we have already seen that military cant do anything without taking permission from our politicians?? If they dont need any permission than also what will they do in above scenario?? That will be very horrible story !!

In case Pakistani forces have a strong defence than they will prefer to destroy our reactors with stealth bombers. As they know clearly that it will take decades again to rebuild them. Being a Pakistani what will be our next need in future either water dams or atomic reactors first ??

Are you agree or not with me?:undecided:
The US knows. They have micro UAVs the size of insects. They have satellites than can read newspaper headlines from space.

The US knows.

But still they don't know .............may be they knows one of two locations.............but they don't have information...........its already said by Khalid Qudavi in TV Interview...........Pakistan has separate unit of SSG those safe guards the stock pile...........and even they dig and check the graves of relatives of persons who worked with this all even head of security is not above the security...he is even checked and scrutinzed when he visit the place............and then there are multi layers of security...each one separate............and the person working in one layer have knowledge only his specific area not others..................this is human layer..................and its almost impossible to get leak any info....................now as per technology is concern.............Pakistan has indigeniously built its own key locks that guard the nukes.....so even u put the bomb under a truck and run on this....it will not explose......so don't worry about the security of our nukes.....they are in right hands and with right peoples........wh are safe guarding those from many decades.
I have no doubt in my mind they ll try to take out our nukes once we take over... but then we will send them back in coffins with American flags wrapped around them...

I agree with those who say they dont need an excuse... they can call anyone a terrorist... this actually happens all the time when Islam is being discussed as a political solution... goons of America do that everywhere (even on this forum... when they have no discussion they label you a terrorist)...
But still they don't know .............may be they knows one of two locations.............but they don't have information...........its already said by Khalid Qudavi in TV Interview...........Pakistan has separate unit of SSG those safe guards the stock pile...........and even they dig and check the graves of relatives of persons who worked with this all even head of security is not above the security...he is even checked and scrutinzed when he visit the place............and then there are multi layers of security...each one separate............and the person working in one layer have knowledge only his specific area not others..................this is human layer..................and its almost impossible to get leak any info....................now as per technology is concern.............Pakistan has indigeniously built its own key locks that guard the nukes.....so even u put the bomb under a truck and run on this....it will not explose......so don't worry about the security of our nukes.....they are in right hands and with right peoples........wh are safe guarding those from many decades.

All this is correct but during Musharaf's time there was a report that our security was breached and Musharaf had allowed access to America within our sensitive installations... something to do with codes (I m trying to remember at the top of my head)
Sorry, just won't happen. People are getting too paranoid.

Man it is not about paranoia. The last time people said paranoia about OBL, see what happened. The thing is, whatever you have been calling as either exaggeration or lie has turned out to be true so far sometime or the other. Let's not be so quick to dismiss this. Remember that your military installations have already been attacked before including the main command building. That is not even half as serious as what this sort of scenario will be involving nuclear weapons. This is a big threat to us as well as the only other country in the region, that is a target for AQ and associates; Israel.

The dry statement that Mushy boss put that someone has quoted above was when he was the supreme commander and leader of your country, and when your country was not facing threats like today. At that time Pakistan's government was more in command than a command crisis that is going on right now. Don't deny it. It is there. US is a bit over-alert I will agree but it is not paranoid. Otherwise they won't think so far ahead in the future including the OBL raid with a solid 20% error margin probability.

Think about this before you declare this deployment announcement also as a myth because so far all the myths/propaganda/paranoia has all come true.
beside all the facts there is another fact ......... KHALA JI KA GHAR NAHI HAY JAHAN AYIEN GAY AOUR CHALAIN JAYIEN GAY ............
After this raid i think americans are more confidant than ever before. Do remember Iraq's case. How they created media hype, and they are trying to do the same against pakistan. Why there are claims from west that pakistans nuke program is bigger than what normaly people perceive.
also do remember condelisa rise in 2006 said that they do have a plan to take out nukes. I think the case is being prepared against pakistan and they might try it. Forget UNSC, They damn care for it.

What if they bomb our sites with B2 stealth bombers??? because i don't think they will risk their soldiers lives by sending them like they did in abbottabad, it will be suicide mission. But what if B2?? do we have a answer for it.
After this raid i think americans are more confidant than ever before. Do remember Iraq's case. How they created media hype, and they are trying to do the same against pakistan. Why there are claims from west that pakistans nuke program is bigger than what normaly people perceive.
also do remember condelisa rise in 2006 said that they do have a plan to take out nukes. I think the case is being prepared against pakistan and they might try it. Forget UNSC, They damn care for it.

What if they bomb our sites with B2 stealth bombers??? because i don't think they will risk their soldiers lives by sending them like they did in abbottabad, it will be suicide mission. But what if B2?? do we have a answer for it.

First the weapons are not kept all in one place and its very hard even for the US to know where each and every of 100+ of them is. Secondly how about using them against American bases in Afghanistan, Iraq and Oman for a starter? If we go down, we'll surely take 50-70,000 American lives with us. Americans are not dumb, they would have taken cost/benfit equation into account.

Just my 2 cents.
First the weapons are not kept all in one place and its very hard even for the US to know where each and every of 100+ of them is. Secondly how about using them against American bases in Afghanistan, Iraq and Oman for a starter? If we go down, we'll surely take 50-70,000 American lives with us. Americans are not dumb, they would have taken cost/benfit equation into account.

Just my 2 cents.
And you need courage for that. Do you believe that our leadership both civilian and military will go for this. Also B2 is stealth bomber, and the main logic used by dy air chief was that they used stealth heli's so we were not able to detect them. don't you think the same logic will apply in B2 case?
And i know they are not in one place and also have SAM and defensives system and no one person can just press the button and fire nuke, its really highly complicated defence and security measures applied there but still what if they try to bomb all of our security locations?

Although my first step would be to stop their transit and block all their logistics support. I think we can deal with them much better if we have honest and courageuos leadership. Not NRO leadership.
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