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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

Khilafat is not possible in a nation like Pakistan in current circumstances. Pakistani society is in such a state of decay that it is difficult to explain with words.

The main reason that Pakistan is finding itself in a big mess in current times is due to shortsighted mentality of its citizens. It is easy to blame Zardari and others. However, majority of Pakistani citizens ALLOW people like these to take power and play with the entire nation. Those who vote for people like these are indirectly COMPLICIT in the actions of Zardari type politicians.

Pakistan is in dire need of EDUCATIONAL revolution and elimination of wadarism and corruption. Only then, a true Islamic style leadership is possible in this nation.

And same logic applies globally for the Islamic world.

I really hope that my fellow Pakistani citizens do not consider them stupid after the May 2 raid. You once used to doubt my points regarding technical prowess of US. Actions speak louder then words.

We should treat this example as an eye-opener. To learn from it, and do something to make our nation strong.

Yaar LeGend... YOu think the pagan Arab society which used to bury their daughters alive was better than us in Pakistan today... did nt the Prophet saw start the Islamic State in that society?? We are more than ready for the Caliphate... Most importantly people support this because of the legacy of the Islamic State... nothing else... You ask anyone on the streets in Pakistan if they want a system like Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali RA and 99 percent will say YES... some may say that its not possible but they do want it...

Btw... people who vote for political parties such as PPP are the most brainwashed and delusional folks that our country can ever produce... they even buy votes so I agree that those who vote for these parties share in the burden of sin BUT the current election system is a fraud and cannot deliver us out of the troubles... I am pretty sure that the majority of our people dont even vote in these sham elections...

Your emphasis on education makes no sense in the absence of a leadership that embarks on such a mission... who will educate our people... Zardari? Sharif? Jamaat e Islami?

The problem is a chicken and egg... which comes first?? Allah comes first maray bhai... change the system... you can do education then... and if it helps... some of the worst enemies amongst us throughout our history have actually been the educated ones... these idiots in suits that form governments... many of them are actually educated... yet full of fisq and fajoor... whats the point of education that produces animals such as these??


Lastly... and for the thousandth time... America say Khuda mat banao... America can be brought to its knees if Pakistani politicians and Army Generals were nt worried about their ill gotten wealth and children working in the US/UK... if you think that our Army was not aware of this OBL operation and the Americans did all this without anyone knowing, you perhaps need to get a reality check... Not only did our Army know, the helis were even detected on our radars but there were orders not to scramble any planes and do absolutely nothing about them...

Also... till now I considered the Americans as arrogant but not stupid... but now I think Americans are stupid also... they have no idea of the mess they are creating for themselves inside Pakistan... They are losing Pakistan fast (whatever is remaining of it) and I am certainly very satisfied and happy over this... If only Americans had listened to us, such a day would not have happened... but then... let them act all smart and do their laughable psychological games... the game is actually gone out of their hands now... opposition to America is way too deep inside the system for them to be able to maintain the status quo for too long...
Have we not learned that the attribution of such baseless accusations to an “unnamed US source” leaves this story without a shred of credibility? We have said this before and we will say it again, our government has full confidence in Pakistan’s ability to provide security to their nuclear assets. Conspiracy theorists will say, without any sources, whatever they please, but remember the US and Pakistan are fighting a common enemy. We saw them strike after Usama Bin Laden (UBL) death and kill over 90 innocent Frontier Constabulary cadets in retaliation. Retaliation for UBL, one who was not even a Pakistani. Think, should not our focus be on eliminating this common enemy, rather than wasting our time and energies on conspiracy theories?

We should be looking to better the world and our alliance for the sake of future generations, a task that can only be accomplished if we work together to free ourselves from the threats Taliban and Al-Qaida terrorism.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET- United States Central Command

Have we not learned that the attribution of such baseless accusations to an “unnamed US source” leaves this story without a shred of credibility? We have said this before and we will say it again, our government has full confidence in Pakistan’s ability to provide security to their nuclear assets. Conspiracy theorists will say, without any sources, whatever they please, but remember the US and Pakistan are fighting a common enemy. We saw them strike after Usama Bin Laden (UBL) death and kill over 90 innocent Frontier Constabulary cadets in retaliation. Retaliation for UBL, one who was not even a Pakistani. Think, should not our focus be on eliminating this common enemy, rather than wasting our time and energies on conspiracy theories?

We should be looking to better the world and our alliance for the sake of future generations, a task that can only be accomplished if we work together to free ourselves from the threats Taliban and Al-Qaida terrorism.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET- United States Central Command


And you expect us to believe your commander?? you must be joking..
And you expect us to believe your commander?? you must be joking..

Well from the sounds of it... his mental capacity and all... He might just be a commander at Centcom... LOL

and while he is preaching love and common cause to us here... This is what is being reported in CNN...

Bin Laden raid was humiliating to Pakistanis, Gates and Mullen say - CNN.com

Pakistan humiliated? I thought Pakistan gave you all the information about OBL's whereabouts... Did nt Obama mention that? or was that just a conspiracy theory also?

I tell you who the common enemy is... after Osama gone... The US is the common enemy of the entire world... It has to be stopped at all cost... Heres my message to you Commander...

Suck on my machine gun!!!

Soon you ll be dealing with those whose national pastime is uprooting Empires!!! and they have the US in their sights... what have you dealt with so far... the commies? baathists? have you ever dealt with armies that are invisible?

Be ready everyone... As I write these words even the sky is being prepared to start saying Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah...
Pakistan needs to assert its muslim identity and needs leaders on the calibre of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed......if the nation is united no one can crush it!

When Khalid bin Waleed was sent a message by the Roman Emperor that before you dare fight with us just look at the large number of my army. Khalid bin Waleed sent a return message that you look at my men before you fight with us because I have men who loves death more then you love life. We are only fighting in the way of Allah. Either we win or die in His name until Allah gives us victory over you.
During Uhd after the war when Abu Suyfian inquired if Muhammad (SAW),Abu Bakr and Umer are still alive. After the affirmation from Umer(RA) Abu Suyian said a day for a day and then he praised Hubal (his Idol). Muhammad asked Umer (RA) won’t you say anything to him, Umer said what should I say? Muhammad (SAW) said tell him Allah is Great and our dead are in Janat and your dead are in hell fire.
I wish we will learn from our Prophet (SAW) since all these events are an example for us so that we learn from it and adopt similar strategies to achieve our goals.
Its no time to remind us the muslim identity. why not Saudia Arabia leads the muslim countries ?? Only Pakistan take responsibility for whole Muslim Worls??
what happend to other Muslim COuntries like Iraq & Afhanistan ?? They also knew the example of Khalid Bin Waleed as a muslim country & loose identity.
You want to know why ?? Because of ignorance of our Mullahs with Science:undecided: Which Islamic Country is leading in Science & Technology ?? quote me a single one ??
All dependent on Non-Muslim Countries for your Weapons & Technologies:undecided:
Well from the sounds of it... his mental capacity and all... He might just be a commander at Centcom... LOL

and while he is preaching love and common cause to us here... This is what is being reported in CNN...

Bin Laden raid was humiliating to Pakistanis, Gates and Mullen say - CNN.com

Pakistan humiliated? I thought Pakistan gave you all the information about OBL's whereabouts... Did nt Obama mention that? or was that just a conspiracy theory also?

I tell you who the common enemy is... after Osama gone... The US is the common enemy of the entire world... It has to be stopped at all cost... Heres my message to you Commander...

Suck on my machine gun!!!

Soon you ll be dealing with those whose national pastime is uprooting Empires!!! and they have the US in their sights... what have you dealt with so far... the commies? baathists? have you ever dealt with armies that are invisible?

Be ready everyone... As I write these words even the sky is being prepared to start saying Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah...

The common enemy is these taliban and jihadi terrorists who have attacked PNS Mehran and destroyed PN Naval Aviation. Please stop living in lala land. Allah, Allah, Allah helps only those who help themselves. The sky is not going to save you.
I tell you who the common enemy is... after Osama gone... The US is the common enemy of the entire world... It has to be stopped at all cost... Heres my message to you Commander...


True. Be it Indian or Pakistani, americans are friends of noone. Its time to unite brother. :tup:

They and their allies(members of NATO) have been trying to put oil between Hindus and muslims in region, since 60 years. Its time to end their game.
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