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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

After this raid i think americans are more confidant than ever before. Do remember Iraq's case. How they created media hype, and they are trying to do the same against pakistan. Why there are claims from west that pakistans nuke program is bigger than what normaly people perceive.
also do remember condelisa rise in 2006 said that they do have a plan to take out nukes. I think the case is being prepared against pakistan and they might try it. Forget UNSC, They damn care for it.

What if they bomb our sites with B2 stealth bombers??? because i don't think they will risk their soldiers lives by sending them like they did in abbottabad, it will be suicide mission. But what if B2?? do we have a answer for it.

All Pakistan has to do is target Tel Aviv and let the israelis know of the consequence of any american misadventure and I'm sure the israeli lobby in Washington will do whatever needs to be done for Pakistan.
indians think that Pakistan have all nukes at one place and usa is gonna come and take them all, funny
Govt should start arming the civilians asap....POF should start making AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's in bulk and centers should be set up in all major towns to issue arms to civilans on an hours notice in an event of invasion....we dont need helmets and body armour.....we can raise 50 lakh \Volunteer Force at anytime.....one of the benefits of being an ideological state:cheers:
Govt should start arming the civilians asap....POF should start making AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's in bulk and centers should be set up in all major towns to issue arms to civilans on an hours notice in an event of invasion....we dont need helmets and body armour.....we can raise 50 lakh \Volunteer Force at anytime.....one of the benefits of being an ideological state:cheers:

Good Idea.....You should Be Given Those Weapons First :sniper:
Govt should start arming the civilians asap....POF should start making AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's in bulk and centers should be set up in all major towns to issue arms to civilans on an hours notice in an event of invasion....we dont need helmets and body armour.....we can raise 50 lakh \Volunteer Force at anytime.....one of the benefits of being an ideological state:cheers:

very good:D
indians think that Pakistan have all nukes at one place and usa is gonna come and take them all, funny

we dont bother abt it.......its usa who knows better as it is taking action..and i read that they have strong n/w across whole pakistan....so they might know where are weapons
All Pakistan has to do is target Tel Aviv and let the israelis know of the consequence of any american misadventure and I'm sure the israeli lobby in Washington will do whatever needs to be done for Pakistan.

Well, people targeting Israel, have come to know to their cost, that this is not a very sound strategy...
Asim-The thing which worries me the most is, people living in a denial mode. Can't they understand that Amrika came before as well, just few days ago? What IF, what if America indeed announces to send her forces to safeguard Pakistani assets? What will happen?

Third World War
Well, people targeting Israel, have come to know to their cost, that this is not a very sound strategy...

for Indians (well wisher) of Israel, but for us Muslims it is the best strategy . . . .. .
indians think that Pakistan have all nukes at one place and usa is gonna come and take them all, funny

No sane person would think that Pakistan (or any country for that matter) will stockpile their most strategic (defensive) weapon at the same location. However, given the level of US intel capacity and their perceived ability to infiltrate Pakistani intel (monetarily or otherwise), IMHO, they are monitoring all of your launch sites and any deviation in activity around them very keenly. Now, whether they choose to stay aloof or try to take things under their own hand, that only time will tell.
Pakistan is the only country in this world who suffer because of its own military and its policies!

Military and its politics?? are you for real?? till the army kept the control in their hands we were SAFE, the moment it went to Democratic govt. we went into this mess.. open your eyes mate.. don't be a shutarmurgh..
well if usa is talking abt troops here,then they will have their nukes in the afghanistan and well defines air defence...to deter pakistani one's
Govt should start arming the civilians asap....POF should start making AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's in bulk and centers should be set up in all major towns to issue arms to civilans on an hours notice in an event of invasion....we dont need helmets and body armour.....we can raise 50 lakh \Volunteer Force at anytime.....one of the benefits of being an ideological state:cheers:

Are you for real??

If you still believe that future wars (specially between US & Pakistan, if at all) will be fought with AK-47's,G-3's and MP-5's, you're either still living in the 1990s or you're in for a rude shock.

I personally do hope that things will not escalate to war level between US & Pakistan.. That's all I guess.
Well, people targeting Israel, have come to know to their cost, that this is not a very sound strategy...

If america attacks who cares about long term strategy launch some warheads at Israel and some at Delhi, Calcuttai, Mumbai etc cuz if Pakistan is getting laid it is laying you two along with it.....
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