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US threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11: Musharraf

Musharaf is a ***** *** mofo sell out, anyone who agrees with him also thinks in an inerior manner. If he was afraid pakistan would be attacked, then Allah-ho-akbar!!!! bring it on!!!!!!!...let's fight 'em all. We should be fighting them, they should be afraid of us.
then Allah-ho-akbar!!!! bring it on!!!!!!!...let's fight 'em all. We should be fighting them, they should be afraid of us.

What world are you living in bro?

Allah has given us brain to use, how can you take on a nation when you cant even build a simple needle at your own home.
Perfectly. Pakistan's Policies should accomodate the weakening of all kinds of militancy in Waziristan.
You can go fight for the British. I for one, a Pakistani, do not support Pakistan endeavouring into a foolish fight.

It is the time to build businesses, get people their jobs, increase education. Fortune favored the bold in Alexander's time.

Chill out on the swearing, please.
Paksitan is paying for the grave mistakes it committed during Coldwar.There no shortcut but to pay for it in such humiliating way.
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