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US threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11: Musharraf

It would've been a lot more shameful if the US was given the 'excuse' it obviously needed to attack "someone".

Everyone knew US had mushy in the corner, but then why state it so openly.Its a shameless effort by him to sell the book, and bush obliged him by saying "in other words he means buy the book"
it's all to do with the threat to send thousands of troops to Pakistan.
I will quote some1 bellow

"It has taken five years for president Musharraf to reveal the secret and we suspected it right then that the warning must have been of much graver magnitude than the simple statement,"You are with us or else", as it was being flahed by the world news media on 9/11. This honest revelation by president Musharraf today has taken him off the hook of all ugly criticism being bestowed upon him about blindly siding with America as a truckler or groveller slave to the master.

Even if America had betrayed the Islamic nations that were instrumental in making her the sole super power, the anger was shot straight on to an ally that was victim of its geographical location.Pakistan was not to blame nor it was blamed, but unfortunately it get caught between the wheels. You either extricate yourself or you die, and Musharraf wisely chose the first option. After all Pakistan was not the enemy of America. Pakistan was the long standing ally of the US for six decades and couple years earlier, president Clinton did not hide this fact in his address to the Indian parliament. America was looking for a starting point to take revenge and the road to the revenge was through Pakistan. It was sad, grave and awefully unfortunate moment for Pakistan. It was a reverse replay of the war on Russia of stopping her from over taking Afghanistan. Russia's victory in Afghanistan would have reversed the game of who would become the sole super power. Musharraf was prudent to act safe, as no body would have come to Pakistan's rescue. Pakistan is not Iran or Saudi Arabia with mega energy resources to win support of any big power. But in their very honest conduct, Pakistanies never wanted 9/11 to happen. Even in their wildest imaginations, they could never even think about the tragedy to land on US.

Pakistan's positive response to co-operate appeared to be more swift and rapid than even the warning that was spelled out and revealed five years after by president Musharraf. We have our dear ones living in Pakistan and thanks ALLAH, the country weas saved along with the lives of our beloved ones. Pakistan decided not to side with something, which was not its making.The tragedy, bigger than even 9/11 was about to happen to an innocent Pakistan and it was averted. It was much wiser act to jump out of the flames and fire that were not lighted by the innocent nation of Pakistan.

History has some sad examples, where even advise to forgive ended up in canibalization of the advise giver.The Persians advised Chengez Khan to be kind and forgiving to the enemies and they ended up with canibalization of their well cultured people. Persians lost 80 percent of their population to the Khan and their population got redressed to the 12th century only 40 years ago. The Khan and his soldiers canibalized unborn babies along with their pragnant mothers by eating kebobs of their flesh and drinking their blood. Samarkand and many reputed centers of Persian race lost 80 percent of the population.

Bush was tamed by Musharraf and Pakistan was saved from the wrath of America.President Musharraf chose the path of saving tens of millions of lives by losing a few . Pakistan survived an overhanging clamity.Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Islamabad and all big and small cities got spared from the wrath hanging overhead. The wrath hanging over head was set overcast and then made to subside by very prompt decision by president Musharraf.

Differences within the fellow people do not mean a darn thing when the very survival and the lives of the whole nation is at stake.

An other example of some one sticking to giving advice to the more mighty ones was Mr Lopez of Paraguay in south America in the last century. Mr Lopez tried to tell Brazil, Argentina and Uraguay to act with caution to his people of minor military strength and population. Paraguay lost most of its population, which never got redressed to those levels even todate.

Actually,America got what it wanted and Pakistan got off the hook to which it did not deserve at all.Those must have been trying moments for president Musharraf. We must thank Musharraf for the prompt and prudent decision of the hour. No one in the whole nation wanted to get bombed to the stone age for something to which we did not contribute at all.

In this sole super power age, smaller nations have to act with much care and caution and they must play safe.Musharraf did play it safe for Pakistan.

Pakistan was not at fault on that hour and nor was America to be blamed. Pakistan's benefits and dangers come from its geographical location.It is like sleeping with the tiger and it was the toughest job to tame the tiger, whose bitten tail was bleeding."
And we got no problem with complying as long as its not something outrageous as sending American troops onto Pakistan.

Musharraf did not rebuke continued efforts. He said they should tell us the intelligence and we'd take care of it. So yes, we have no problems with complying.
Sorry i posted it twice some posting problem.

Asim it wasnt an article. these were views of some1 i know and he also posted it on another web.

So no link just qoutes.
Sri by taming what he means u can understand well.

The superpower is drived by her intrests and she can and will do whatever required for getting her intrests.

Every country has to play it safe, some1 sighted the example of Iran :) do u think US is scared of her stance? a saner person would say no . cuz at the moment US is engaged at Iraq and Afghanistan and isnt able to sustain there so it wont be wise for her to attack Iran.
its not the Iranian refusal which had saved her but the circumstanes.
Let me explain. After 9/11, America wanted say "xyz". Now if Pakistan wouldn't give "xyz", U.S. would not hesitate to go after Pakistan to get "xyz".

Pakistan gave America what it wanted, without even a fight. Right? So how has America or Bush been tamed? What's the logic here? If at all, Musharraf has been tamed as he reverses his age old Taliban, Mujahideen and Kashmir policy.

I still ask, how has Bush been tamed? He is getting what he wants, and Musharraf is more than happy to do his bidding. Bush .. tamed?
And we got no problem with complying as long as its not something outrageous as sending American troops onto Pakistan.

Musharraf did not rebuke continued efforts. He said they should tell us the intelligence and we'd take care of it. So yes, we have no problems with complying.

This is like putting the entire pakistani policies in a very poor light.
Do you understand what you are saying?
Sri by taming what he means u can understand well.

The superpower is drived by her intrests and she can and will do whatever required for getting her intrests.

Every country has to play it safe, some1 sighted the example of Iran :) do u think US is scared of her stance? a saner person would say no . cuz at the moment US is engaged at Iraq and Afghanistan and isnt able to sustain there so it wont be wise for her to attack Iran.
its not the Iranian refusal which had saved her but the circumstanes.

By the way who said that IRAN is safe now? USA and Israel are building up the plan to attack Iran eventually, UNO come in to picture or not.
Let me explain. After 9/11, America wanted say "xyz". Now if Pakistan wouldn't give "xyz", U.S. would not hesitate to go after Pakistan to get "xyz".

Pakistan gave America what it wanted, without even a fight. Right? So how has America or Bush been tamed? What's the logic here? If at all, Musharraf has been tamed as he reverses his age old Taliban, Mujahideen and Kashmir policy.

I still ask, how has Bush been tamed? He is getting what he wants, and Musharraf is more than happy to do his bidding. Bush .. tamed?

You are right Siri. It is the other way round. Mush is tamed to the USA tunes.
By the way who said that IRAN is safe now? USA and Israel are building up the plan to attack Iran eventually, UNO come in to picture or not.

That is what im saying. Skeptic or some1 said here that Cuba, Iran and so on had refused to bow to US pressure and US couuld not harmed them:) my point was it dosnt mean US was sacred off by theor stance but it was matter of time when US will take that front.
That is what im saying. Skeptic or some1 said here that Cuba, Iran and so on had refused to bow to US pressure and US couuld not harmed them:) my point was it dosnt mean US was sacred off by theor stance but it was matter of time when US will take that front.

I own up....and it was not in this thread...this is what i actually said in another thread ( i will add link of that thread later here ) ;

"Cuba, Syria, Iran, Venzualla are probably fraction of Pakistani strength have never caved in to threats by the same beast."[/b]

i never said usa didnot do them harm.....it can....and it did;

Cuba...was directly attacked ( bay of pigs ) to topple its government
venzualla....cia staged a coup which had to be put down by Hugo Chavez supporters
Iran....had skirmished with USN in the 1980s..leading to loss of men and crafts ( on iran side )...as well as shooting down of iranian passenger plane.

Syria has been threatened for supporting insurgents in iraq as well as Hizbullah.
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