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US THAAD could take down Chinese missiles from SK

THAAD has an operational range of 200 km, same as HQ-9. Methinks it would have trouble taking down Chinese cruise missiles like the CJ-10, which have a very long range and are very fast.

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CJ-10 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This just goes to show your limited critical thinking skills and probably revealed you to be the teenager that you are...

2 August 1999 Success Hit a test target outside the atmosphere.
THAAD was not designed to be against cruise missiles. It is theater level defense so comparing range against a cruise missile is absurd. THAAD is supposed to be a defense against ballistic attackers that in effect are already in descent from above, not from an attacker that flies like an aircraft.

And to think that someone actually 'Thanked' you for that...:lol:

You are probably nothing more than a high-schooler still trying to cop a feel with a girl wiling to go out with you. Go back to your sandbox. This is a discussion for adults.
people ought to stop quoting articles from wantchinatimes, do people actually take this seriously?
As per your view, U.S need to abandon Taiwan Relations Act because Taiwan would just cause trouble and next what? Abandon U.S-Japan security treaty as Japan would cause trouble due to the island dispute between Japan-China and why stop there as well - abandon other allies like Philippines, South Korea as they would cause trouble as well and go into isolation. Bravo.... :lol:

US should not abandon anyone as friends. But US should allow countries of Asia to protect themselves. Americans should take care of America. Asians take care of Asia.

I take on the US foreign policy align with that of Ron Paul.
people ought to stop quoting articles from wantchinatimes, do people actually take this seriously?

Of course not. This is just another one of them "feel good" articles.
oh I don't mean fire a million at once with no aim, I mean we fire one after the other, depending on if hit, then decide the next.

Just because it is a few missiles at once aiming at different targets, doesn't mean it will be 100% intercepted, so at least a few will hit in one day, and with the destructive power of modern missiles, only a few needs to hit.

First of all, you cannot launch multiple launches from a single location, while it is possible to launch a multi-strike across a spectrum of equipment and location, the proximity of each strike would have render the ToT different, basically, instead of an incoming sinkhole strike with 20 missile (random number) depends on how effective of the equipment, location of launch and type of weapon, you have 4 seperate strike of 5 missiles and since you can calculate their flight path, you can prioritise the target according to their projected destination, and let the lease harmful impact. Then, you will only need a fraction of the incoming missile to fend off the attack.

This just goes to show your limited critical thinking skills and probably revealed you to be the teenager that you are...

THAAD was not designed to be against cruise missiles. It is theater level defense so comparing range against a cruise missile is absurd. THAAD is supposed to be a defense against ballistic attackers that in effect are already in descent from above, not from an attacker that flies like an aircraft.

And to think that someone actually 'Thanked' you for that...:lol:

You are probably nothing more than a high-schooler still trying to cop a feel with a girl wiling to go out with you. Go back to your sandbox. This is a discussion for adults.

Lol, whenever the Chinese have a weapon the bought up to counter something, they would immediately jump up and down and declare the US have no way of defending this or Chinese weapon is will work as they intended 100% and then some

Whenever the US have new weapon, those member would immediately say, these platform are useless and worth nothing

Heh, I don't even know you can win a war by wishful thinking :)
US should not abandon anyone as friends. But US should allow countries of Asia to protect themselves. Americans should take care of America. Asians take care of Asia.

I take on the US foreign policy align with that of Ron Paul.

He even mentioned coming out of UN and NATO and going back to the pre-WWI days of non-interventionism. Abandon the policy which got rid of the nasty Nazi regime or the nasty Commie block which was spreading like a fire and dismantling the rights of the people across countries and killing millions of people due to few people's convoluted policies like Stalinism and Gulags, Maoism and Great Leap Forward,Cultural Revolution, Great Leaders and Juche. (could think how apt is Red Foreman of 70's show words - "Without the U.S Government, we would be sucking the juice of the rotten commie potato in Siberia"). And not sure with the rise of commie China what is that fight we have in our hands when it starts to show its real intentions.
And most of all abandon the Civil Rights Act.
First of all, you cannot launch multiple launches from a single location, while it is possible to launch a multi-strike across a spectrum of equipment and location, the proximity of each strike would have render the ToT different, basically, instead of an incoming sinkhole strike with 20 missile (random number) depends on how effective of the equipment, location of launch and type of weapon, you have 4 seperate strike of 5 missiles and since you can calculate their flight path, you can prioritise the target according to their projected destination, and let the lease harmful impact. Then, you will only need a fraction of the incoming missile to fend off the attack.

Lol, whenever the Chinese have a weapon the bought up to counter something, they would immediately jump up and down and declare the US have no way of defending this or Chinese weapon is will work as they intended 100% and then some

Whenever the US have new weapon, those member would immediately say, these platform are useless and worth nothing

Heh, I don't even know you can win a war by wishful thinking :)

The US has won wars by wishful thinking.

Ummm...Korea and Vietnam come to mind.

The only way the US can ever defeat China is in a pipe dream.
The US has lost wars to China both times.

Has the US ever beaten China in war? Neeeeeah.

Can the US beat China now? Not a chance in hell.

On paper the US is decent, but in real life we have pummelled and utterly humiliated the US military and stripped their very dignity. We crushed those Americans like dogs and their goo came out.

The US military don't want to get smacked by China again so they avoid us :lol:
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