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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

I really hope that the Iranians are willing to give China & Pakistan access to this drone, like the Pakistani did with the rotor of this stealth-helicopter. I dont know how far the Chinese are with their UAV-Technologie, but i think it would very help them.
They are big liars. When Iran broke the news, this is how they responded:


1- We have not lost any drone
2- A drone is missing and we are looking for its status
3- Drone was flying in Afghanistan and we lost contact with it last week
4- Drone was not downed by Iranians
5- Drone is in Iran but it is useless since it is in small pieces
6- Drone is in Iran and is intact
7- Drone got lost and its smart autopilot landed it safely in Iran
8- :bad:
Where from u get all that nonsense? US command never denied loss of UAV. Its Iranian fan boys who first claimed that they shot down UAV and now invent stories about making it landing intact.

I guess what happened is that RQ-170 crashed one week ago, then two days ago Iranians found its wreckage and declared great victory over imperialistic USA.
Iran capture of US spy drone 'would be significant blow to military'
Iran capture of US spy drone 'would be significant blow to military' - Telegraph

Iran could deal a significant blow to the US military if it has captured a top secret American spy drone, allowing Tehran to counter or copy the highly classified technology, experts have warned.


Tehran claims to have brought down with "little damage" an RQ-170 surveillance drone, considered one of the most secret aircraft in the world, flying inside eastern Iran.
The seizure of the unarmed surveillance drone intact would give access to a treasure trove of classified information including the designs of the aircraft and its payload of sensors.
However it was unlikely the drone had escaped a crash or being shot down without significant damage and its sensitive technology was probably rigged with self-destruct mechanisms, experts added.
Suspicion surrounds the claims because Iran has yet to release any footage of the captured drone or its wreckage.
Nato forces confirmed a drone went missing in Afghanistan near the Iranian border last week, though would not say what kind it was.

Huw Williams, an expert on unmanned aircraft at Jane's International Defence Review, said the RQ-170 Sentinel, made by Lockheed Martin, was one of the most secret drone programmes in the world and had reportedly taken part in the operation which killed Osama bin Laden.
The aircraft is designed for intelligence gathering and relaying communications.
If it fell into Iranian hands, engineers could potentially find ways to defeat its stealth technology and take advantage of its sensors and communications equipment.
"If you can figure out the properties of the aircraft and what makes it stealthy, then you can figure out how to spot it more easily," he said.
"If the Iranians have the technology then there could be good opportunities for reverse engineering and getting a good idea of how to track these things." "It's fair to say they are no mugs when it comes to technology.

There's a good chance that they could exploit things especially if the payload is intact and it's carrying things like high-end cameras." Elizabeth Quintana, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, said: "If this got into the hands of anyone, let alone the Iranians, this would be quite significant." Even the prospect of its successful capture would probably force the American military to divert money to more research to stay a step ahead of Iran.
"It would certainly force the US to spend money just in case they were able to reverse engineer it," she said.

The aircraft was designed to operate deep inside enemy territory, though, and would almost certainly have self destruct measures to stop secrets falling into enemy hands.
Paul Rolfe, UK director of Unmanned Experts, said: "I would be very surprised if the question hasn't been asked and answered at the highest level: 'What happens if Iran or China or North Korea gets their hands on one of these things?'
"The really worrying bit is any payload and package it may have been holding. But given the altitudes and speeds it operates at, I think it's more likely to have come down upside down at 600 knots and they are going to be picking bits of ceramic out of the desert for five years."

By: Telegraph
Where from u get all that nonsense? US command never denied loss of UAV. Its Iranian fan boys who first claimed that they shot down UAV and now invent stories about making it landing intact.

I guess what happened is that RQ-170 crashed one week ago, then two days ago Iranians found its wreckage and declared great victory over imperialistic USA.

They did lie all the time and every thing I said is as it happened. Check via google and read the previous pages on this forum for more sources.
Mmmm...Yes. So now the 'Zionist controlled' Western media is unquestionable TECHNICAL source.


You have lost your mind. Every thing you said came to be a lie. You said the drones are robots that have default settings for loss of communication. Now US is saying that the drone after losing communication went on autopilot and landed itself in Iran. How stupid could that be? Either US engineers are stupid to program a super secret drone to land where ever it is when it loses communication or that Iranians did truly hack it. The later option is more appealing. Or you want to argue US engineers are stupid?
They did lie all the time and every thing I said is as it happened. Check via google and read the previous pages on this forum for more sources.
Plz show us where US officials denied loss of UAV. You wont be able.

On the other hand Iran claimed they shot down US UAVs several times before and it was all BS.
Plz show us where US officials denied loss of UAV. You wont be able.

On the other hand Iran claimed they shot down US UAVs several times before and it was all BS.
it was all bs because the americans didn't admit to it like they did this time? Do you know how retarded you sound?
The reason why these drones can stay up for so long is indeed because of fuel efficiency. But fuel efficiency involve more than just a good engine, it take into consider the payload. The lighter the load, the less fuel the engine will use. The aircraft's design being mostly 'wing' also help because we have known since the early days of aviation that the so-called 'all-wing' design is the most efficient in terms of range and altitude.



You previously claimed that wing design are well understood by other countries and it's no biggie. News reports are claiming that RQ-170 is 90% made of composite materials to avoid deflection of radar waves.So that is another valuable piece of Knowledge falling into their lapse.

Serious? Yes, but enough to set US back in this area of military aviation? No. Keep in mind that whatever is built and deployed, be it an automobile or a jet fighter, there is already something else better ready to replace it.

Agreed there is always something to replace it but based on the knowledge of it's predecessor.
Plz show us where US officials denied loss of UAV. You wont be able.

Iran claimed they shot down US UAVs several times before and it was all BS.

No they did not. Whenever they said they have the drones, US officials fell silent and never spoke about it. As per Iranians Russians have seen the drones too. As for denial, as I said go in the beginning of this thread. All these steps are as they happened:

US response timeline after Iranians announced they have RQ-170 in their possession:

1- We have not lost any drone
2- A drone is missing and we are looking for its status
3- Drone was flying in Afghanistan and we lost contact with it last week
4- Drone was not downed by Iranians
5- Drone is in Iran but it is useless since it is in small pieces
6- Drone is in Iran and is intact
7- Drone got lost and its smart autopilot landed it safely in Iran
8- :bad:
You previously claimed that wing design are well understood by other countries and it's no biggie. News reports are claiming that RQ-170 is 90% made of composite materials to avoid deflection of radar waves.So that is another valuable piece of Knowledge falling into their lapse.

Agreed there is always something to replace it but based on the knowledge of it's predecessor.
it's not even about the skin completely, the sensors and cameras alone are a goldmine.
You have lost your mind. Every thing you said came to be a lie. You said the drones are robots that have default settings for loss of communication. Now US is saying that the drone after losing communication went on autopilot and landed itself in Iran. How stupid could that be? Either US engineers are stupid to program a super secret drone to land where ever it is when it loses communication or that Iranians did truly hack it. The later option is more appealing. Or you want to argue US engineers are stupid?
The question should be: 'How stupid can YOU be?' I do not like to call anyone stupid but in your case, it is quite appropriate.

What an utter lack of critical thinking skill...!!!

In robotics, like the FOUP handlers or wafer transfer arms that I work with, if there is something 'wrong' with the way they move, a 'safe' or 'default' position is always available for the controller to put the device into the 'stowed' position. Anyone who ever work with robotic devices know this.

So for a flying robot, or drone, what kind of 'safe' or 'default' position can we give the thing? An autopilot, may be?

Gee whizzz...Airliners have autopilot that can practically land the aircrafts themselves. But such a thing is impossible for a drone?

So if controllers lose contact and control of the drone, is it possible that the autopilot would kick in? After all, an autopilot is how it took off in the first place.

So is it 'stupid' to program it to land if it know it had contact with its handlers? No, it is a smart thing to do so. The autoland feature would be something that Iran could use, considering the best thing the Iranians have done so far in aviation is modify a bunch of F-5s and call it 'good'. :lol:
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