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US Special Forces conducted multiple raids in Pakistan

Blaming any country without strong evidence is not right, India might be funding the TTP might not, who knows. Even if they are what else would you expect, we have had 3 wars with them and constantly fighting in one way or the other since independence, lets not be as immature as the indian media who blames everything on ISI just for the sake of it, lets cross the bridge when we get to it.
As far as Blackwater is concerned that sure is a serious issue but before blaming blackwater we should be asking questions from our concerned authorities for their presence.
Remember once an American helicopter violated Indian Air space during the earth quake relief operations in kashmir and they were forced to land and released after a serious warning.
First we should take care of things at our end and then we can always take anyone head-on.:pakistan:

Call a spade a spade, expose these Mo****** for their killing hundreds innocent Pakistani every single day and if we can’t identify the source of this menace how are we suppose to defeat it?

This entire conflict is engineered and orchestrated by R&AW, disclosure provided below:

Who’s providing weapons and ammunition to TTP? =yes R&AW

Who’s RAMA principal supporter and educator in the art of troublemaking =R&AW

Who do the Americans rely on for ground intelligence RAMA and RAMA’s feeds false information to the Americans of resistant fighters origins are all Pakistani, further fuelling the conflict....

India’s aim’s to establish conflicts on all fronts of Pakistan similar to WW1 Germany (and later the division of the state after WW2

Remember the state of India is major sponsor of terrorism in the world. At first they utilized terrorist to kill innocent Sinhalese then committed genocide against Skihs in Punjab and Muslims in Gujarat and Assam and the list goes on.....

Most people believe the Americans are behind this conflict which is completely false. America isn’t interested in abyss of nothingness (Afghanistan) rather it wants a stable region so it’s oil-pipeline can flow to the Arabian Sea. Which Pakistan is considerably in favour of but India is opposed to ...

Facts speak for itself America had employed 1,300 troops to invade Afghanistan the rest of the contingent compromised of allied forces and 34 other countries (70%) Essentially making it another U.N peacemaking mission, as soon Indian involvement began..well you know the rest..
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After the only publicly acknowledged special forces’ raid in September 2008, Pakistan's foreign office condemned it as ‘a grave provocation’, while the Pakistani military threatened retaliatory action.

Do them, Sue them, Everybody Do them,
Kick them, Hit them, everybody Kill them,
All I wana say is that Yankees dont care about us!
Stick to the topic.

This thread is about the US violations, not evidence implicating Indian in terrorism in Pakistan.
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