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US Special Forces conducted multiple raids in Pakistan

i dont see this probleum will be solved even in NA because give and take government is in rule untill uncurropt gov will not rule pakistan i dont see we move forward i hope ppp is in its last term and MQM,MLQ,MLN should never ever come in to rule
If drone strikes continue, if there are more incursions onto our soil, if the presence of unwanted American elements inside Pakistan keeps increasing, I don't feel the Army will be able to maintain the public's trust much longer. I would hate to see the Army's approval ratings go down to those during the Musharraf-era.

And what if we shot down a bird or stung back the boots?

Let's brainstorm this possibility.
And what if we shot down a bird or stung back the boots?

Let's brainstorm this possibility.

FOR PA: let the camel into your tent and next thing is , its in and you are out of the picture.

Bad Politicians might lose fear of PA if they have other to protect them like black water, to please their foreign lords etc.
well, the disclosure is made for the period when musharraf led govt was in power. let's not blame the present regime for it. moreover let's learn to respect the verdict of the people and avoid ridiculing the civilians who've been given a mandate by the people of pakistan. mr rehman malik is the spokesperson of the govt & should be given the due weightage. when we r forced to bear military rulers without any legitimate credentials to rule us for decades, why do we get impatient the moment civilian rule is restored! anyway it was the military dictator who succumbed to the US pressure without even consulting the closest of his aides. don,t forget the economic mess in which the country was left by mr commando & his handpicked banker PM.
To bad there is nothing we can do about it. We are simply to dumb to figure it out. We are expendable

And what if we shot down a bird or stung back the boots?

Let's brainstorm this possibility.

Without a stable government that has the spine to stand up for national interest, we can’t really brainstorm on this issue .At this juncture any indiscretion will probably cause a political/economical backlash that the government just trips over its own feet. The PA has clearly, increasingly, understood this challenge. I don't think nobody has got in their hands the best solution yet to fix this issue.
Without a stable government that has the spine to stand up for national interest, we can’t really brainstorm on this issue.

A stable and popular government in place is not in the interest of U.S, they will support only corrupt leaders to hold positions of power as they are held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm. Therefore they are only puppets at the hands of their masters and following dictations against the interests of the masses. The current government in place to take a stand against the only support they have will be suicidal for them, they will safeguard their interests even at the cost of Pakistanis sovereignty, as a matter of fact that is exactly what they are doing right now, 44 drone attacks in 2009.
The Parliament is nothing but a debating club, decisions are made somewhere else, the dilemma of Pakistan - we have always had a dictator in place either in a uniform or without uniform, there is no democracy even in the political parties where the say of one individual is the final decision, be it Z.A Bhutto & Benazir Bhutto’s PPP or Nawaz Sharif’s PML or Altaf Hussain’s MQM, they were/are all dictators. The people of Pakistan have always been religiously and emotionally motivated for political goals.
PA has to step in, not in the Presidency like always but by making it clear to the civilians that at no cost the sovereignty of the country will be put at stake, public statements coming from the GHQ will be considered as an attack on democracy by the ‘liberal fascists’ so funding a media campaign is not a bad idea, it has been the weapon of choice for many.
Increasing the drone attacks in one particular area is not destabilizing the internal situation any further so there are talks of expanding the theater of operations and if that is not enough boots on ground will certainly do the trick. Claims have been made about the presence of Mullah Omar and Bin laden in Pakistan, my answer to all those claims - when you say someone is somewhere you know exactly where otherwise you are just making guesses.
Pakistan’s situation is hair raising we are under attack from U.S in the form of drones because we a providing safe heavens to the terrorists and the terrorists are attacking us because we are supporting U.S, in the end only innocent civilians are coming under fire, what a great game.
The current wave of terrorism is not possible without the support of sovereign sponsor-states. It cannot be sustained for long without regimes that aid and abet it, and provide the terrorists with intelligence, money, and operational assistance, dispatching them to serve as deadly proxies to wage a hidden war in order to destabilize a country. The war against terror is a zero-sum game in which there can be only one winner. In this war, the terrorist or insurgent wins if he only does not lose, while the State loses if it can not win. There is no place for an honorable draw.

“The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be considered in isolation form their purposes.”
But the traitors either from armed forces or govt must be assasinated as a lessons to others trying to join them due to lucrative offers and selling their imaans.

isn't calling for the assassination of Pakistan's leaders a grave violation of these boards?
Sir, I thought Pakistani officials denied the Blackwater presence in Pakistan despite the report given to Pakistani officials by Iranian Intelligence Service? (MOIS)

if that report is true. what is Iranian intelligence doing operating in Pakistan?
first of all, we need money vacumers to get out of our government and then we need someone strong ( i dont think we will ever get a strong patriotic, pro pakistani guy as president cuzz u.s wont allow it) and then say bye to this effin jee a why fake war on terror and fix Pakistan.. I mean U.S dosent trust us handing in their drown plane for them so why Pakistani Army trust them??? hell with this war and lets fix Pakistan...

all of u smart pakistani guys out there... can i know why we have so many currupt leaders in our government??? why????
all of u smart pakistani guys out there... can i know why we have so many currupt leaders in our government??? why????
They're a reflection of us. We are dis-organized, divided and faithless, the exact opposite of what we set out to be. We left the Pakistan Revolution half-way through, did not see it through to its completion. Our leaders are corrupt and selfish because we have sat by and let them become that way. Anytime a new politician or dictator has taken over, we have let our guard down, and then been stabbed in the back. There is too much I can say on this issue, but I might have a brain haemorrhage halfway through. So I'll make it short...

Let's do something about it.
The problem is that if the Army speaks out it gets criticized by the liberal fascists in Pakistan who thunder about 'usurping civilian authority' (never mind that the PA made clear that the decision on the KL Bill would rest with parliament despite their misgivings), and if it doesn't speak out everyone assumes the Army is supportive since the impression is that nothing can get done without the Army's approval.
Perhaps Pakistan would be served best by outspoken generals who protest the civilian government's decisions, yet meekly accept the government's response of dismissing them from command or from the Army for doing so, rather than mounting a coup.
If the report is true, then the US Special Forces have been spectacularly unsuccessful. No accomplishment based on a cross border raid has come to light. No Pakistani deaths or injuries have been reported save the one well known incursion in 2008 that was intensely publicized. So, most likely the story is not true. If it is true, then no harm, no foul ......
They're a reflection of us. We are dis-organized, divided and faithless, the exact opposite of what we set out to be. We left the Pakistan Revolution half-way through, did not see it through to its completion. Our leaders are corrupt and selfish because we have sat by and let them become that way. Anytime a new politician or dictator has taken over, we have let our guard down, and then been stabbed in the back. There is too much I can say on this issue, but I might have a brain haemorrhage halfway through. So I'll make it short...

Let's do something about it.

How True!

If a corrupt politician comes into power by buying votes, the guy he paid is just as corrupt.

Old saying " people get the Government they deserve".

It's easy to blame the politicians and fluff off your own part in the process.

Eventually a culture of corruption exists. Next rule of Law goes down the tubes.

Sounds familiar, huh?

"We the people" have failed "we the people".
How True!

If a corrupt politician comes into power by buying votes, the guy he paid is just as corrupt.

Old saying " people get the Government they deserve".

It's easy to blame the politicians and fluff off your own part in the process.

Eventually a culture of corruption exists. Next rule of Law goes down the tubes.

Sounds familiar, huh?

"We the people" have failed "we the people".

Yes, and this applies equally to the USA and the American public. The corruption being practiced in Congress with billions in earmarks and special deals to buy votes (see Ben Nelson) is evidence enough of the decline of American exceptionalism. The ends DON"T justify the means. We ain't going to be "exceptional" much longer at the rate we are going.

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