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US soldier kept Afghans' fingers as war trophies..


Mar 27, 2010
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Calvin Gibbs admits taking fingers off Afghans' bodies

Two former colleagues of Staff Sgt Calvin Gibbs testified to army investigators, giving evidence about the alleged self-styled "kill team"
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'Kill team' soldier faces trial
An Army staff sergeant charged with killing three Afghan civilians admits taking fingers off bodies as war trophies, his lawyer says.

Staff Sgt Calvin Gibbs, 26, maintains he was not involved in the killings, and has pleaded not guilty to 16 criminal charges.

He is one of five soldiers charged.

In March 2011, photographs were published showing the soldiers posing with the corpses of Afghan civilians they had allegedly just killed.

The admission that Sgt Gibbs took fingers off the three victims and either kept them as war trophies or gave them to others involved in the killings came during Monday's opening statements from Sgt Gibbs' lawyer, Phil Stackhouse.

'Out of control'
Mr Stackhouse told jurors at the court martial that Sgt Gibbs believe the three killings had been legitimate engagements and that he had been conspired against by his co-defendants.

Military prosecutor Capt Dan Mazzone said Sgt Gibbs had killed simply because he wanted to kill.

He told jurors that the accused also led a group in assaulting a soldier who reported drug use in the unit, and that he threatened the same soldier.

"This platoon is out of control," Capt Mazzone said. "He sees weak leaders; he sees an opportunity; he sees soldiers who are willing to cross the line."

Three within the platoon have pleaded guilty and agreed to testify that it was Sgt Gibbs' idea to kill civilians and stage the deaths to make them appear to have been combatants.

Sgt Gibbs is accused of providing a grenade used in January 2010 to kill the first victim, an unarmed farmer in a field in Kandahar, to shooting or tossing grenades at the next two in February and May of that year.

He faces up to life in prison without parole if convicted.

link..:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15529751
reminds me of:

Guys it's a dirty war, let's not get all emotional over this. Some US troops keeping Afghan militant body parts as trophies and Taliban would do the same, as they are fond of beheading. It's a dirty war.
we had a chapter of a dacoit named "angulimal" in my school days where he used to keep thumbs of the ppl whom he used to loot, is this the same case here ? very very tribal mentality.

. ps. ratna.s ji where you had been all these days ?
If i am not wrong afghan taliban have won the latest war trophy yesterday? :P
Nothing new. Wasn't surprise. This act is not as cheap and disgusting as they have been doing all over the world.
If you are not getting it, I am talking about how they destabilized Afghanistan, Iraq and recently the Middle East.

Enough said.
What is life sentence in the US? hope it is not the life sentence like in the UK. He shouldnt be free at all. Rot in jail.
Lol!! You are naive.Those guys who took out many civilian Iraqis only got few years in jail if at all - Heck even soldiers behind the biggest massacre in Vietnam were freed after few years on Presidential orders.
William Laws Calley[1] (William Laws Calley, Jr.) (born June 8, 1943) is a convicted American war criminal and a former U.S. Army officer found guilty of murder for his role in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.[2]
On April 1, 1971, only a day after Calley was sentenced, U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered him transferred from Leavenworth prison to house arrest at Fort Benning, pending appeal. This leniency was protested by Melvin Laird, the Secretary of Defense. The prosecutor, Aubrey Daniel wrote, "The greatest tragedy of all will be if political expedience dictates the compromise of such a fundamental moral principle as the inherent unlawfulness of the murder of innocent persons."
Ultimately, Calley served only three and a half years of house arrest in his quarters at Fort Benning. He petitioned the federal district court for habeas corpus on February 11, 1974, which was granted on September 25, 1974, along with his immediate release, by federal judge J. Robert Elliott. Later in 1974, President Nixon tacitly issued Calley a limited Presidential Pardon. Consequently, his general court-martial conviction and dismissal from the U.S. Army were upheld, however, the prison sentence and subsequent parole obligations were commuted to time served, leading Calley a free man.
But it does not mean there there are only criminals in US Armed Forces..there are many good men like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Thompson,_Jr.
And what happened after several hundred civilians were massacred at My Lai? Oh yeah, one guy got three and a half years of house arrest.
Guys it's a dirty war, let's not get all emotional over this. Some US troops keeping Afghan militant body parts as trophies and Taliban would do the same, as they are fond of beheading. It's a dirty war.

The people he killed were civilians, not Taliban/terrorists.

It's been reported that he killed them for sport/fun, keeping fingers as trophies and posing for photos with the corpses.

He also planted weapons on the bodies to cover up his crimes and make them appear to be terrorists.
No one was punished for the Haditha massacre, and no one's going to be punished for this. Like it or not.
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