Sorry to spell the truth, the USA doesn't see Pakistan as an ally now, only liability.
Uncle Sam has the habit of using other countries (allies or not) to do his dirty deeds, probably throws a few bones along the way as a reward to keep those countries hooked, and when Uncle Sam has achieved his master plan, he cuts loose these countries and be gone in a flash, leaving a trail of destruction and wake of problems for those helpless countries to deal with on their own.
Backstage scene:
Uncle Sam will be sitting comfortably on the other side of the pond, counting greenbacks while smoking cigar in the couch, safely away from most of the turbulent worldly strife other countries are facing. And he knows these countries will be turning to him again for military hardware, everyone wants Uncle Sam as a friend, only a matter of time... now he's thinking: let's see who is going to be the next sucker in the game *grins evilly...TBC for the next episode*