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US sharply hikes M-777 artillery price for India

check the reference section.

global security?

Claims india mated 100 130mm,M-46s with "junking" vijayantas decades ago...

didn't get you bro,did you mean usa?

FMS is just a process .. its the companies tht are contracted for the weapons.. and the only company involved here is BAE... and not raytheon tht accoding to ur source (only one reporting the news) allegedly "offered" the rounds.
global security?

Claims india mated 100 130mm,M-46s with "junking" vijayantas decades ago...

FMS is just a process .. its the companies tht are contracted for the weapons.. and the only company involved here is BAE... and not raytheon tht accoding to ur source (only one reporting the news) allegedly "offered" the rounds.

Read this :

Rebirth of Catapult artillery system with Arjun Chassis | idrw.org

^ Read this for Info. 100 more in service as of now. BTW we are getting the M777 gun and Excalibur round, @$$ burning?

The deal includes everything. Like P8I , C10, C130J, Chinook we are getting premiumcause we can easily pay. You guys can try their junk surplus store though.
Indians are utterly humiliated. First Russia humiliated them by treating them as nothing more than a dumb fool to cheat money. Now USA is treating them as nothing more than cannon fodder. It's the perfect time for China to confront India, defeat India in a border war and let India split into many smaller pieces.
Indians are utterly humiliated. First Russia humiliated them by treating them as nothing more than a dumb fool to cheat money. Now USA is treating them as nothing more than cannon fodder. It's the perfect time for China to confront India, defeat India in a border war and let India split into many smaller pieces.

It's perfect time for CPC to consign you to an asylum... albeit, all other times would been equally perfect. :laugh:
Indians are utterly humiliated. First Russia humiliated them by treating them as nothing more than a dumb fool to cheat money. Now USA is treating them as nothing more than cannon fodder. It's the perfect time for China to confront India, defeat India in a border war and let India split into many smaller pieces.

Lord China Lord China....Is here.....

Lord China--EPITOME of Weaps -Is having itch why they are Nevr Selected by INDIA
Indians are utterly humiliated. First Russia humiliated them by treating them as nothing more than a dumb fool to cheat money. Now USA is treating them as nothing more than cannon fodder. It's the perfect time for China to confront India, defeat India in a border war and let India split into many smaller pieces.
@HongWu......... try to sleep. You will be ok.
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This is the result of red tape and dilly dallying defence procurement. Obviously there would be a huge cost escalation due to inflation etc. The same is gonna be the case with all the other delayed procurements. We would be paying through our noses and it's us tax payers money that's going down the drain, thanks to our babus and politicians.

The British might have invented bureaucracy but it was us Indians who perfected it!! :devil:
Lord China Lord China....Is here.....

Lord China--EPITOME of Weaps

Why can't this HongWu chap STFU for a change? :pissed: He keeps jumping in like a frog in every discussion, but quacks like a duck with a beak full of stale noodles with his idiotic posts! O Lord! When will he grow up? I don't think he ever will seeing that he's in a permanent state of stasis living in a nirvana of his own. Jeeez!
India has no choice but accept the price hike。:omghaha:
Why can't this HongWu chap STFU for a change? :pissed: He keeps jumping in like a frog in every discussion, but quacks like a duck with a beak full of stale noodles with his idiotic posts! O Lord! When will he grow up? I don't think he ever will seeing that he's in a permanent state of stasis living in a nirvana of his own. Jeeez!

yaar he's a good comedian... no really he is..

enjoy him as much as you can..

lo bechare ko ban karwa diya...tch..tch..tch..
can't making ******** light howitzers...shame,shame,shame!!
do that again with eyes wide open, and clap your fingers, and jump up and down...now:victory:
How much going to Madam jee account... How much is going to Prostitute greedy Babus and How much will go for New BMW for Govt officials...

When Bhim and TATA Artillary are there why to buy it from Americanos???
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