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US sharply hikes M-777 artillery price for India

Speaks about the laser inertial artillery pointing systems . That itself implies about the Ex rounds.

About the bold part,any reliable source?

Do you know what LINAPS is?its not a "ex round" but a navigation,weapon management system a fancy FCS.
As for corruption n duds:



India also has several indigenous artilary systems made by DRDO, OFB, TATA, Bharat Forge, etc. Can anybody do a comparison of these systems?

Indigenous industry steps into the buying freeze to fulfil Army's heavy artillery needs : NATION - India Today

Tatas display Indian Bofors

Bofors n D-30....under license.
Do you know what LINAPS is?its not a "ex round" but a navigation,weapon management system a fancy FCS.
As for corruption n duds:



Bofors n D-30....under license.

They okayed it we'll pay. Simple.

I smell someone burning like this :

The US government has steeply marked up the price of the BAE System-manufactured M-777 light weight howitzer on offer to India.
The US Defense SecurityCooperation Agency (DSCA) issued a legally-required notification last week to the US Congress about the possible sale of 145 M-777 howitzers to India for USD 885 million.
But what many have failed to note is that the DSCA had first issued a notification about exactly such a sale on January 22, 2010 for the amount of USD 647 million, as was reported by StratPostat the time.
In purely dollar terms, the new price represents a 37 percent hike in the cost of the offer to India. But the effective increase in price for India would be even higher, going by the fall in the value of the rupee against the dollar since 2010.
This second notification by the DSCA is actually less a communication to the US Congress of intent of possible sale and more an indication of the revised price of the offer to India. What is also interesting is that the second notification lays out offset requirements on the part of the manufacturers, which was not the case in the 2010 text.

This proposed sale is under the government-to-government Foreign Military Sale (FMS) route,in which the US government guarantees the same price to India as is negotiated with the manufacturer for its own requirements, while levying a 3.8 percent service charge .
Defense industry watchers in New Delhi say there had been communications made by the US government to the Indian defense ministry about the possible hike after it kept the offer price constant for more than three years since 2010. But they also say that the defense ministry failed to respond and that vendors supplying the systems for the howitzer were no longer able to maintain the pricing that was quoted for this crucial artillery acquisition by India. The slowing down of the assembly line for the howitzer since the time of the original notification could also have contributed to the price hike.
Consequently, the US government was simply unable to keep the price constant indefinitely.
One reason that could have contributed to this delay was a retrospective revision of terms by the defense ministry in 2012 mandating the manufacturer BAE Systems to plough in 30 percent offset of the value of the deal into India even though nothing in the original notification to the US Congress required this of the manufacturer. With the price hike, further delays can be expected in the process since the value of the 30percent offset requirement will also increase proportionately and BAE Systems would be required to negotiate additional offset contracts.
Another factor for the delay could also have been the lawsuit filed by Singapore Technologies challenging its blacklistingover allegations of paying bribes to the former Director General Ordnance Factories, Sudipta Ghosh, following which the Delhi High Court had briefly frozen all tenders in which the company was involved. One of the tenders was for the acquisition of light weight howitzers, ina process separate fromthe FMS process for M-777 light weight howitzers.
The defense ministry had finally issued a Letter of Request to the US Government for the procurement of 145 pieces of light artillery last November after the Defense Acquisitions Council (DAC) approved the purchase in May, 2012. Meanwhile, the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) has also undertaken to manufacture the existing FH77 B02 Bofors gun indigenously, for which BAE Systems had offered assistance.
But most recently, news reportshave said the defense ministry is investigating allegations of irregularities with respect to the M-777 acquisition.
All of this comes at a time when the Indian Army, having been deprived of any new artillery acquisitions since the aborted 1986 acquisition of Bofors self-propelled towed howitzers, is facing new challenges on its northern and eastern Himalayan borders. The ensuing imperatives have been recognized by the Indian government with the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) approvingthe creation of a new Mountain Strike Corps last month, consisting of around 50,000 troops atan estimated cost of over USD 10 billion.
This past summer has seen repeated intrusions and transgressions by Chinese People¡¯s Liberation Army (PLA) troops into Indian territory across the Lineof Actual Control (LAC) dividing India and Tibet. Light and easily transportable artillery would be an essential element of any new proposed Mountain Strike Corps.
US sharply hikes M-777 artillery price for India | StratPost

I am 100% sure that US don't want to sell $800 Million equipment to India rather they want to sell $2-3 Billions in equipment that will include 2 or 3 times more artillery guns....
Do you know what LINAPS is?its not a "ex round" but a navigation,weapon management system a fancy FCS.
As for corruption n duds:



Bofors n D-30....under license.

I never claimed that LINAPS is an ex round at the first place. Its an arty pointing system.
Also we use to make several arty systems in house for quiet sometime. Also,D 30 was never made in India,atleast not to my knowledge.
Infact Indian made arty guns made a good of India's arty forces.
2.Indian field gun 105 MM
3. M 46 catapult
4.Tata made 155 mm desi bofors
I never claimed that LINAPS is an ex round at the first place. Its an arty pointing system.

I asked you for a source abt Ex rounds and u gave me LINAPS? what does tht mean in the first place?just accept u didnt know abt it.

Also we use to make several arty systems in house for quiet sometime. Also,D 30 was never made in India,atleast not to my knowledge.
Infact Indian made arty guns made a good of India's arty forces.

modified soviet M46.. also is it in service? and how many.. please post a reliable source.

2.Indian field gun 105 MM

BS-3? an obsolete weapon a

3. M 46 catapult

Soviet M-46 on vijayanta body? only prototypes...

4.Tata made 155 mm desi bofors

License produced bofors? how many are in service?probably the best arty piece in indian army inventory.

I don't think you are not correct there... Krasnopol did not work in Kargil. Their accuracy was pathetic and they were missing target distances by kilometers and closer target points by few hundreds of meters. We had to import shells from South Africa to hit Tiger Hills.
I don't think you are not correct there... Krasnopol did not work in Kargil. Their accuracy was pathetic and they were missing target distances by kilometers and closer target points by few hundreds of meters. We had to import shells from South Africa to hit Tiger Hills.

Anyways chill man , 3 trials launched/completed this year. By 2018 or so we'll have hundreds of new arty pieces off the shelf. US deal confirmed done, Indian Bofors FH77I 40km done. Excalibur does 60 km on rockets.
I asked you for a source abt Ex rounds and u gave me LINAPS? what does tht mean in the first place?just accept u didnt know abt it.

modified soviet M46.. also is it in service? and how many.. please post a reliable source.

BS-3? an obsolete weapon a

Soviet M-46 on vijayanta body? only prototypes...

License produced bofors? how many are in service?probably the best arty piece in indian army inventory.

None of the sources speaks directly about Ex rounds. But LINAPS indirectly implies about the Ex rounds.
1.Metamorphosis is replacing the M 46 guns. Upto 550 systems are required.
2. Indian Field gun is not soviet BS 3 and is not obsolete.
3. Tata made self propelled bofors is under trials.
P.s: I cant post any links coz I am from my cellphone.
I asked you for a source abt Ex rounds and u gave me LINAPS? what does tht mean in the first place?just accept u didnt know abt it.

modified soviet M46.. also is it in service? and how many.. please post a reliable source.

BS-3? an obsolete weapon a

Soviet M-46 on vijayanta body? only prototypes...

License produced bofors? how many are in service?probably the best arty piece in indian army inventory.

Seriously man , your 'sources' feeds you cr@p.

Alright here we go -

1> M46 155MM/45 OFB product, 180 confirmed way back in 2011. More going on the field.
2> Indian bofors ready acceptance trials probably good as I heard about no failure. The media bloodhounds would sniff it as you see in this section.
3> M46 130MM Vijayanta mod built 200. 100 active , 100 reserve.
4> Bofors 155MM/39 200+ active , rest in reserve/refit. We make the parts now so no more cannibalisation after 2003.
5> 130MM M46 not obsolete, kicked and outranged the US Marine guns you use, as was shown repeatedly in Vietnam.
Massive numbers ensure steady 155MM-ization.

We are spending 4bn$ on Arty alone. This year final trials finally going on. So by next 3 yrs , expext serious hardware in IA. That's without even featuring 155mm/39 M777 gun.
@klub: bro,please google "india excalibur round" and there is a Indiastrategic article as 3rd in search results. Please post it here.
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@klub: bro,please google "india excalibur round" and there is a Indiastrategic article as 3rd in search results. Please post it here.

Gr8 man,BELATED HAPPY EID BTW! :cheers:

New Delhi. The Indian Army has finally initiated its long desired plans to modernise its artillery with the recent announcement of 145 M777 Howitzers, after a lull of twenty six years.

The primary application of these Howitzers will be mountainous, remote and environmentally hostile terrain and will be critical to incorporate munitions that provide an extended range and precision capability.
Raytheon has offered the Excalibur 155mm Precision Guided Extended Range Artillery Projectile for this gun. Also known as the M982 ER DPICM (Extended Range Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions) Projectile, is a fire and forget, smart munition. It is intended to provide the Army with a capability to attack all three key target sets, soft and armored vehicles, and reinforced bunkers, out to ranges exceeding current 155mm family of artillery munitions.
Experts have to look closely at how to get Excalibur qualified on its own inventory of 155mm Howitzers and the other guns. Leaveraging Excalibur on existing guns would strengthen the artillery modernization programme and deliver a game changing capability without the process and expense associated with procuring a complex platform.
“Commanders are able to engage targets with the Excalibur unitary in urban operations, making the most of the round’s accuracy to limit collateral damage to the immediate target area. For example, it would be the optimum munitions when the enemy uses ‘hugging tactics,’ that is when they might operate on the periphery of schools, hospitals, religious infrastructure or congregations of innocent civilians,” explained Bradley Bradford, Raytheon’s Regional Manager, Detroit Field Office.
Excalibur’s accuracy and fuzing options would allow commanders to engage targets protected by terrain variations. The self-guiding projectile would travel nearly vertically (highangle) as it leaves the firing platform and then alter its fl ight path (left/ right, up/down) to reach the target location. The international users of Excalibur include UK, Canada, Australia and Sweden.
Recently the U.S. Marine Corps successfully fired two Raytheon Company Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery projectiles from a range of 36 kilometers (22.3 statute miles) in theater. These shots mark the longest distance the Excalibur round has been fired in combat since its fielding in 2007.
“It is incredible to think about how this capability has evolved with its use over time, and these shots are evidence of that,” said Lt. Col. Mike Milner, U.S. Army Excalibur product manager. “We are continually improving Excalibur’s use in theater.”
“Having true precision artillery that can defeat the targets - and from such a great distance - gives our warfighters the ability to engage these targets that would otherwise be out of reach,” said Michelle Lohmeier, vice president of Land Combat Systems at Raytheon Missile Systems. “Raytheon developed and fielded the world’s first extended-range GPS-guided artillery, and we are proud of the unprecedented precision capability Excalibur gives our warfighters.”
Raytheon has fired four Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery projectiles from the Denelmanufactured G6 self-propelled howitzer as part of a field trial demonstration.
Multiple rounds of the combatproven Excalibur successfully fired from the G6 155mm wheeled howitzer out to a range of 38 kilometers (23.6 statute miles), with all rounds landing within 5 meters (16.4 feet) of the target.
“These trials demonstrated Excalibur can give a true precision capability to G6 howitzers that can enhance the warfighter’s defensive posture and is essential to closecombat operations,” said Kevin Matthies, Excalibur program director for Raytheon Missile Systems.
Excalibur is a family of precisionguided, extended-range modular projectiles incorporating three unique payload capabilities divided into Block configurations. As designed, Block I consists of high-explosive, fragmenting, or ting unitary munitions to enhance traditional fire support operations with increased range, improved accuracy, and reduced collateral damage against personnel, light materiel, and structure targets. Block II consists of smart munitions to search, detect, acquire, and engage fleeting and short-dwell targets common to open-terrain battlefields. Block III consists of discriminating munitions to selectively identify and engage individual vehicular targets in urban environments by distinguishing specific target characteristics.

© India Strategic

..:: India Strategic ::.. Army: Excalibur for limiting collateral damage and giving unprecedented precision capability
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Seriously man , your 'sources' feeds you cr@p.

Alright here we go -

1> M46 155MM/45 OFB product, 180 confirmed way back in 2011. More going on the field.

Again a source?
2> Indian bofors ready acceptance trials probably good as I heard about no failure. The media bloodhounds would sniff it as you see in this section.

A source and the number to be inducted.
3> M46 130MM Vijayanta mod built 200. 100 active , 100 reserve.

A source.

4> Bofors 155MM/39 200+ active , rest in reserve/refit. We make the parts now so no more cannibalisation after 2003.

A source..
5> 130MM M46 not obsolete, kicked and outranged the US Marine guns you use, as was shown repeatedly in Vietnam.
Massive numbers ensure steady 155MM-ization.

@Jhungry @gambit and also a source for the numbers being inducted...

None of the sources speaks directly about Ex rounds. But LINAPS indirectly implies about the Ex rounds.

Oh bhai even thailand uses LINAPS .. its has nothing to do with EX rounds.

1.Metamorphosis is replacing the M 46 guns. Upto 550 systems are required.

A source?
2. Indian Field gun is not soviet BS 3 and is not obsolete.
3. Tata made self propelled bofors is under trials.
P.s: I cant post any links coz I am from my cellphone.

And what good is a short ranged 110mm gun?
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Gr8 man,BELATED HAPPY EID BTW! :cheers:

New Delhi. The Indian Army has finally initiated its long desired plans to modernise its artillery with the recent announcement of 145 M777 Howitzers, after a lull of twenty six years.

The primary application of these Howitzers will be mountainous, remote and environmentally hostile terrain and will be critical to incorporate munitions that provide an extended range and precision capability.
Raytheon has offered the Excalibur 155mm Precision Guided Extended Range Artillery Projectile for this gun. Also known as the M982 ER DPICM (Extended Range Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions) Projectile, is a fire and forget, smart munition. It is intended to provide the Army with a capability to attack all three key target sets, soft and armored vehicles, and reinforced bunkers, out to ranges exceeding current 155mm family of artillery munitions.
Experts have to look closely at how to get Excalibur qualified on its own inventory of 155mm Howitzers and the other guns. Leaveraging Excalibur on existing guns would strengthen the artillery modernization programme and deliver a game changing capability without the process and expense associated with procuring a complex platform.
“Commanders are able to engage targets with the Excalibur unitary in urban operations, making the most of the round’s accuracy to limit collateral damage to the immediate target area. For example, it would be the optimum munitions when the enemy uses ‘hugging tactics,’ that is when they might operate on the periphery of schools, hospitals, religious infrastructure or congregations of innocent civilians,” explained Bradley Bradford, Raytheon’s Regional Manager, Detroit Field Office.
Excalibur’s accuracy and fuzing options would allow commanders to engage targets protected by terrain variations. The self-guiding projectile would travel nearly vertically (highangle) as it leaves the firing platform and then alter its fl ight path (left/ right, up/down) to reach the target location. The international users of Excalibur include UK, Canada, Australia and Sweden.
Recently the U.S. Marine Corps successfully fired two Raytheon Company Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery projectiles from a range of 36 kilometers (22.3 statute miles) in theater. These shots mark the longest distance the Excalibur round has been fired in combat since its fielding in 2007.
“It is incredible to think about how this capability has evolved with its use over time, and these shots are evidence of that,” said Lt. Col. Mike Milner, U.S. Army Excalibur product manager. “We are continually improving Excalibur’s use in theater.”
“Having true precision artillery that can defeat the targets - and from such a great distance - gives our warfighters the ability to engage these targets that would otherwise be out of reach,” said Michelle Lohmeier, vice president of Land Combat Systems at Raytheon Missile Systems. “Raytheon developed and fielded the world’s first extended-range GPS-guided artillery, and we are proud of the unprecedented precision capability Excalibur gives our warfighters.”
Raytheon has fired four Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery projectiles from the Denelmanufactured G6 self-propelled howitzer as part of a field trial demonstration.
Multiple rounds of the combatproven Excalibur successfully fired from the G6 155mm wheeled howitzer out to a range of 38 kilometers (23.6 statute miles), with all rounds landing within 5 meters (16.4 feet) of the target.
“These trials demonstrated Excalibur can give a true precision capability to G6 howitzers that can enhance the warfighter’s defensive posture and is essential to closecombat operations,” said Kevin Matthies, Excalibur program director for Raytheon Missile Systems.
Excalibur is a family of precisionguided, extended-range modular projectiles incorporating three unique payload capabilities divided into Block configurations. As designed, Block I consists of high-explosive, fragmenting, or ting unitary munitions to enhance traditional fire support operations with increased range, improved accuracy, and reduced collateral damage against personnel, light materiel, and structure targets. Block II consists of smart munitions to search, detect, acquire, and engage fleeting and short-dwell targets common to open-terrain battlefields. Block III consists of discriminating munitions to selectively identify and engage individual vehicular targets in urban environments by distinguishing specific target characteristics.

© India Strategic

..:: India Strategic ::.. Army: Excalibur for limiting collateral damage and giving unprecedented precision capability

Apart from this blog,website no other reliable source is reporting this "offer" by raytheon to sell indian excalibur rounds.. while M777s are being bought from BAE.
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