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US Senator wants India to send its troops to Afghanistan

see truth is always bitter & here its not taken well cause Pakistanies want to live in trance & always dream of a so called caliphet whos idea died with the collapse of usmania in early 1920's , still they havent learned the lessons even after so much suffering, and now after trying every trick in the book to bring down india they now want india to commit same mistakes as there elite did for the last 64 years but my dear Pakistany freinds thats not gonna happen because unlike you guys whos so called elite ruled the sub continent for 600 odd yesrs we hindoos very well know how to survive & let others live in peace for us this is last chance to grow again and we aint gonna hurt owr interests just because US or anyother superpower wants us to do that , we will do whats in the best interests of owr Mother India not some one elses fancies !!!!! and is it so difficult to understand or some guys on the forum really think that we are so naive ????????well wishes dont cost anything ...lage rahoo
India will also make a great addition of tombstones in the graveyard of empires.........
see truth is always bitter & here its not taken well cause pakistanies want to live in trance & always dream of a so called caliphet whos idea died with the collapse of usmania in early 1920's , still they havent learned the lessons even after so much suffering, and now after trying every trick in the book to bring down india they now want india to commit same mistakes as there elite did for the last 64 years but my dear pakistany freinds thats not gonna happen because unlike you guys whos so called elite ruled the sub continent for 600 odd yesrs we hindoos very well know how to survive & let others live in peace for us this is last chance to grow again and we aint gonna hurt owr interests just because US or anyother superpower wants us to do that , we will do whats in the best interests of owr Mother India not some one elses fancies !!!!! and is it so difficult to understand or some guys on the forum really think that we are so naive ????????well wishes dont cost anything ...lage rahoo
**** bagPakistan is a proper noun, its with a capital ''P'' but this exactly shows your love for peace when you write India with a capital ''I'' and Pakistan with a small, its not just the grammar error but its an insight into your brain.....(notice that I wrote India properly and with its due respect)
If India wants its troops get killed by IEDs then please send...
the master called, what will the slave's answer be? i think we already know.


Slave?? Master??
I thought they are asking for indian troops not Pakistani. These article should be correct.
**** bagPakistan is a proper noun, its with a capital ''P'' but this exactly shows your love for peace when you write India with a capital ''I'' and Pakistan with a small, its not just the grammar error but its an insight into your brain.....(notice that I wrote India properly and with its due respect)

Considering what most pakistanis call Indians... a small P/I is a huge improvement...

the master called, what will the slave's answer be? i think we already know.

why not spill the beans... ?
**** bagPakistan is a proper noun, its with a capital ''P'' but this exactly shows your love for peace when you write India with a capital ''I'' and Pakistan with a small, its not just the grammar error but its an insight into your brain.....(notice that I wrote India properly and with its due respect)

hey flower pott , i have made amendments & will use capita l "P" for Pakistan from now onwards ...happy now whats your views on rest of my post & posts on this thread , Thanks .
I also totally agree that India should not send troops to afghanistan, we dont have that luxuries of developed countries. We have to develop our own country first, that should be our priority.

ILL-Logically thinking,
India-afghanistan are already in security agreement (which is not even with US)
Indian troop are already in Afghanistan, giving training to afghan troops.
Indian troops are already in Afghanistan protecting important installations, and different projects.
Indian money ranging in billions of dollars is already invested in developing afghanistan

All the above efforts are wasted, if taliban comes to power.
So strategically it makes sense to send 40000-50000 troops at least to protect major cities in afghanistan. (just like china is sending its troop to its ally in pakistan, we will send our troops to our ally in Afghanistan)
It will improve combat efficiency of our troops, it will pressurize Pakistan to infinity.

We as indians should think about this,

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