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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

The Irony here is so thick that you can scoop it up and eat it.
You mean to tell me that the country that invaded and killed millions of Vietnamese is now defending its sovereignty?

American, the worlds biggest hypocrite
And the knowledge of history here is so bad one can only wonder if you even know what the word 'history' mean.

The US dropped a couple of nuclear bombs on Japan and we have been defending Japanese sovereignty ever since. The US and allies chopped up Germany and we also have been defending Germany's sovereignty ever since.
do not brag anything,just take heart of grace take your so -called territory back which you keep begging china sending back in a hundred ways with your weapon.
coward is always coward,his only way to fight ,just complain everywhere,do not be a navie dog,can you Vietnamese be a real patriot.
What about US undermining the sovereignty of Korean Peninsula, Vietnam (vietnam war), of Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan and what not.

Americans, such hypocrites.
Read all regulations of UNCLOS1982 firstly please, do you think Chinese gov is as foolish as you are?

UNCLOS excludes prior historical claims.

Did you bother reading the articles or do I have to read the relevant paragraph to you like an ignorant baby?

The US dropped a couple of nuclear bombs on Japan and we have been defending Japanese sovereignty ever since. The US and allies chopped up Germany and we also have been defending Germany's sovereignty ever since.

That is why I have been suggesting China should drop bombs on provocative nations too. They will love China in the future as defeated and subservient peoples. Let's start with Hanoi.
What about US undermining the sovereignty of Korean Peninsula, Vietnam (vietnam war), of Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan and what not.

Americans, such hypocrites.

UNCLOS covers peaceful relations, it doesn't cover war and was never intended to.
That is why I have been suggesting China should drop bombs on provocative nations too. They will love China in the future as defeated and subservient peoples. Let's start with Hanoi.
The problem is that it is China who is being provocative and aggressive -- historically. Why not YOU go to China and live the way you talk? Ohh...Never mind...
can you tell me why you idiot govt. offer territory to US. as a military base,in return US. give you navie Vietnamese a huge hurt with a war?

Can you tell me why your idiot govt accepted that US control Taiwan and let Taiwan is still exist same as independence state by signing Shanghai Agreement 1972 ?

UNCLOS excludes prior historical claims.

Did you bother reading the articles or do I have to read the relevant paragraph to you like an ignorant baby?

That is why I have been suggesting China should drop bombs on provocative nations too. They will love China in the future as defeated and subservient peoples. Let's start with Hanoi.

You are living with Photoshop pictures made in China but do your job with cleaning dishes, plates ... in Boston.
Article 15 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

"Article 15 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates that the delineation rule for overlapping territorial sea claims does not apply to areas of historical title. These islands have been inhabited by Chinese for over 500 years, and have been under Guangzhou’s jurisdiction to protect and assist those inhabitants for over 50 years. Historic Right plus decades of silence in the face of a public declaration of the map amount to acquiescence. Ergo, the dotted line has been recognized for half a century.

Reference: 'Epsey Cooke Farrell, The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Law of the Sea (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998), 68–69.'”


[Note: Thank you to Luke for the post.]



Delimitation of the territorial sea between States

with opposite or adjacent coasts

Where the coasts of two States are opposite or adjacent to each other, neither of the two States is entitled, failing agreement between them to the contrary, to extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two States is measured. The above provision does not apply, however, where it is necessary by reason of historic title or other special circumstances to delimit the territorial seas of the two States in a way which is at variance therewith."​

From United Nations official website: UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA
Stop lying. Here is history evidents from China stated that Qing dynatry acepted Sea and Islands belong to Vietnam.

The Zhongguo Dilixue Jiaokeshu (Manual of geography of China) compiled in 1905 and published in 1906 says in the chapter Generalities: "In the South at 18°13 latitude North, the terminus being the coast of Yazhou, island of Hainan;


According to a map, published by the Qing Dynasty in 1894, Chinese territory ended at the Hainan Island.
No one cares about your ridiculous self-serving claims. Where is an official Chinese government document? You don't have one.

Stupid Viet wasting everyone's time.

Want me to show you the signed document from North Vietnamese (and later Unified Vietnam) Premier Pham Van Dong again?
Can you tell me why your idiot govt accepted that US control Taiwan and let Taiwan is still exist same as independence state by signing Shanghai Agreement 1972 ?

You are living with Photoshop pictures made in China but do your job with cleaning dishes, plates ... in Boston.
Idiot, seems you are mad a little!
don't deviate the topic!! Yes, now we don't control taiwan, because of civil war, just like you vietnam was seperated 40 years ago, And I bet on that you don't know the content of Shanghai agreement.

USA is immigrant country, the most of all native resident has been killed by white people. And in fact, In USA, there are more than 2 million vietnameses, most of all are the one escaped from vietnamese in viet war. there are also many chinese in USA, they live well, many of them Open a chinese restaurant, then hire Vietnamese to clean dish, So dish cleaning job is your job, don't scare, we will not take you job.
Your tone seems you live in western country, you are communist country. Photoshop? Can you tell me how to "Photoshop" the feeling of real life, and the image that you see it in personally?
You defaming china can't change anything, In SCS, you say you are reasonable, we say we are, If we can't reach an agreement, So, Let war decide it, of course you can try let others in it!!
No one cares about your ridiculous self-serving claims. Where is an official Chinese government document? You don't have one.

Stupid Viet wasting everyone's time.

Want me to show you the signed document from North Vietnamese (and later Unified Vietnam) Premier Pham Van Dong again?

He he, chinese don't have right to claim Island and sea of Viet, other than lying. Your ancestors accepted.
North Vietnam and China signed Geneva Agreement 1954. In Vietnam existed to states.
Letter of PVD from north VN he don't have right about sovereignity of us, South Vietnam State. Can North Korean Govt agree that Dokdo Island belong to Japan ? In fact chinese lies about nature of this letter, he stated that North VN respected 12 miles coastline of China only. PM of North Vietnam is terminated after 1975.
Childlish lies.
I am Viet and even I know Lieberman is a racist warmonger. He probably wants Vietnamese and Chinese to go to war with each other, less Asian in the world.

Vietnamese shouldn't take words of these politicians seriously. Many Vietnamese who don't understand US politics will be smitten by this warmonger declaration. Lieberman is first and foremost a Jewish person who looks out for Jewish interest above that of Americans. Despite being a "democrat" be can't wait for the US to go to war with all the Middle Eastern country surounding Israel. He is paid for by AIPAC. American politicians are unreliable as they are say one thing but do another ever since they landed in America. The Native called these people forked tongue for a reason.

Lieberman supported the Vietnam War and pretty much all of the invasion ever since. So for him to talk about soveriegnty is the height of hypocrisy. Asian people should stop listening to what white man say, because nothing will ever benefit them.
See a speech by U.S Senator Joe Lieberman at CSIS June 28:

The United States is not a claimant in the South China Sea. But what happens in the South China Sea does matter to us, and not just because more than $1.2 trillion of U.S. trade flows through these waters every year, or because of our longstanding global commitment to upholding freedom of navigation and open access to the maritime commons, which incidentally has been one of the reasons why the Asia-Pacific region has been able to achieve such enormous economic growth in the decades since World War II.
To do so, however, certain principles need to be recognized:

First, because multiple claims are overlapping, bilateral negotiations simply won’t resolve all the outstanding differences. Only by working together in a multilateral context can the challenges of the South China Sea be addressed in a fair and comprehensive way. A first important step would obviously be for ASEAN and China to move as quickly as possible to agree on a code of conduct for the South China Sea.

Second, all parties need to recognize that disagreements over the South China Sea can only be settled on the basis of international law. Trying to solve these disputes on the basis of dueling historical claims, by contrast, is a recipe for endless disagreement, continuing tensions, and the risk of violence.

Third, we know from history that territorial disputes are often very emotional. Precisely for this reason, countries need to exercise restraint and moderation. In this respect, the recent de-escalation of tensions between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal is a hopeful development.

Fourth, although the disputes over the South China Sea are clearly international, resolving them will require domestic reforms. I was interested in a recent report of the International Crisis Group, for instance. It pointed out that responsibility for the South China Sea within the government of the People’s Republic of China is claimed by a number of different entities. As a result, it often isn’t clear who’s in charge, which makes management of disputes and de-escalation of conflicts more difficult.

But it’s not only China that needs to pursue domestic reforms. It is past time for the U.S. to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty. This is one of the central messages that, not surprisingly, I took away from my own travels in Southeast Asia this year. And I’m hopeful that by the end of 2012 the U.S. Senate will at last vote on this treaty and ratify it.

Finally, let me close by offering a prediction. As you know, the presidential campaign in the U.S. is now heating up. Polls suggest that it’s going to be a very close election, and I agree with that. I have no doubt also that in the months ahead this campaign will provide if nothing else an excess of, in Shakespeare’s term, “sound and fury.”

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