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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

The Senator rightly says, China has seriously violated Vietnam's sovereignty.

Just look at the nine lots that China has blatantly "inviting international bids," it is completely within the VN's EEZ. That area is absolutely no dispute.


Right, we always have to fight against the neighbor greedy and bullying. Certainly India has experienced this.

you should know,in the colour region there is many chinese island,so we should require the circumjacent sea's economic interests.its obviously legal and logical.
dont think something near you,those must belong to you.

Vietnam has only the small guns but we have big support from international laws, particularly UNCLOS1982.

China does not have the right to "invite international bids" in the water of Vietnam's EEZ.

Chinese big gun Vs UNCLOS1982.

why you Vietnamese like look forward to others help when you struggle with another sigle nation,you guys now should abandon your requirement or just fight agaist us with your courages.your choice.
Vietnam has only the small guns but we have big support from international laws, particularly UNCLOS1982.

China does not have the right to "invite international bids" in the water of Vietnam's EEZ.

Chinese big gun Vs UNCLOS1982.

You're really dumb.

U.S. does not recognize UNCLOS. UNCLOS is not international law by any stretch of the imagination.



"May 10, 2012 – The US—together with Israel and Turkey—is among 34 nations that have not ratified Unclos; they therefore officially do not recognize it."
you should know,in the colour region there is many chinese island,so we should require the circumjacent sea's economic interests.its obviously legal and logical.
dont think something near you,those must belong to you.

why you Vietnamese like look forward to others help when you struggle with another sigle nation,you guys now should abandon your requirement or just fight agaist us with your courages.your choice.

You're wrong. No so-called china's islands in the lots. It is totally located in the waters of 200 nautical mile of Vietnam's EEZ. See the maps:



You're really dumb.

U.S. does not recognize UNCLOS. UNCLOS is not international law by any stretch of the imagination.



"May 10, 2012 – The US—together with Israel and Turkey—is among 34 nations that have not ratified Unclos; they therefore officially do not recognize it."

What a fool!
It is important that China has signed, the Chinese parliament has approved UNCLOS1982. What reason China does not comply it?
You're wrong. No so-called china's islands in the lots. It is totally located in the waters of 200 nautical mile of Vietnam's EEZ. See the maps:



What a fool!
It is important that China has signed, the Chinese parliament has approved UNCLOS1982. What reason China does not comply it?

Read all regulations of UNCLOS1982 firstly please, do you think Chinese gov is as foolish as you are?
China seems to have gone berserk! Since the Solar System is passing through the galactic plane, it probably is having a psychological impact on the brain waves emanating from mainland China! :cheesy:

Here's the map according to UNCLOS...


You can see that China claims the entire South China Sea, never mind the EEZs of other countries. Now, how idiotic and bizarre can that get? :blink:

Nuff said!
I have read UNCLOS1982.
I think the chinese government has also read it, they are not only stupid but greedy.
They rely on so-called "nine dotted line": LOL on chinese

Nine-dotted line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in you mind,chinese gov. is stupid,and your gov. smart enough to lose paracel,when you fear to challenge a big country,you crying beg a international law.when you bully a small country,you use weapons,good Vietnamese!!!

PS.Your gov.is so intelligent that still maintain you country as a poor one and keep losing your so-called territory,and to the contrary,the stupid chinese gov.keep a highly speed to develop chinese life level and hold our territory firm.
who is stupid,who is smart?
if you are not blind or mad,you should have a answer.if you refuse the fact,just keep trolling,and we look you as a idiot.
in you mind,chinese gov. is stupid,and your gov. smart enough to lose paracel,when you fear to challenge a big country,you crying beg a international law.when you bully a small country,you use weapons,good Vietnamese!!!

With the UN conventions such as UNCLOS 1982, if your government has signed and your parliament has approved it, you must comply it regardless of big or small country. We don't bully any small country like you said, except your Khmer Rouge allies.
With the UN conventions such as UNCLOS 1982, if your government has signed and your parliament has approved it, you must comply it regardless of big or small country. We don't bully any small country like you said, except your Khmer Rouge allies.
you are so naive,no matter we signed it or not and no matter your saying is right or not,when the UNCLOS 1982 against our country core interests,we will not recognize it any longer which is same to any nation,so dont brag the UNCLOS 1982,its not useful in a territory conflict.
remember,we will retake all the islands we claimed in coming future,we are glad to pay a quick war for it,no matter the opponent is you or US.
now you understand?my Vietnam great lawyer?
And what about US's filibustering campaigns in middle east, Asia Pacific, South Asia??????????
You're really dumb.

U.S. does not recognize UNCLOS. UNCLOS is not international law by any stretch of the imagination.



"May 10, 2012 – The US—together with Israel and Turkey—is among 34 nations that have not ratified Unclos; they therefore officially do not recognize it."

UNCLOS is law for all its signatories, of which China is one.

The US recognizes UNCLOS as customary international law.

Also Senator Lieberman is a blowhard, usually best to ignore him when he speaks out individually.
Nine dot line come from ROC (Taiwan) and ROC still deploy army in the Taiping island, can you tell me the reason?

You want me to explain why Taiwan only controls 1 island (and 1 reef)? That's because she came Spratlys later. China also that, CCP can only get some reefs by stealing them from Vietnam.


Spratly Islands, Vietnam
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