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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

White people from Europe who stole America and Australia.

And Canada and New Zealand. And they are still invading and plundering today, constantly violating every International law and agreement. As long as other nations keep taking westerners seriously, this will continue.
Baiyue was a collective of the inferior tribes who were running naked around the jungle, that's why the Han Chinese called them as 南蛮.

Nevetheless, these groups have also enslaved your ancestors before the coming of Han Chinese, you guys are just the south of the Baiyue entity. :coffee:

For type of worms, 東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄... Chinese has been insulting mutual in your history, all of you worms.
Chinese invaded Vietnam, we wiped your ancestors ran away with bloody Heads.

You guys have no civlization in the history, while the Chinese civilization is the original prototype of those other East Asian civilizations in Japan and Korea, so same for Vietnam.

The Han Chinese have brought the civilization to you guys, just accept the fact, otherwise you guys will still eat with your bare hands, with no proper family name, and still committing the incest to each other. :coffee:

Education ins china is very bad when brainwashed chinese guys such idiot thing. Chinese has been copied then lies that his own.

In fact you shouldn't worry now that China would make the mistake by helping those imperialist Viets to become industrialized, their stupid action has just jeopardized this only opportunity to make them a real future potential threat to China. :coffee:

China didn't helped us, just played your dirty policy to betrayal Soviet and you sold us to US when you begged US accepted you as new servant to encounter Soviet Union in cold war.
And Canada and New Zealand. And they are still invading and plundering today, constantly violating every International law and agreement. As long as other nations keep taking westerners seriously, this will continue.

But they did not blatantly invite international bidding for oil exploration in exclusive economic zones of other countries.

That's the difference.
Can you understand that?
For type of worms, 東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄... Chinese has been insulting mutual in your history, all of you worms.
Chinese invaded Vietnam, we wiped your ancestors ran away with bloody Heads.

Education ins china is very bad when brainwashed chinese guys such idiot thing. Chinese has been copied then lies that his own.

China didn't helped us, just played your dirty policy to betrayal Soviet and you sold us to US when you begged US accepted you as new servant to encounter Soviet Union in cold war.

I know it is depressing to accept the truth that your country has always been a sh!thole for thousand of years, but this is the life, you have to take it. :coffee:
Can you tell me why your idiot govt accepted that US control Taiwan and let Taiwan is still exist same as independence state by signing Shanghai Agreement 1972 ?

You are living with Photoshop pictures made in China but do your job with cleaning dishes, plates ... in Boston.

you guys so ignorant,and have a confused logic, since there is a Shanghai Agreement 1972,why you so stupid that shout out that US control taiwan?by now you new american father never go against the Agreement.china is definitely not like your homeland let US. army stay in your territory as a long-term military presence,if other countires's army want stay in our country,they must be as a invader,this chinese steel will,dont like you Vietnamese.
China | Vietnam | South China Sea

BEIJING, China — Amid the escalating dispute over territorial waters in the South China Sea, China’s rivals are toying with a simple idea: change the name of the sea.

A petition drive from Vietnam to change the South China Sea’s name to the Southeast Asia Sea is gaining followers. Meanwhile, the Philippines has another proposal.

“When people keep referring to the South China Sea, there is a subliminal message that this sea belongs to a country whose name appears in the name,” Commodore Miguel Jose Rodriguez, Armed Forces spokesman, said recently, according to the Philippines Inquirer. “We in the Philippines should call it West Philippine Sea
you guys so ignorant,and have a confused logic, since there is a Shanghai Agreement 1972,why you so stupid that shout out that US control taiwan?by now you new american father never go against the Agreement.china is definitely not like your homeland let US. army stay in your territory as a long-term military presence,if other countires's army want stay in our country,they must be as a invader,this chinese steel will,dont like you Vietnamese.

He he, you are low IQ Chinese boy, don't understand what does it means. After 1972, China has been given up her right to use force with Taiwan. US navy go around Taiwan to watching it and sell modern weapons to Taiwan, let Taiwanese using US technology to open factories in China. If china violate her commitments, US will do necessary actions to put china in to his place. control Taiwan or not ? High IQ chinese can understand it.

Ἀπόλλων;3153294 said:
China | Vietnam | South China Sea

BEIJING, China — Amid the escalating dispute over territorial waters in the South China Sea, China’s rivals are toying with a simple idea: change the name of the sea.

A petition drive from Vietnam to change the South China Sea’s name to the Southeast Asia Sea is gaining followers. Meanwhile, the Philippines has another proposal.

“When people keep referring to the South China Sea, there is a subliminal message that this sea belongs to a country whose name appears in the name,” Commodore Miguel Jose Rodriguez, Armed Forces spokesman, said recently, according to the Philippines Inquirer. “We in the Philippines should call it West Philippine Sea.”

From ancient time we Vietnamese call our sea ưith name: East Sea, Biển Đông in Vietnamese.
China’s sovereign claims in East Sea groundless: int’l scholars

International scholars have affirmed that there is no legal foundation for China’s declaration of sovereignty over almost all of the East Sea area and that its U-shaped line is unreasonable.

They emphasised this at a seminar entitled “The East Sea and Asia Pacific in Transition: Exploring Options for Managing Disputes” in Washington DC on June 28.

The event, held by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), focused on recent developments in the East Sea, the East Sea in the ASEAN-US-China relations, and assessment of significance of the East Sea in a changing regional landscape.

The role of international laws and norms in resolving and managing disputes as well as resolution and policy recommendations to boost security and cooperation in the East Sea were also considered.

Professor Carlyle Thayer from the Australian Defence Force Academy said oil and gas blocks in the area that China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has recently advertised for international tender in fact belong to Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

He said the Vietnam National Assembly’s recent adoption of the Law on the Sea is a positive development as it is necessary for the country to exploit their offshore resources. He affirmed that Vietnam required the new laws because marine industries will make up 50 percent of its GDP by 2025.

According to the senior expert, China’s U-shaped line, created in 1948, is not legal because it was drawn before the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was signed in 1982.

At the seminar, Dr. Tran Truong Thuy, Director of the Centre for East Sea Studies under the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, presented a map of the nine blocks in the East Sea, reaffirming that it is within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and is not a disputed area.

Dr. Bonnie Glasser, a CSIS expert in Asia, urged that any company which wants to submit a bid for developing resources through a Chinese proxy operating within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone should think twice before making up their mind because it may raise concerns and these companies are likely to face high risks.

For his part, Kunt Campell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, stressed that the US opposes any use of force to handle disputes in the East Sea.

Scholars shared the view that ASEAN should play an important role in settling disputes in the East Sea.
One should first ask if Japanese have any sovereignty in the first place? I argue that Japanese have no sovereignty because they are not independent. American is defending American interest in Japan, not Japanese sovereignty because Japan can't do what she wishes and need to ask for American permission.
And your argument is completely baseless and if it have any basis at all, it is from meaningless rhetoric. Japan is far more independent and free than you wish your China or Viet Nam is. Japan is wealthy and spends money as she like. Both the US and Japan have mutual security and commercial interests in Asia so there is nothing wrong with having an alliance with conditions. Look around the US if you have the intellectual honesty and see how much of Japan is in the US. Then tell everyone how 'not free' Japan really is.

America is concerned about another country's sovereignty, I wonder how many people in the world still believe this kind of nonsense.
A lot more than you would like to believe otherwise, including Turkey. :lol:
you guys so ignorant,and have a confused logic, since there is a Shanghai Agreement 1972,why you so stupid that shout out that US control taiwan?by now you new american father never go against the Agreement.china is definitely not like your homeland let US. army stay in your territory as a long-term military presence,if other countires's army want stay in our country,they must be as a invader,this chinese steel will,dont like you Vietnamese.

I heard that the U.S Congress has ratified a treaty to defend Taiwan?
this man is right. no further comments.
For type of worms, 東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄... Chinese has been insulting mutual in your history, all of you worms.
Chinese invaded Vietnam, we wiped your ancestors ran away with bloody Heads.

Education ins china is very bad when brainwashed chinese guys such idiot thing. Chinese has been copied then lies that his own.

China didn't helped us, just played your dirty policy to betrayal Soviet and you sold us to US when you begged US accepted you as new servant to encounter Soviet Union in cold war.

How pitiful you are!

Anything wrong with東夷(more precisely it should be荑)、南蠻、西戎(shoud be狨)、北狄?

Dude, you have to study Chinese language and Chinese history if you really want to know the proper meanings. “Entering China (you) become Chinese, leaving China (you) become barbarians”. In fact, nobles in the royal family of Qin Dynasty, that unified the whole China, had lots 西狨 type of “barbarian”, but they were Chinese eventually. On other side whether you want to be barbarian or not, it is up to YOU, not up to anybody else! Thus one Chinese scholar said, thanks to our ancesters, majority of us used to side with worms and animals and weeds (referring to the strokes in writing these names that contain the meaning of insect (such as in 蠻), grasses (in 荑), and animal(in 狄,狨)), now we have all been a part of the great civilization.

There is a sound reason to contrast civilized China (China proper) with peripheral uncivilized areas in ancient times. You just by looking at thousands of Chinese inventions, you know what that mean. Ask you self what have Vietnamese invented over the past thousands of years? My personal finding is fish sauce. In comparison of amount and importance, what had Korean invented, definitely not pickle vegetables? How about Mongols, Japanese, Laotians, today’s Tibetans and Uighurs?

Please don’t be mad with me. I’m just listing the facts. Shouting slogan is cheap and easy, listing fact is valuable and difficult. And the conclusion is: it is still up to you wether you want to continue siding with insect, grass or animal or not, not anybody else.

We kicked you @ from 938 AC ober thousand of years, you have take it.:enjoy:

But you guys behave as if you were kicked out for long time as you keep complaining treating you like worm.


Funny! :rofl:
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