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US secretary of defence asks China to disarm its army by million, stop coop. with Russia, stop developing advanced weapons to improve relation with US


Nov 9, 2021
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The U.S. Secretary of Defense clamored: To improve U.S.-China relations, China needs to agree to three conditions. How can we talk without sincerity?​

After the U.S. expressed its goodwill to China many times and expressed its desire to visit China, U.S. Defense Secretary Austin blatantly clamored that unless China did these three things, U.S.-China relations would not improve. What did Austin say? What kind of mystery is hidden behind this?

Not long ago, China's visit to Russia made the United States completely unable to sit still, and expressed its desire to visit China many times. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken wants to resume the previously postponed visit to China. The Secretary of Commerce and the Minister of Finance also said that they will lead a delegation to China. Even with the previously unfavorable attitude of the United States towards the peace plan, it has also made a 180-degree turn, suddenly expressing its support for China's persuasion and promotion of peace talks with Russia and Ukraine.


The U.S. overtures are based on economic considerations, but they have not fundamentally changed the U.S. policy stance. The United States is "friendly" to China precisely because the United States is currently facing severe economic problems. The explosion in the banking industry has spread to multiple real estate and technology industries such as real estate. The turbulent United States wants to use China's strength. But at the same time, the United States still does not give up its strategy of encircling China, and frequently makes dangerous moves around China with Japan, the Philippines, etc., which seems to be insincere in what the United States said.

US Secretary of Defense Austin's recent speech has even more demonstrated the hypocrisy of the US. Recently, Austin even put forward ridiculous conditions to China, and said that only when China agrees to these three conditions will it consider improving US-China relations. This statement is really absurd. China's development and progress has never been a charity or gift from the United States, let alone the face of the United States. The United States is willing to improve relations, so it is good to cooperate with China. If it is not willing, China will not force others to make things difficult. From the three conditions proposed by Austin, it can be seen that the US hegemony has not changed its face and has no sincerity at all to improve US-China relations. What are these three conditions?


One of Austin's conditions is that China stop developing advanced weapons. Although China advocates the path of peaceful rise and has promised many times to "never seek hegemony", the truth that if you fall behind, you will be beaten is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the Chinese people. The research and development of advanced weapons is very necessary for a country's national defense security. Without advanced weapons, national defense security cannot be guaranteed. Asking China to stop research and development of advanced weapons is tantamount to asking China to "abandon its own martial arts". When Austin said this, he naturally knew that this was a dream, but he still said it. The meaning behind this can be said to have been reflected quite well. Obvious.

Austin's second condition called for the cessation of cooperation between China and Russia. This is even more a fantasy. China and Russia have always been close cooperative partnerships. They are neighbours geographically and have deep ties in the fields of economy and trade. In addition to economic and geographical considerations, for China and Russia, only by relying on each other can they more effectively oppose the hegemonic behaviour of the United States and maintain world peace and stability.


The third condition of Austin requires China to carry out large-scale disarmament by "reducing its army strength by a million men". This article is similar to the first article, which requires China to "abolish its own martial arts" before cooperating with China and lifting sanctions against China. These words are even more ridiculous. The United States is the country that loves to wage wars the most in the world. Not counting those wars under the instigation of the United States, there are already countless books. In addition, the GDP of the United States is 1.4 times that of China, but its military expenditure has reached 3.6 times that of China. Recently, the U.S. government's military expenditure has increased again, reaching 842 billion U.S. dollars, or about 5.8 trillion yuan, a record high. The number of U.S. troops is also among the best in the world. Therefore, if anyone’s military has affected international security and regional peace, it should be the U.S. military that is provoking trouble everywhere.


Every condition that Austin mentioned is basically impossible to achieve, and China will never let the United States issue orders. Of course, this also reflects a very significant fact, that is, the hegemonic thinking of the United States has been deeply ingrained, and old habits are hard to change. Since the U.S. has no sincerity, their so-called seeking calls and visits to China seem more like "expedient measures".

Does this person has any respectable IQ ? He is making out this world outrageous demand on China to literally give up any credible self defence and readily surrender to the US so that China will willingly become a third rate country that US can do to China whatever US wants.
Is there any official confirmation of these demands. Not sure if Amreeka Bahadur would be this direct and if so it's rather idiotic...
Which world do they live in?
Reality overcomes fiction

and then Deino laughs at my well-studied statement: the Anglo-Empire 2.0 is the latest version of The West Empire, and its Mental Software is a fusion (which took place in the 400-600s) between Roman ideology and Aramaic fantasies.

The Western Mental Software is a fusion of Roman Empire and Bible.

Fusion that lately (1967-) has had some small adjustments as it is logical, but the heart of the matter here we see clearly once again.

Time and again many of us have asked ourselves the same question:

WTF, What do these people drink, what do they smoke ?

After spending a few thousand hours researching this question, i think i have found a reasonable hypothesis:

these people drink and smoke an explosive cocktail of Roman Empire and Old Testament.
Is there any official confirmation of these demands. Not sure if Amreeka Bahadur would be this direct and if so it's rather idiotic...

Yes. I don't think even the Ivory Tower Liberals in the Biden Admin are naive enough for such demands.

PS. Look up videos featuring Ray McGovern. A gem of a brain in America! Been involved since Kennedy years! He is not so one-sided against the American geopolitics unlike Col. McGregor and Scott Ritter but in general he condemns the NeoCons. I wish I would be his sharp brain at 84 year age!!

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