The Fracture of the first century
The Fracture of the fist century culminating in the destruction of the Temple (-70) ...
... is a fracture between on the one hand the ruling class of the city-Temple and its servants, lackeys and suppliers. Ruling class who enjoyed enormous advantages and privileges within the Roman Empire ...
... on the other hand, "the people of the land", "those damn people", the local population: people from Idumea, Galilea and Perea and "a multitude of slaves and brigands".
So we are back to square one in "the land of Canaan": a country that excludes its local population.
The Fracture of the fist century culminating in the destruction of the Temple (-70) ...
... is a fracture between on the one hand the ruling class of the city-Temple and its servants, lackeys and suppliers. Ruling class who enjoyed enormous advantages and privileges within the Roman Empire ...
... on the other hand, "the people of the land", "those damn people", the local population: people from Idumea, Galilea and Perea and "a multitude of slaves and brigands".
So we are back to square one in "the land of Canaan": a country that excludes its local population.