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US Reagan carrier Moving Away from Taiwan Island When Chinese Navy Started The Drill Around The Island !


That still within reach and touch of DF21s

It might get difficult if Murican carrier hide in Frisco Bay or Hudson Bay :D

That would be the job of Chinese FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment System) :D


It's really strange to say that ,this kind of contact intelligence collection is mutual, it's hard to understand why you feel that only one party can collect data unilaterally? ? ?
Did I say it is one sided? But who do you think gains the most, the side with the actual combat experience, or the side without?

So China don't gather intelligence too from Taiwan separatist and US.

What a stupid comment..
Who has the most SIGINT experience? US or China?

Anyway, even with all of that. Taiwan island still cannot detect J-20 Stealth Fighter patrolling their Southern Area. That's show how obsolete US & Taiwan Radar Technology compared to China :)
I posted elsewhere here where the J-20's RCS, and others, are probably figured out. See if you can find it.
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Did I say it is one sided? But who do you think gains the most, the side with the actual combat experience, or the side without?

Who has the most SIGINT experience? US or China?

I posted elsewhere here where the J-20's RCS, and others, are probably figured out. See if you can find it.
This is inconclusive, intelligence gathering does not have more actual combat experience to gain greater reasons.
A bribed spy, a careless virus can cause heavy losses
USA is attention whore. China says they're the star of this show. USA says me too!

If we let USA profit even a slight bit by showing their military presence during this present Taiwan fisaco, then everything China did up to now becomes a farce. USA purpose to sail (or plan to) their carrier into Taiwan Straight not to show military support for Taiwan but to steal back the limelight coz they know they fuked up bad by sending Pelosi in the first place.

China saw thru this trick now stalling for time by extending military exercise, cutting off military communication, etc... Cheap and easy technique to stall for time because then nobody gives a fuk if US does the Taiwan passage 1 or 2 months from now! Like the stage play is over and audience leaving (state members of the UN observing the actions in this hot spot) then USA shows up to mostly empty stadium and cheered by crickets chirping. A day late and a buck short... is the result China wants to give USN carrier group!

Basically, how to deal with attention whore USA: By not giving him any attention by denying him access and info into the current hot zone!
USA is attention whore. China says they're the star of this show. USA says me too!

If we let USA profit even a slight bit by showing their military presence during this present Taiwan fisaco, then everything China did up to now becomes a farce. USA purpose to sail (or plan to) their carrier into Taiwan Straight not to show military support for Taiwan but to steal back the limelight coz they know they fuked up bad by sending Pelosi in the first place.

China saw thru this trick now stalling for time by extending military exercise, cutting off military communication, etc... Cheap and easy technique to stall for time because then nobody gives a fuk if US does the Taiwan passage 1 or 2 months from now! Like the stage play is over and audience leaving (state members of the UN observing the actions in this hot spot) then USA shows up to mostly empty stadium and cheered by crickets chirping. A day late and a buck short... is the result China wants to give USN carrier group!

Basically, how to deal with attention whore USA: By not giving him any attention by denying him access and info into the current hot zone!
They have the propaganda power. They can make any situation appear in their favour. Just like their genocidal wars were for freedom and democracy.
This time they have stirred the pot and left the so called allies Taiwanese alone to face the terror while utilizing their lying skills to divert the blame elsewhere.
China is different than US. US said A do B, while China said A do A.

China clearly stated, they only invade Taiwan island IF :
1. Taiwan separatists declaring independence.
2. If peaceful reunification not achieved by 2027.

Lol. Pussy in denial mode
Calling me a pussy won't change the fact that you're literally using shit logic.

Answer the question, you clown, If these are the two conditions, why did China get pissed off? By your very logic, China should not have reacted, because this doesn't threaten those two points you keep mentioning.

Don't call me a pussy, when you keep running from answer a simple question like a coward.

This is a matter between US and China.
Other countries should steer clear.
This is inconclusive, intelligence gathering does not have more actual combat experience to gain greater reasons.
A bribed spy, a careless virus can cause heavy losses
Have you ever fixed any machinery? Am not talking about building a computer but actual mechanical stuff. Never mind. That was a rhetorical question. I doubt you have anything worse than a paper cut.


For any action, there is a reaction and that reaction is resistance. Take a nut and bolt, for example. Exposed to the elements, the nut will produce greater resistance to attempts to loosen it from the bolt. An experienced mechanic will know better than a novice on how to deal with such conditions. That is why you always have to pay more for experience of any kind, whether it is the plumber, the auto mechanic, a programmer, a soldier, or a pilot.

The corollary is that with combat experience, the US, particularly the Navy, will glean out details that casual and ignorant observers, like you guys here, will miss out. With combat experience, the USN will note the timing of ship movements, radio transmissions, radar emissions, or flights, and put them into a coherent picture. We will note how the PLAN respond to weather compare to ours. At sea, how to deal with sea states is critical.

How does the PLAN deal with various sea states regarding ship movements? Do YOU know? Can you even guess how the USN can use this information in battle? For example...

In that source, each vessel have a 'Sea State' range. Do YOU know how PLAN destroyers and cruisers maneuvers in State 2 or 3?

4. Provide environmental operational capability documentation that includes the proven range of operational speed, ability to perform during ship maneuvering, and operational sea state based on the NATO Sea State Table.​

Have YOU ever been on a boat going across a lake, not open sea, with 1-foot swell? If never, then what make you think you know better than experienced sailors on what they can observe of the PLAN ships around Taiwan? Am Air Force, not Navy, and already I can guess some.

So you guys can 'drill' and try to scare the Taiwanese all you want, for now. We will observe and take plenty of notes. :enjoy:
Have you ever fixed any machinery? Am not talking about building a computer but actual mechanical stuff. Never mind. That was a rhetorical question. I doubt you have anything worse than a paper cut.


For any action, there is a reaction and that reaction is resistance. Take a nut and bolt, for example. Exposed to the elements, the nut will produce greater resistance to attempts to loosen it from the bolt. An experienced mechanic will know better than a novice on how to deal with such conditions. That is why you always have to pay more for experience of any kind, whether it is the plumber, the auto mechanic, a programmer, a soldier, or a pilot.

The corollary is that with combat experience, the US, particularly the Navy, will glean out details that casual and ignorant observers, like you guys here, will miss out. With combat experience, the USN will note the timing of ship movements, radio transmissions, radar emissions, or flights, and put them into a coherent picture. We will note how the PLAN respond to weather compare to ours. At sea, how to deal with sea states is critical.

How does the PLAN deal with various sea states regarding ship movements? Do YOU know? Can you even guess how the USN can use this information in battle? For example...

In that source, each vessel have a 'Sea State' range. Do YOU know how PLAN destroyers and cruisers maneuvers in State 2 or 3?

4. Provide environmental operational capability documentation that includes the proven range of operational speed, ability to perform during ship maneuvering, and operational sea state based on the NATO Sea State Table.​

Have YOU ever been on a boat going across a lake, not open sea, with 1-foot swell? If never, then what make you think you know better than experienced sailors on what they can observe of the PLAN ships around Taiwan? Am Air Force, not Navy, and already I can guess some.

So you guys can 'drill' and try to scare the Taiwanese all you want, for now. We will observe and take plenty of notes. :enjoy:
WOW, the Americans have been watching these intelligences you mentioned in the various exercises that the Chinese navy has conducted over the decades, and the Chinese intelligence ships have also watched them during the US exercises.
Why do you think this time seems special? It seems that with this exercise, the United States will gain huge benefits? ?
WOW, the Americans have been watching these intelligences you mentioned in the various exercises that the Chinese navy has conducted over the decades, and the Chinese intelligence ships have also watched them during the US exercises.
Why do you think this time seems special? It seems that with this exercise, the United States will gain huge benefits? ?
You can mock me all you want, but all it does is revealed your ignorance.

“But I think there was another audience watching, spies because they can use satellites now to see fresh, pin-sharp images of how the People’s Liberation Army operates in battle mode.​
Now the longer they continue and the more ships and aircraft and anti-submarine operations they bring into play in this theatre, the more information the spies from Japan and America will be able to obtain, which I think they could use to work out how China might approach a potential invasion of Taiwan.”​

You think am the only one ? :enjoy:
You can mock me all you want, but all it does is revealed your ignorance.

“But I think there was another audience watching, spies because they can use satellites now to see fresh, pin-sharp images of how the People’s Liberation Army operates in battle mode.​
Now the longer they continue and the more ships and aircraft and anti-submarine operations they bring into play in this theatre, the more information the spies from Japan and America will be able to obtain, which I think they could use to work out how China might approach a potential invasion of Taiwan.”​

You think am the only one ? :enjoy:
It's just a self-comforting statement, an ignorant statement. If observations of the exercise were so effective, any national team would park warships in port。
It's just a self-comforting statement, an ignorant statement. If observations of the exercise were so effective, any national team would park warships in port。
Then why does anyone do reconnaissance? After all, the targets are usually static, right? So, if according to your non-experience life, that observation of war games are useless, that mean just simple reconnaissance must be even more useless, right? I hope the PLA leadership is filled with people like you.
I think it is the correct action of the US govt for the USS Reagan to leave the Taiwan Strait.

If the US govt considers itself a world leader, it has the responsibility to avoid World War for mankind, not to incite it.

Pelosi's behavior will not increase the respect of other countries for the USA, but will only increase the uneasiness of other countries. It will also increase the doubts of other countries about the status of the USA.
Then why does anyone do reconnaissance? After all, the targets are usually static, right? So, if according to your non-experience life, that observation of war games are useless, that mean just simple reconnaissance must be even more useless, right? I hope the PLA leadership is filled with people like you.
stupid idea. The observation of the exercise has been ongoing, and it has never been possible to make a huge discovery by observing the exercise a few more times. Otherwise, why have navies around the world been conducting exercises? American, Russian, Chinese intelligence ships never miss their opponent's drills? If the gains are so huge, why do these countries conduct exercises to provide adversary observation? A spy, a bribed general, such as a senior officer in electronic warfare equipment previously captured in Taiwan can provide much more critical information.
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