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US Re-locates Bombers from Guam for possible use in Iran Theater

The US increasingly realizes that its static military positions around the world are vulnerable to improved ballistic- and cruise missile technology. Continue to have large concentration of bombers and other weaponry at one place, that fall within the range of your competitor's missiles, would be rather foolish. The US is waking up to the new reality.

I like to think the pinpoint Iranian strikes a few months ago had a lot to do with that.... it was the first ever live demonstration of how impotent and uselesss American hollywoodesque missile defense systems are

American missile defence systems have failed miserably in almost every sinlgle live war they participated it..

earlys 90s patriots failure for the israelis. Saudi arabias multibillion dollar toys doing nothing while their most expensive economic asset took on a barrage of missiles that crippled it..

and now most recently the pinpoint Iranian missile attacks. litrerally picking the exact tent to hit in a cluster of 5.....

this was a HUGE wake up call for American planners... what they used to deem "assets" are now "liabilities"

expect to see more American retreats from areas in range of enemy missiles to come
In what sense you were mentioning of WWIII is going on against Iran?
Sorry to hear you are hurt with my handle. Contact webmaster if you are feeling sick.
I didn't mention Iran. It's your obsession with Iran that made you read it like that. lol
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