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US preparing “significantly larger military attack” on Syria – Report

Rafidis are going to get all kinds of pain. :cheesy:

I really hope the US hits Hez targets in Syria. It's revenge time for the Barrack bombings in 1983.
I think US will commit mistake this time by attacking on Syria,they are not following "DIVIDE AND RULE" policy,Ignoring all the aspects in which they enjoy success according to them.

Russia,Iran,China and Pakistan will not shy to defend Syria.

It's going to be Disaster for Israel.

Vice Verse,Obama legacy will shut down,US has trapped this time.
Go ahead start a war with us .Then watch what happens.

Whoever will come to us with a sword, from a sword will perish-Alexander Nevsky.

Everyone will die...
It's like you want a war so you can prove you'll survive?
I am sure you'll enjoy living in your irradiated, icy hell-hole of a country.
Failing that you can live underground in some dark, concrete bunker for the rest of your life.
Some victory.
I think US will commit mistake this time by attacking on Syria,they are not following "DIVIDE AND RULE" policy,Ignoring all the aspects in which they enjoy success according to them.

Russia,Iran,China and Pakistan will not shy to defend Syria.

It's going to be Disaster for Israel.

Vice Verse,Obama legacy will shut down,US has trapped this time.

Waiting for that to happen all talk and no action. US has enough capacity to take down all those countries and put them back to stone age. thanks for the chest pumping by it is not going to do jack all. :coffee:
The taliban are holding them for how many years??

bro forgot 1980's days ?

We have the necessary sea skimmers to deal with surface navy of USA.The real problem will be Submarines,unless the rumors of heat bloom detection by satellite is true ,american SSBN,SSGN in Pacific,Altantic will be the trouble.Plus we have those pestilence the SSK's which are even bigger trouble for our navy in the Meditterranean .
maybe after 2020 Russian navy become 3rd strongest navy after china and India.
Everyone will die...
It's like you want a war so you can prove you'll survive?
I am sure you'll enjoy living in your irradiated, icy hell-hole of a country.
Failing that you can live underground in some dark, concrete bunker for the rest of your life.
Some victory.

Nukes are quite clean.The fallout is a problem for first few months .

Ch. 1: The Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Myths and Facts - Nuclear War Survival Skills

The radiological particles such as Plutonium from Fukushima have spread across the world and these are supposed to be much worse compared to fallout of nuclear bombs. Have millions died due to Fukushima.Nyet. Proves nuclear war is very viable and winnable.The right population survival measures are being implemented.Nuclear winter is nothing but a myth created by Carl Sagan and the american elite who did not want to spend trillions of dollars building civil defence for population survival which USSR did.

A few years and the global environment will recover .Till then we have food supplies.There will be hardships ,but the power of the imperialists will be destroyed.

Ch. 1: The Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Myths and Facts - Nuclear War Survival Skills

bro forgot 1980's days ?

maybe after 2020 Russian navy become 3rd strongest navy after china and India.

Russian navy continues and will remain stronger than indian. even till 2020.
While counting country's military might, the number of nuclear weapons doesn't really matter especially when it comes to the US. You will want to do some Googling and see how strong the US is compared to Russia.

No, U.S is not much more stronger than Russia.They both can send each other back to stone age.

U.S is NOT that unbeatable and unbreakable supa pawa that you have created for yourself, yes it is very very powerful, but not like what you think.

Anyway, Russia and U.S will never enter a war with each other, they are not stupid.
Nuke numbers dont matter, and it wont win you the wars. use some common sense.

Nukes are the sword.Civil defence,ABM defences and black weapons are the shield. But the most important component for any survival of human resources of the nation is civil defence. That is the main component of the shield.
No, It isn't about being a superpower, but no world war will break out for Assad on Russia's end.

China is out of the equastion, Why do we even have to mention :lol: Right @ChineseTiger1986

USA still has the strongest nuclear arsenal, they got 14 Ohio boomers each armed with 24 Trident II, and the success rate of the Trident II is 142/142.

While the Bulava is nowhere as reliable, and its recent test has just failed.

Borei super-subs trials may be postponed after Bulava ?failure? ? RT News

However, logically speaking, USA won't attack countries like Russia and China, since it still got a quite of nuclear deterrent against it as well.
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LoLz. What have I created? When the Russians can build a stealthy fighter jet, please come back to me and we can talk about it :lol:
United States Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Guard of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hellz, the Russians don't even have drones on them :lol:
No, U.S is not much more stronger than Russia.They both can send each other back to stone age.

U.S is NOT that unbeatable and unbreakable supa pawa tha you have created for yourself, yes it is very very powerful, but not like what you think.

Anyway, Russia and U.S will never enter a war with each other, they are not stupid.

The Chinese are smart, but the Russians happen to have an unbearable eago :lol:
USA still has the strongest nuclear arsenal, they got 14 Ohio boomers each armed with 24 Trident II, and the success rate of the Trident II is 142/142.

While the Bulava is nowhere as reliable, and its recent test has just failed.

Borei super-subs trials may be postponed after Bulava ?failure? ? RT News

However, logically speaking, USA won't attack countries like Russia and China, since it still got a quite of nuclear deterrent against it as well.
LoLz. What have I created? When the Russian can build a stealthy fighter jet, please come back to me and we can talk about it :lol:
United States Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Guard of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hellz, the Russians don't even have drones on them :lol:

The Chinese are smart, but the Russians happen to have an unbearable eago :lol:

Air force craft like F-22,su-35,j-20 are useless in a nuclear war.But nuclear submarines are much more useful,that i will give .

drones are useful for tactical situational awareness not a full scale nuclear war. in nuclear war ,population survival is paramount for that civil defence is critical.
Air force craft like F-22,su-35,j-20 are useless in a nuclear war.But nuclear submarines are much more useful,that i will give .

drones are useful for tactical situational awareness not a full scale nuclear war. in nuclear war ,population survival is paramount for that civil defence is critical.

Okay :lol: Let's see how are you going to handle the F-22, F-35, and the B2 bombers.
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