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US preparing “significantly larger military attack” on Syria – Report

a big no. u forgot china. they both want to defend syria but if usa attack over syria than no1 can stop america not china,russia or un . because they are superpower. right @Yzd Khalifa ???

Well then you need to read on the diversion of military resources to civil defence since the past 5 years. Russia is preparing for a world war.
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larger attack means larger mess it will create after leaving Syria
Russia might get involved but the problem is they wont, Assad will probably tell them to interfere and stop the attack, But Russia cant afford to get its ships in Mediterranean sea being targeted by america. Russia wont get involved, America will attack and go.

because they have nothing in navy only 1 old acc and 1980's old destroyers,frigates etc. in other side usa have very lage navy with new 12 acc and large feet of worlds strongest destroyers. if russia ever attack over usa (with/with out china0 than both countries (china,russia) will doomed.
because they have nothing in navy only 1 old acc and 1980's old destroyers,frigates etc. in other side usa have very lage navy with new 12 acc and large feet of worlds strongest destroyers. if russia ever attack over usa (with/with out china0 than both countries (china,russia) will doomed.
russia has more nukes.... :P
Go ahead start a war with us .Then watch what happens.

Whoever will come to us with a sword, from a sword will perish-Alexander Nevsky.

Actually it the USA thats going at war, and its not even violating your country or attacking it, Your country is safe. Its syria with a barbaric dictator regime they are going to bomb, Now its not USA or KSAs fault that you are supporting a bloody dictator.
No, they won't confront the US, history speaks for itself. If they wish to do so, the US will send them back to the stone age in a matter of few hours.

the whole world will go back to the stone age.............
if a conflict like that ever happened
Actually it the USA thats going at war, and its not even violating your country or attacking it, Your country is safe. Its syria with a barbaric dictator regime they are going to bomb, Now its not USA or KSAs fault that you are supporting a bloody dictator.

Sorry ,but wahabbi propaganda is lies. Not an ounce of truth. By the read through the PNAC's plans. The crown jewel target is Russia itself.
the whole world will go back to the stone age.............
if a conflict like that ever happened

I don't think the Russians will have even a single second to respond :lol:

Honey, The US military might outguns all countries combined, give it a rest.
because they have nothing in navy only 1 old acc and 1980's old destroyers,frigates etc. in other side usa have very lage navy with new 12 acc and large feet of worlds strongest destroyers. if russia ever attack over usa (with/with out china0 than both countries (china,russia) will doomed.

We have the necessary sea skimmers to deal with surface navy of USA.The real problem will be Submarines,unless the rumors of heat bloom detection by satellite is true ,american SSBN,SSGN in Pacific,Altantic will be the trouble.Plus we have those pestilence the SSK's which are even bigger trouble for our navy in the Meditterranean .
Sorry ,but wahabbi propaganda is lies. Not an ounce of truth. By the read through the PNAC's plans. The crown jewel target is Russia itself.

Now its not our fault that Russia is involved here or perhaps it has some other interests in the region?? Russia is not a target, it can back off.
Nuclear warheads

United States 4,075 active / 5,400 total

Russia 5,162active / 14,000 total
While counting country's military might, the number of nuclear weapons doesn't really matter especially when it comes to the US. You will want to do some Googling and see how strong the US is compared to Russia.
While counting country's military might, the number of nuclear weapons doesn't really matter especially when it comes to the US. You will want to do some Googling and see how strong the US is compared to Russia.

The taliban are holding them for how many years??
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