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US preparing “significantly larger military attack” on Syria – Report

No, they won't confront the US, history speaks for itself. If they wish to do so, the US will send them back to the stone age in a matter of few hours.
More likely they will send each other to the stone age with the rest of the world following behind.

Russia will help the Syrian indirectly, and if the US is planning to use the F22 and the B2B and then we will see the first 2 casualties of the war..not talking what may happens under water...just my opinion.
More likely they will send each other to the stone age with the rest of the world behind.

I do respect your opinion for sure, but I totally disagree. You are a clever man Ceylal, you do know for sure what the US has got in stores.

Actually,when I have made it to the bunker of emercom in 2.5 minutes in Volgograd.But I was fast in the mock drill.Many youngsters take these drills lightly and take time.The bunkers are supposed to seal shut in 6 minutes after first siren.

Survival for the fittest! :devil:

And in any war b/w USA and Russia ,price will be heavy,but still will be heavier for USA ,as USA has no population survival measures for a nuclear aftermath and during nuclear assault which Russia specialises in .

You over spoke overthere pal...They are as well or better prepared for doomsday...Don't take their nonchalance for a weakness or ill preparedness.
Just 1 minute needed to reach bunker.Think about it.Trident in best case scenario will reach Moscow in 8 minutes even if launched from Baltic sea or Barents Sea.Also Trident terminal speed is 10 km/second or 36,000 km/h

How do you intend to disperse the news to the public within 8 minutes? You do realize that it takes a minute or so to identify a hostile ballistic missile launch, and a couple more to get the President and his team together for a decision. And after the decision is taken, there is only the time to get all available assets in the air.

The public would never know whats coming, unless they have been informed hours and days earlier of a possible WW3 type conflict.
Okay :lol:

Meanwhile, check this out
Trident Missile Launch - YouTube


a big no. u forgot china. they both want to defend syria but if usa attack over syria than no1 can stop america not china,russia or un . because they are superpower. right @Yzd Khalifa ???

But the safe is empty...they have to go the China for the money to intervene in Syria.:cheers:
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Okay :lol: Let's see how are you going to handle the F-22, F-35, and the B2 bombers.

Don't kid yourself Yzd, furtivity is no challenge for Russians. We may witness the first F22 and B2B casualties...

Rafidis are going to get all kinds of pain. :cheesy:

Are u a really a Hebrew? You look more like El Hassani with a Kippa.
2/3's of them will be in the air.It will the voivedas whose fueling time is 1 hour and handling is troublesome will be lost.Those would be lost in the trident assault,provided they are launched from the Barents Sea as impact time will be 12 minutes .

Actually,when I have made it to the bunker of emercom in 2.5 minutes in Volgograd.But I was fast in the mock drill.Many youngsters take these drills lightly and take time.The bunkers are supposed to seal shut in 6 minutes after first siren.

You have drills to simulate nuclear war?
How very paranoid.
Such a shame that the youngsters are slowest. They will be your future after all, no doubt the girls are even slower.
It would seem your breeding population would be hardest hit.
Arm-chair generals here never fail to amaze me; they talk about nuclear war as if it is a matter of joke.

Even if USA and Russia engage in a conflict [Big If], it will be of limited scale and involve conventional weapons backed by lot of Psy-Op games to de-escalate the situation. For any country, nuclear war is a last resort option; this is true for even Russia. Even USSR was very trigger-conscious.

Also, Russia have a decent shelter structure because Russian military planners are fully aware that US nuclear delivery platforms are unrivalled in quality, efficiency and effectiveness and that large number of Russian assets are in massive danger of getting overwhelmed; in WCS, US is expected to launch an overwhelming conventional and nuclear barrage on all Russian assets to diminish much of the Russian offensive power early on. Number of missiles and atomic bombs is not the only factor; delivery systems and the tracking network are very important elements; US have the capability to track and target thousands of targets/locations simultaneously. <- This is not my personal assessment but gathered from consulting several sources about nuclear doctrines of big players and their respective strengths and weaknesses.

By the way, this thread is about Syria;

Assad is making a big mistake in current circumstances; he doesn't realizes that US may cripple Syrian military to great degree so that rebels would gain advantage. IMO, Assad should step down and set the stage for democratic reforms in his country; this is the only path to salvation for him. If Assad is expecting help from his allies against USA, he is fooling himself. At maximum, he may get some military equipment from Russia before this conflict takes place but this will not make much difference for him.
maybe russia sell new fighters to China for money
Russia is well heeled...she has close to $1 trillion sitting...while the US is close to $17 T in debt , and if you the public debt to that, it really scary....

Yeah, the US economy isn't getting better as expected.

that's the word...not better yet.
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