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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

Al Qaeda desires to have a nuke or atleast the parts to make one - that much is a fact and is known, the question is where will they get it from? my bet is Pakistan is one of the possible sources. Means of getting it - infiltrating the PA/ intelligence - lot of fundos present in Pakistan so its not a very difficult thing to do, second an all out attack - Mehran, GHQ and Bhanu gives credibility to their capacity to attack military bases.

It's Bannu. At least know the name of the places before your brag about them.
The us is not a superpower for nothing, it's planned the destruction of Pakistan well.

As soon as the us landed in Afghanistan they ignited a self fulfilling prophecy by forcing Pakistan to engage in actions/policies that would destabilise itself.

The past 4/5 years have seen the fruits of destruction whose seeds were sown in the previous 5 years; the self fulfilling prophecy is destabilising Pakistan to have the justification to denuke it, "defang" it, and probably split it up.

And pakistans leaders don't lack such foresight that they didn't see this coming, every man on the street did, this recent charade of standing up to the us is seeming like too little too late, they co operated with the destruction of Pakistan for a whole decade.

the us public has been fed a diet of Pakistani "deception", and "deceit", and normally this is for a reason, soften them up for something big to happen.
Now, why does the term FAKE ENCOUNTERS ......rings a bell.....wonder if they were for Rewards or Awards. !!

Or fake IED attacks.

Certain individuals, including ex-servicemen, allegedly in connivance with some officials of Northern and Western Commands are engaged in "planting black sand" and passing them on as RDX-laden IEDs to earn award money, highly-placed sources in the government said.

'Fake' IEDs in J-K: Army personnel under lens - Indian Express
Al Qaeda desires to have a nuke or atleast the parts to make one - that much is a fact and is known, the question is where will they get it from? my bet is Pakistan is one of the possible sources. Means of getting it - infiltrating the PA/ intelligence - lot of fundos present in Pakistan so its not a very difficult thing to do, second an all out attack - Mehran, GHQ and Bhanu gives credibility to their capacity to attack military bases.
This is FALSE assumption.

Even if Al-Qaeda and its affiliates have plans to acquire nuclear weapons, Pakistan will not be the source.

How about you focus on black markets?

Pakistan is a responsible nuclear power and Pakistani nukes are well protected.
Building nuclear bombs is not a joke. And even after building one, you need to minituarize it to make it of any use.

All you need is $$$...

Thousands of nuclear bombs have been manufactured across the world by hundreds, if not thousand of scientists and engineers. Terrorists could easily pay some $$ and get hold of those scientists and engineers. All they need is the radioactive materials.

As far as miniaturisation is concerned, anybody who has a little knowledge of manufacturing knows about the terms 'assembly' and 'Knocked Down Kits' (CKD's)


All you need is the radioactive material.

It's a 70 year old technology, damn it.
This is FALSE assumption.

Even if Al-Qaeda and its affiliates have plans to acquire nuclear weapons, Pakistan will not be the source.

How about you focus on black markets?

Pakistan is a responsible nuclear power and Pakistani nukes are well protected.

I agree, Pakistan's nukes are well protected, dismantled and spread over different locations with numerous codes and keys.
But to err is human and there are always a lapse in security and infiltration into the security agencies by AQ supporters - how can you discount that fact.

The Soviet era nukes are the easiest to get or so it seems. And there is a black market for these goods from where if I am right - India, Pakistan and China have sourced their initial stockpile of Uranium from.
All you need is $$$...

Thousands of nuclear bombs have been manufactured across the world by hundreds, if not thousand of scientists and engineers. Terrorists could easily pay some $$ and get hold of those scientists and engineers. All they need is the radioactive materials.

As far as miniaturisation is concerned, anybody who has a little knowledge of manufacturing knows about the terms 'assembly' and 'Knocked Down Kits' (CKD's)

Knock-down kit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CKD, hmm. Nicely done. I hadn't thought of it.:bounce:
Those brilliant scientists and engineers will still need some sort of facilities and infrastructure to come out with something useful. Anyway it is all possible. We can just speculate.
Sala Nukes hai kay kisi Lady ka Purse hai jo SNATCH kar kay lay jiaga

Sala Roz hamaray ko Dhamki deta hai.

Sala sumajta hai uus kay liye package bena kay rukha hai Abbotabad mein.:lol:
CKD, hmm. Nicely done. I hadn't thought of it.:bounce:
Those brilliant scientists and engineers will still need some sort of facilities and infrastructure to come out with something useful. Anyway it is all possible. We can just speculate.

All they need is the radioactive material and the $$$.

We all know terrorists are not short of $$$.

Even a sub Kiloton yield device will shake the entire world no matter where the attack takes place.
All you need is $$$...

Thousands of nuclear bombs have been manufactured across the world by hundreds, if not thousand of scientists and engineers. Terrorists could easily pay some $$ and get hold of those scientists and engineers. All they need is the radioactive materials.

As far as miniaturisation is concerned, anybody who has a little knowledge of manufacturing knows about the terms 'assembly' and 'Knocked Down Kits' (CKD's)

Knock-down kit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All you need is the radioactive material.

It's a 70 year old technology, damn it.

You are too frustrated with Pakistan nukes boy. Drink a glass of water and go to sleep. That might help you.
You are too frustrated with Pakistan nukes boy. Drink a glass of water and go to sleep. That might help you.

Your snide remarks aside, it is obvious that you are not aware of the power and destruction a nuclear bomb can unleash.

Quite expected of people who 'celebrate' the testing of nuclear bombs on a yearly basis, if you ask me, lad.

Reminiscent to me of the times when Pakistanis used to make fun of the terrorist attacks in India...until of course, the chickens came home to roost.
Your snide remarks aside, it is obvious that you are not aware of the power and destruction a nuclear bomb can unleash.

Quite expected of people who 'celebrate' the testing of nuclear bombs on a yearly basis, if you ask me, lad.

I am fed up with your speculations and scenarios that only revolve around Pakistan nukes. That's why I said you are frustrated with the idea that Pakistan has nukes.

Grow up. Pakistan has nukes. Live with it.
I am fed up with your speculations and scenarios that only revolve around Pakistan nukes. That's why I said you are frustrated with the idea that Pakistan has nukes.

Grow up. Pakistan has nukes. Live with it.
This is Pakistan Defense Forum
If we discuss something with regard to Pakistan, what is wrong with it.
I am fed up with your speculations and scenarios that only revolve around Pakistan nukes. That's why I said you are frustrated with the idea that Pakistan has nukes.

It's not the idea that Pakistan has nukes. China is also our enemy and they too have nukes.

It's not about your having nukes. It's about the possibility of terrorists having access to radioactive material in Pakistan.

Your establishment has always had people who have compromised on their duty either for $$ or for sympathy towards the terrorists. Case in point being the PNS Mehran attack and the nuclear-walmart of AQ Khan.
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