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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

Terrorist are not in majority. They are few in number who hide in civlian population and kills innccent people.
Even they are just 0.000001% of the population and they can't take nuclear weapons. These illetrate terrorist have no knowledge, and nukes are not toy to carry,use and deliver them.Nuclear system is in strong hands. Even U.S.A admits that have no full knowledge of these Pakistan inventory....

You are assuming that there are no terrorist sympathisers in your Army.

The PNS Mehran attack proved that your Armed Forces can and do have terrorist sympathisers are willing to side with the terrorists when the need arises.
It is so much excited for Indians here, too many Indian trolling to discuss Pakistan nukes. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


Terrorist are not in majority. They are few in number who hide in civlian population and kills innccent people.
Even they are just 0.000001% of the population and they can't take nuclear weapons. These illetrate terrorist have no knowledge, and nukes are not toy to carry,use and deliver them.Nuclear system is in strong hands.
Good point.

Even U.S.A admits that have no full knowledge of these Pakistan inventory....
We can only speculate in this regard. Point is about uncertainty.
I don't know why the word "Snatch" is mentioned , US can easily get them by bribing PAK Army and Politician ....

They will simply give half a billion to each (Generals, Lt Generals and Top Politicians) and they will help to dismantle all of them...
India and Israel will quite be interested in investing 5 to 10 billion for these.....

This was always the plan if the taliban or a radical group gets ahold of pakistans nukes the USA, UK, France, Australia would send in their special forces. however if pakistan manages to kill their special forces that would be a different story. without nukes pakistan is noting.

I wonder if something goes wrong with the nukes while they are grabbing it and it's sets off thus killing the special forces of the west and civilians. :undecided:

That chart is incorrect russia has around 8000, USA 5000 China 1000 +France 400 Uk 250 Israel has 400 pakistan 150 india 90-100 north korea 5- ???
I wonder if something goes wrong with the nukes while they are grabbing it and it's sets off thus killing the special forces of the west and civilians. :undecided:
Your brainfarts notwithstanding, I'd like to inform you that if you're not ignorant and completely cut-off from the world, you're an idiot.
Nuclear Emergency Support Team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That chart is incorrect russia has around 8000, USA 5000 China 1000 +France 400 Uk 250 Israel has 400 pakistan 150 india 90-100 north korea 5- ???
Anf how did you reach to this conclusion, O Great Sage. Help us spread your wisdom as well.
This was always the plan if the taliban or a radical group gets ahold of pakistans nukes the USA, UK, France, Australia would send in their special forces. however if pakistan manages to kill their special forces that would be a different story. without nukes pakistan is noting.
Oh yeah. They report to you about this don't they.
What i laugh at most is how they make excuses on terrorists snatching Pakistani Nukes. :rofl:

As Pakistani scientist Dr. Samar Mubarakmand mentioned, a nuke missile or bomb can cannot be used due to a special code, only known to the strategic force. So the terrorist theory hear fails....

In my view, Pakistan Army needs to develop ICBMS as soon as possible against U.S
In fact, there is no single in the history to attack nuclear-armed country. Why not try on basic level on Iran, North Korea, and then we will discuss most advanced security in nuclear-armed Pakistan and then next India hindus. US prefer pure Christian nukes only.


you mad, bro?
As Pakistani scientist Dr. Samar Mubarakmand mentioned, a nuke missile or bomb can cannot be used due to a special code, only known to the strategic force...

True. However, let me remind you, all a terrorist needs today to cause mayhem is the radioactive material. After that, it's not really difficult to make, especially, a dirty bomb.

A terrorist sympathiser like the ones involved in ONS Mehran attack or a rogue scientist like AQ Khan can give the terrorists that radioactive material for $$$.

Such events have happened in the past. That's your history.
Al Qaeda desires to have a nuke or atleast the parts to make one - that much is a fact and is known, the question is where will they get it from? my bet is Pakistan is one of the possible sources. Means of getting it - infiltrating the PA/ intelligence - lot of fundos present in Pakistan so its not a very difficult thing to do, second an all out attack - Mehran, GHQ and Bannu gives credibility to their capacity to attack military bases.
Terrorist are not in majority. They are few in number who hide in civlian population and kills innccent people.
Even they are just 0.000001% of the population and they can't take nuclear weapons. These illetrate terrorist have no knowledge, and nukes are not toy to carry,use and deliver them.Nuclear system is in strong hands. Even U.S.A admits that have no full knowledge of these Pakistan inventory....
The problem doesn't just end with Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, the terrorists could also use stolen or smuggled fissile material to make 'dirty bombs' or 'crude bombs'. These can be very dangerous too. And when things like the terrorist attacks on Pakistan's navy base happen, there are bound to be questions asked about Pakistan's security infrastructure.
The illiterate terrorists may not have much knowledge according to you, but other countries cannot count on it, especially not after incidents such as 9/11 and thousands of failed attempts like that which pass below the radar of general public. You can't argue that those who planned and executed 9/11 and other such attacks were dumb can you?
Nuclear bombs are 70 year old technology.

Thousands of nuclear bombs have been manufactured across the world by hundreds, if not thousand of scientists and engineers.

If a terrorist has the radioactive material, it should not be really difficult to build a nuke.
You are assuming that there are no terrorist sympathisers in your Army.

The PNS Mehran attack proved that your Armed Forces can and do have terrorist sympathisers are willing to side with the terrorists when the need arises.
These terrorist are killling army and civilians. Army can't support these illetrate terrorist who kills thier own people. This is the army who is suffering and fighting with them.
I already said terrorits are very few in numbers who comes in small group.
So according to you Raw is supporting these terrorist to take nuke and destroy India. :rofl:
I don't know why the word "Snatch" is mentioned , US can easily get them by bribing PAK Army and Politician ....

They will simply give half a billion to each (Generals, Lt Generals and Top Politicians) and they will help to dismantle all of them...
India and Israel will quite be interested in investing 5 to 10 billion for these.....

Now, why does the term FAKE ENCOUNTERS ......rings a bell.....wonder if they were for Rewards or Awards. !!
Nuclear bombs are 70 year old technology.

If a terrorist has the radioactive material, it should not be really difficult to build a nuke.
Building nuclear bombs is not a joke. And even after building one, you need to minituarize it to make it of any use.
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