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Editorial: Kamala Harris VP pick shows Biden isn’t afraid to have a strong woman at his side

In picking California Sen. Kamala Harris to join the Democrats’ 2020 presidential ticket, Joe Biden has shown that, unlike the man currently holding the job he seeks, he’s not afraid of strong women.

It would have been disappointing but understandable if Biden had dismissed the highly qualified Harris as his running mate. She had also sought the nomination, and during the course of the primary she harshly criticized Biden’s position on busing to integrate schools and other racial justice issues. Before one CNN debate, Biden quipped, “Go easy on me, kid.” She didn’t. That’s not Harris’ style; she’s been a prosecutor for most of her professional life, not a therapist.

For this, Biden aides reportedly tried to block her selection as vice president, suggesting she lacked sufficient loyalty and deference and had too much ambition to make a good sidekick. And if Biden won, critics warned, she might spend most of her time in the West Wing preparing to run for president. That’s an absurd reason to reject a candidate. The vice presidential spot has always been seen as a launching pad for the presidency; it’s not like veeps have a whole lot else to do.

Besides, isn’t ambition something you want in a leader? Or is that a trait admirable only in men? Indeed, Harris is ambitious. She had to be to overcome the obstacles she faced as both a woman and a person of color (her mother is from India and her father is Jamaican). And Harris didn’t just advance, she pioneered. She is the state’s first Black district attorney, the first woman to serve as California’s attorney general and the second Black woman to serve as a U.S. senator.

Now, she’s the first woman of color to join the Democratic presidential ticket.

As Biden heads into the most consequential president election in modern history, he sees what we do: Harris has a lot to offer the campaign and the ticket beyond being a symbol.

For one thing, Harris brings an unusual blend of social justice progressiveness and law-and-order conservatism. She has a long career of fighting to protect the downtrodden and looking for ways to reform the criminal justice system while still locking up plenty of the proverbial bad guys. She’s gone after for-profit colleges and the mortgage industry when they preyed upon her constituents. She’s outspoken (at least when she wants to be) on issues she cares about, will not be cowed by bullying, and is not afraid of being seen as overly aggressive, which can be a career killer for women. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Her debating skills are not in doubt, as Biden well knows from personal experience. After seeing her recent exchange with Senate colleague John Cornyn (R-Texas) over a police reform bill, we look forward to watching Harris go head to head with Vice President Mike Pence in the fall. Read more
More reasons I am voting Trump/Pence Kamala is obviously gonna be more in line with Indian lobby and Indian interests groups
But let's get this donkey show and total disgrace out no matter what.
Bingo! My friend, we should focus all our energy and our efforts in defeating this monumentally incompetent racist crook for the good of our country or the country will be in an irreversible decline.

Because of this incompetent man, almost 168,000 are dead, 5,270,000 sick from COVID-19, almost 17 million are unemployed, around 40 million can lose their homes for failure to pay rent/mortgage, 14 million households with children don’t have enough to eat and US national debt has grown to 26.5 (6.6 trillion under this loser) trillion.

So rather than focusing on these critical issues he’s holding useless news briefings, golfing, tweeting, name-calling, dog-whistling and playing disgusting political games.

But here's the other travesty I just came to realize today, as a matter of fact; one of the worst powers given to a president (and the sad part of that is it only came to fruition because of this sad and disgraceful individual who happens to be the current president and this precedence was never set before because there never was a president as corrupt as this imbecile) and that is the power to appoint the attorney general. This has been the worst realization because of this administration's and the powers of a president's ability to appoint the AG because of the puppet monster that is Bill Bahr. What that lower than fecal matter has done being the personal lawman for this other lower than fecal matter in the clown of a president is the most corrupt attorneys general in the history of this nation, doing the personal bidding for him instead of doing the right thing for the justice department to follow. So instead of looking for how Russia interfered in the elections and find the right course of justice for the country.........he's going after all this spying BS and FBI or whatever the donkey wants him to just so that what he can concoct....which won't be anything of substance but will be something theoretical or possibly coincidental and then he'll pop out ala James Comey just before elections to create a whole, last minute, supposed scam on the democratic party to illegally create some last minute support in the form of this false ammunition against the democratic party. All this because the attorney general is an appointed fool doing the bidding for this jackass of a president and basically being his personal lawyer at taxpayer's cost instead of being a true attorney general working for the good of the country like he's supposed to be doing. What a disgrace. All this because it has finally been done that a president has used that appointment to do the personal work to protect him instead of someone who does the job correctly for what it's there for. This right should be taken away from the president now and the AG should be elected by merit from a cast of AG from each state around the country and leave it at that. No more personal appointments to cradle the corrupt incumbent.
According to the US Constitution “the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an Attorney General of the United States, but since we know the Republican-dominated Senate is just a rubber stamp, Barr was confirmed by the Senate in a 54–45 vote that largely fell along party lines. Clearly the “checks and balances” failed and I agree with you there should be some kind of merit based process to appoint Atty Gen.

From day one the crook has been serving Trump’s interests. He shamelessly downplayed Mueller Russia investigation findings, intervened in Flynn, Stone and Cohan cases and damn personally ordered protesters gassed for Trump’s cheap and disgusting photo-op.

You were spot on, Kamala Harris is our vice president.

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Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake
The endorsement comes after the president's resistance to Postal Service funding, amid his fight against expanded mail-in voting.

Aug. 14, 2020, 10:08 AM PDT
By Sahil Kapur

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden gained the presidential endorsement of the National Association of Letter Carriers on Friday, a union that boasts nearly 300,000 active and retired postal workers.

"Vice President Biden is — was — and will continue to be — a fierce ally and defender of the United States Postal Service (USPS), letter carriers, and our fellow postal brothers and sisters," NALC president Fredric Rolando said in a statement that also praised Democratic vice presidential pick Kamala Harris.

"Together, Biden and Harris fully exhibit the experience, dedication, thoughtfulness and steady hands that will work to ensure that letter carriers and working families are put first," he said.

The endorsement comes less than three months before Election Day and a day after President Donald Trump said he opposes Postal Service funding pushed by Democrats, noting that those resources were necessary to advance the cause of mail-in voting during the coronavirus pandemic. Read more

Harris 'electrifies' West Indian voters — and gives Biden a new edge in Florida

The Black West Indian diaspora community is a little-discussed but increasingly influential slice of the electorate of the nation’s biggest swing state.

By MARC CAPUTO 08/15/2020

LAUDERHILL, Fla. — Almost as soon as Kamala Harris became the first woman of Jamaican-Indian descent to be nominated for vice president, a mock White House menu of oxtail and jerk chicken cropped up on a West Indian diaspora Facebook group called Soca de Vote.

Calls from Caribbean radio show hosts flooded the Biden campaign from South Florida. And a jolt of excitement shot through the crowd of early vote poll workers at the Lauderdhill Mall, in the midst of Broward County’s growing Jamaican community.

“There was just this sense of energy,” state Rep. Anika Omphroy, a daughter of two Jamaican immigrants, said in describing the moment the announcement was received.

“It was all Black women out there working under the tents,” she said. “It was 98 degrees in August in South Florida, so it was too hot to cheer. But you could feel it, this sense.”

That feeling stretches beyond the Jamaican-American community and the more traditional African American community, shared by those in South Florida with roots in Haiti, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago or Guyana. They comprise a growing and varied Black West Indian diaspora community, a little-discussed but increasingly influential slice of the electorate of the nation’s biggest swing state.

While exact numbers are hard to come by, census estimates and political studies peg the diverse Black community — nicknamed the Caribbean Massive by some — at more than 2.5 million, including hundreds of thousands of Florida voters. That’s crucial in a battleground state where elections are often decided by less than a percentage point. Read more

One of the best exchanges between crooked Trump and a brave journalist. The lying crook was stunned and speechless, just look at his embarrassed face. I loved it.

Shirish Date a senior White House correspondent at huffpost asked Trump on camera “After 3 ½ years, do you regret, at all, all the lying you’ve done to the American people?”

Trump: What?

Shirish: All the lying and dishonesty you have done?

Trump: That who has done?

Shirish: You have done.

Trump: Ahhh.

After the silence, Trump doesn’t answer and moves to the next reporter.
More reasons I am voting Trump/Pence Kamala is obviously gonna be more in line with Indian lobby and Indian interests groups

So this will be your litmus test?

Doesn't sound like a rational decision given that both Democrats and Republicans lean towards India. Besides, US-Pak relations are like way bottom of the list on why one should vote, especially if you live in the US.

But, then again, is your prerogative.
A remarkably successful Democratic Convention and a great speech by Biden!

Joe Biden’s speech wins praise not only from the left but also from the Conservatives.

The "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace described the speech as "enormously effective."

"Remember Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as mentally shot, a captive from the left," Wallace said.

"And yes, Biden was reading from a teleprompter in a prepared speech, but I thought that he blew a hole — a big hole in that characterization." “The Democrats have had a good convention, now it’s the Republicans’ turn.”

Laura Ingraham, one of Trump's strongest supporters on the Fox News, said during an interview with the president's son Donald Trump Jr. that the speech "did beat expectations." but the speech was “devoid of any policy other than universal masking. But he delivered a good speech for what he was doing, it was very emotional stuff … It was very well delivered.”

The Drudge Report, the popular conservative aggregation website led its coverage of the speech with the headline "Biden Barn Burner" and linked to commentary that he "crushed expectations."

The Republican strategist Karl Rove, the architect of Bush's two election victories, said that the speech was "very good" and that he'd be worried if he were a GOP strategist working on this year's presidential campaign.

The Fox News anchor Bret Baier also praised the address, describing it as "the best" he'd seen in Biden's campaign for president. "This is what he needed to do," Baier added.

Dana Perino, a Fox News anchor who served as George W. Bush's press secretary, after the speech said Biden "just hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth."

Watch Joe Biden's Full Speech At The 2020 DNC | NBC News
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