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US Politics

Without any doubt, Trump is the most racist/Isamophobic President. It is disappointing to see a Pakistanis family would want to vote for a despicable man like him, but your vote, your choice.


Reminds me of the story of a rich Syrian doctor in the city I live. He was among those who campaigned and voted for Trump. His primary focus was the lowering of taxes on the wealthy, a benefit that he would thoroughly enjoy. Well as fate would have it, his mother happened to fly into the US on the day Trump signed into force his Muslim ban. His mother, with a Syrian passport, was denied entry, held at the airport for around 48 hrs and then deported back to Istanbul.

I'm sure he spent a lot more on retaining lawyers than how much he saved on taxes.
Trump is the most overtly racist and bigoted POTUS ever. Past POTUSes hid their racism and bigotry in the guise of political doublespeak, especially those from the South.


Reminds me of the story of a rich Syrian doctor in the city I live. He was among those who campaigned and voted for Trump. His primary focus was the lowering of taxes on the wealthy, a benefit that he would thoroughly enjoy. Well as fate would have it, his mother happened to fly into the US on the day Trump signed into force his Muslim ban. His mother, with a Syrian passport, was denied entry, held at the airport for around 48 hrs and then deported back to Istanbul.

I'm sure he spent a lot more on retaining lawyers than how much he saved on taxes.
Between Trump and Modi, which one would you say is more "Islamophobic" ?

The BLM neo-marxists seem much more dangerous to the US than Farrakhan ever was.

Obongo even hosted Linda Sarsour at the white house (I think)



Biden is going to go the way of Lula, Evo, Bernie, Corbyn, Raul Ghandy etc.. pakki baat.

mark this post and watch. ;)
Britain is America’s closest ally and PM Boris Johnson is a right-wing politician and he does not even like Trump, now you can imagine how nasty Trump is. :D

Boris Johnson's government is privately 'desperate' for Trump to lose the election to Joe Biden

The UK government is privately "desperate" for Donald Trump to lose the upcoming presidential election and be replaced by Joe Biden, according to a report by the Sunday Times.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is publicly one of Trump's closest international allies.

However, his government has been privately trying to distance itself from the US president, in anticipation of a potential Biden victory in November, the Times reports.

"It would make things much easier if Trump doesn't win re-election," one minister in Johnson's government told the Times' reporter Tim Shipman, who added that "privately, many [others in the government] agree."

Some UK officials are also hopeful of a Biden victory.

One senior UK diplomat, who asked not to be named, told Insider earlier this month that a Biden presidency would bring a welcome end to the "venal corruption" of the Trump era.

"A lot of stuff will change if Biden wins," the diplomat said.

"The venal corruption of the Trump family and the nasty narcissistic aspects of his behavior — all that will go with a different sort of president," they said.

Biden and Johnson are not natural allies. The Democrat challenger opposed Johnson's pet project of Brexit and has reportedly previously described the UK Prime Minister as a "clone" of Trump. Read more

Trump is the most overtly racist and bigoted POTUS ever. Past POTUSes hid their racism and bigotry in the guise of political doublespeak, especially those from the South.
I understand from where you are coming. No doubt, in the past we had many racist presidents, but then most of them were “people of their time”, one can forgive some of them for their ignorance. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, there is no excuse for such abhorrent behavior.
"A lot of stuff will change if Biden wins,"

So I'm at a crossroads of some type. I've always felt like there is a legitimate problem with Biden's cognitive ability. He's just getting old fast and just like common old folk, he's forgetting a lot of things and just isn't as sharp as he needs to be for this job. I don't think there's much of an argument there and I also worry about him going up against Trump in upcoming debates because Trump is a filthy street guy. He'll abuse Biden and "try" to smear him with his unabashed filthy behavior. He'll bring up all the touching and feeling and kissing Biden does and whether it's just friendly affection or innocent behavior, you know Trump will push that and the cognitive issue to it's fullest. He's already doing the latter on Twitter almost every day, playing clips of Biden forgetting things or matching the wrong dates with the wrong events etc.

So I basically think that will be a huge obstacle for Biden to climb, but then I realize that we need to get that idiot out of office as soon as possible and at any cost, meaning whomever the opposite candidate is and not some malicious way! lol. Even if he becomes incapable of continuing, he'll have the ability at least to appoint a decent vice president other than that fanatic *** kissing shlep in Pence to cover just fine. So it's ok.

But then he says this:

lol, what an old dick! :lol:
And I admit this did bother me a little and just for the record, I couldn't care less about the money or military aid or anything like that, I just feel there is a bit of disingenuous rhetoric from him and the old human rights accountability as there are many other -- and notably one very prominent one lately -- who's either on par or worst than Sisi -- and not a single mention of that. And what about Israel? What about Jerusalem? So I do have a bit of an issue with the obvious hypocrisy from the Biden camp and struggling a bit to come to terms about him. I suppose it will all depend on who he picks for VP. It better be Kamal Harris and he better stay away from Elizabeth Warren.
A true American hero!

Rep. John Lewis civil rights icon and last surviving organizer of the 1963 March on Washington dies at 80. Lewis, who devoted his life to racial justice and equality was undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer.

Former President Barack Obama Eulogy at Rep. John Lewis Funeral:
So I'm at a crossroads of some type. I've always felt like there is a legitimate problem with Biden's cognitive ability. He's just getting old fast and just like common old folk, he's forgetting a lot of things and just isn't as sharp as he needs to be for this job. I don't think there's much of an argument there and I also worry about him going up against Trump in upcoming debates because Trump is a filthy street guy. He'll abuse Biden and "try" to smear him with his unabashed filthy behavior. He'll bring up all the touching and feeling and kissing Biden does and whether it's just friendly affection or innocent behavior, you know Trump will push that and the cognitive issue to it's fullest. He's already doing the latter on Twitter almost every day, playing clips of Biden forgetting things or matching the wrong dates with the wrong events etc.

So I basically think that will be a huge obstacle for Biden to climb, but then I realize that we need to get that idiot out of office as soon as possible and at any cost, meaning whomever the opposite candidate is and not some malicious way! lol. Even if he becomes incapable of continuing, he'll have the ability at least to appoint a decent vice president other than that fanatic *** kissing shlep in Pence to cover just fine. So it's ok.

But then he says this:

lol, what an old dick! :lol:
And I admit this did bother me a little and just for the record, I couldn't care less about the money or military aid or anything like that, I just feel there is a bit of disingenuous rhetoric from him and the old human rights accountability as there are many other -- and notably one very prominent one lately -- who's either on par or worst than Sisi -- and not a single mention of that. And what about Israel? What about Jerusalem? So I do have a bit of an issue with the obvious hypocrisy from the Biden camp and struggling a bit to come to terms about him. I suppose it will all depend on who he picks for VP. It better be Kamal Harris and he better stay away from Elizabeth Warren.
What you are saying is almost exactly what my progressive friends used to tell me, whenever I used to ask them when Bernie is dropping out of the race, they would point to Biden’s cognitive decline and dementia and were clinging to the belief that Bernie would totally destroy Biden on their one-on-one debate.

I will request you to please take some time and watch the debate. See how Biden played a very balancing act, not only did he successfully countered Bernie’s numerous attacks but very persuasively presented his own agenda without alienating Bernie’s progressive supporters who he will need in the general election. Biden’s successful debate performance against Bernie (Bernie is a far better debater than racist Trump) just shows how well prepared he is to face-off with Trump. It is a 2-hour long debate but worth watching.

Trump and his cronies have been running many negative ads against Biden for a long time now, I’m quite active on Facebook and Twitter I all the time see Trump supporter posting all kinds of BS videos, clips and pictures of Biden, polls show nothing is working, clearly majority of American voters do not give a damn about these petty issues, the most important issues for the American voters are the death and destruction from coronavirus, economic collapse and protests and riots for racial justice and equality.

You’re right, Trump is a filthy street guy, I am pretty hopeful Biden will stick with the important issues and will follow the old maxim; “Never wrestle with a pig,” “you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.”

In fact, Trump’s corruption, racism, and filthy language is the main reason that majority of suburban educated whites abandoned Republican party in 2018 midterm elections and polls show they are overwhelmingly supporting Biden.

Kamala Harris is good, but my favorite is Susan Rice and I do not think Elizabeth Warren has any chance.

Doug from Ohio served our country in Vietnam and Afghanistan - hear what he thinks about Trump:

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What you are saying is almost exactly what my progressive friends used to tell me, whenever I used to ask them when Bernie is dropping out of the race, they would point to Biden’s cognitive decline and dementia and were clinging to the belief that Bernie would totally destroy Biden on their one-on-one debate.

I will request you to please take some time and watch the debate. See how Biden played a very balancing act, not only did he successfully countered Bernie’s numerous attacks but very persuasively presented his own agenda without alienating Bernie’s progressive supporters who he will need in the general election. Biden’s successful debate performance against Bernie (Bernie is a far better debater than racist Trump) just shows how well prepared he is to face-off with Trump. It is a 2-hour long debate but worth watching.

Trump and his cronies have been running many negative ads against Biden for a long time now, I’m quite active on Facebook and Twitter I all the time see Trump supporter posting all kinds of BS videos, clips and pictures of Biden, polls show nothing is working, clearly majority of American voters do not give a damn about these petty issues, the most important issues for the American voters are the death and destruction from coronavirus, economic collapse and protests and riots for racial justice and equality.

You’re right, Trump is a filthy street guy, I am pretty hopeful Biden will stick with the important issues and will follow the old maxim; “Never wrestle with a pig,” “you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.”

In fact, Trump’s corruption, racism, and filthy language is the main reason that majority of suburban educated whites abandoned Republican party in 2018 midterm elections and polls show they are overwhelmingly supporting Biden.

Kamala Harris is good, but my favorite is Susan Rice and I do not think Elizabeth Warren has any chance.


I certainly hope so, my friend. Believe me, I don't go by what those nitwit twitter trumpeters claim about anything. It's what I observe and only what I see myself and he's had some pretty serious forgetful moments during his own speeches. That's what frightens me that perhaps earlier on with the democratic debates, he was fresh and on point. Now that the camaign has run its course for a while, the tiring factor might be getting to him like it would to any 77 year old fella. Even the clown in chief has some issues but he has no shame in his lying to get himself out of all that stuff. Let's face it, Trump couldn't recite a policy or articulate a single detail of any bill he signed or any executive order he pushed through, but I hope Biden can take advantage of that kinda thing. Even if Biden doesn't last God forbid, at least this disease that has infected the white house is eradicated and then whomever is VP can take over, hopefully it's Kamala Harris. But let's get this donkey show and total disgrace out no matter what.

Imagine making up crap on the fly like he "heard from generals (who BTW, I guess now they know more than him? What happened to him knowing more than any general out there?!?!??! Remember that crap?) that the Beirut explosion was a bomb?! I mean, who the hell says that kind of thing out of thin air?! This guy is brutally infected by dishonesty it's got to end! First of all, you get this info from the INTELLIGENCE not the generals you donkey crud! Oh man.

But here's the other travesty I just came to realize today, as a matter of fact; one of the worst powers given to a president (and the sad part of that is it only came to fruition because of this sad and disgraceful individual who happens to be the current president and this precedence was never set before because there never was a president as corrupt as this imbecile) and that is the power to appoint the attorney general. This has been the worst realization because of this administration's and the powers of a president's ability to appoint the AG because of the puppet monster that is Bill Bahr. What that lower than fecal matter has done being the personal lawman for this other lower than fecal matter in the clown of a president is the most corrupt attorneys general in the history of this nation, doing the personal bidding for him instead of doing the right thing for the justice department to follow. So instead of looking for how Russia interfered in the elections and find the right course of justice for the country.........he's going after all this spying BS and FBI or whatever the donkey wants him to just so that what he can concoct....which won't be anything of substance but will be something theoretical or possibly coincidental and then he'll pop out ala James Comey just before elections to create a whole, last minute, supposed scam on the democratic party to illegally create some last minute support in the form of this false ammunition against the democratic party. All this because the attorney general is an appointed fool doing the bidding for this jackass of a president and basically being his personal lawyer at taxpayer's cost instead of being a true attorney general working for the good of the country like he's supposed to be doing. What a disgrace. All this because it has finally been done that a president has used that appointment to do the personal work to protect him instead of someone who does the job correctly for what it's there for. This right should be taken away from the president now and the AG should be elected by merit from a cast of AG from each state around the country and leave it at that. No more personal appointments to cradle the corrupt incumbent.

That was great. When an entire group of your party moves out to work against you, it doesn't say much about you except that you are a total disgrace to even your own party lol. What a disaster!

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