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US Politics

Oh yes sir! I have to yell now: MAKE NO MISTAKE: This is about RACE! If Mexicans were white looking then no problems.
I can understand it. Even empathize with some of it. But the world is changing...
The world may be changing but that is due to education and exposure. All those voting for Trump are those with lower education and/or low exposure. Why do we see racism and bigotry more out of low education and low exposure areas? (aristocratic and elite bigotry too is a product of exposure).

Because these people do not have the knowledge or the capacity to build that knowledge due to early educational/ societal difficulties that they end up voting on fears rather than information. Why is it that the poor and the lower middle class are the ones in upheaval?
This election is a lesson for all Pakistanis as well. If elections are not rigged, a populist always win unlike Pakistan where populist Imran Khan lost because of rigging.
we have no problem with immigrants, but illegal immigrants yes. without H1B Visa the U.S would be hurting bad.

Associating Republicans with Xenophobes is a typical Democrat tactic. No one hates immigrants more than Democrats.
According to Google it seems currently trump has 140 and Clinton has 104 with 270 to win. Trump is in the lead.
At the house the republicans are at 155 while the democrats are at 109 with 218 to win majority
if you wanna get technical Latinos are considered White.

but let's be honest this country was founded by white men who killed POC,enslaved a few million Africans, and took advantage of the Chinese. White Europeans becoming a minority is very scary, and when you got millions of Latinos flooding into this country illegally that is just messed up. the U.S will become either a 2nd world or 3rd world country like Sweden is predicted to be by 2030.

and whites don't run this country, but a few dozens Ashkenazim Jews do. we are all being taken advantage of.

Regardless of history, insecurity has a large percentage in vote. something I told an angry gay dude at a starbucks ranting on about "white trash" and so on. The more you understand why the white trash is where he/she is, the more you feel less "hatred" and more empathic to their situation.

The Latinos will continue to flood in regardless of any "walls", the first person to suggest a wall I believe was some senator back in the 1980's, Arnie used it for his run as well.. so Trump is just another late comer to the wall it off concept.
The latinos voting for Trump are the long term settlers, or those that see their jobs being taken by the new influx.. again; insecurity.

The issue is no longer walls or controlling immigration, it has to do with taking in the disenfranchised.
Washington IS run by corporate concerns, and as much as Trump is the molotov to this system; he is sadly still good friends will all of them.
What I fear from Trump is not bans on Muslims or more racism, it is that he is at the end still a misogynistic businessman who will manipulate policies for self profit and leave all of us high and dry. The rust belt, Joe the mechanic or the GW1 vet who left after one tour and rants on Islam; he is not going to feel the actual crunch of it. The actual crunch of a failed economy hits small businesses, hits the middle class and hits jobs. Hillary was business as usual, and Sanders was too hip, but this is a case of a swindler making the top.

However, this is not unusual. Such results have happened in many other democratic states and the result has been economic ruin followed by a quick voting out of the swindler.. and another rebuild.

Its actually educated Middle Class that is voting for Trump.

What has this to do with Racism?
Lower middle class can be educated too. The issue is with exposure and insecurity more than anything else.

Education and exposure, both go hand in hand. One can be educated in nuclear physics but have the exposure to just one narrative; leading to a nuclear physicist but nothing more.
Confused:undecided: I heard last night Clinton leading with 210 and Trumph 165

Don't know.

Google has to be the most updated. Don't think they will mess up.

Lower middle class can be educated too. The issue is with exposure and insecurity more than anything else.

Education and exposure, both go hand in hand. One can be educated in nuclear physics but have the exposure to just one narrative; leading to a nuclear physicist but nothing more.

Anyhow, education has not much to say in developed nation. Here in Norway we have 100 percent educated people with most having college degrees, and yet they vote foolishly in almost every election.

Don't know.

Google has to be the most updated. Don't think they will mess up.

View attachment 350456
They are just quoting from Reuters.

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