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US politicians demand to know if there is any GOLD left in Fort knox


Sep 8, 2009
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Ron Paul chairs congressional investigation on US gold reserves

Read more:Ron Paul chairs congressional investigation on US gold reserves

CURRENT US DEBT : 12,000,000,000,000 (12 Trillion dollars)
US reserves GOLD : ##,300,000,000,000 (300 Billion dollars not even half trillion)

US federal reserve does not need permission form US gov to sell this gold to keep government running , please note that Gold/Money was also shifted suddenly from Germany to USA prior to ww2 by you know who

In a congressional hearing chaired by Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Thursday, a remarkable investigation on the transparency of the US Treasury's gold reserves was pursued.
On Thursday, Congressman Ron Paul chaired a subcommittee investigation on the transparency of the US government's gold holdings.
Testimony was provided to Congress by the Honorable Eric Thorson, inspector general at the Treasury Department and Gary Engel, director at the Government Accountability Office's Financial Management and Assurance division.
"For far too long the United States government has been less than transparent in releasing information relating to its gold holdings," Paul said in his opening statement. "Not surprisingly, this secrecy has given rise to a number of theories about the gold at Fort Knox and other depositories. Some people speculate that the gold has been involved in gold swaps with foreign governments or bullion banks. Others believe that the gold has secretly been shipped out of Fort Knox and sold. Still others believe that the bars at Fort Knox are actually gold-plated tungsten. Historically, the treasury and the mint have dismissed these theories rather than address these concerns with substantive rebuttals. No one from Congress has been allowed to few the gold at Fort Knox in nearly 40 years."
This lack of transparency has led to the potential for legislation, the Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, that would force the US Treasury to comply.
Congressman Paul is the chairman of the House Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, and he expressed concern over the nation's gold auditing practices.
"In a way, it seems as though someone has decided to lock up the gold, put the key in a desk somewhere, and walk off without telling anyone anything," Paul said.
However, both Thorson and Engel contended that proper annual auditing standards have been in place since 1993.
As the worldwide economy has endured broad instability, gold transactions have soared. According to a recent Beacon Equity Research report, India's stockpiles of gold and silver have skyrocketed more than 500 percent. Additionally, as economic troubles continued to spill out of Greece and Portugal, Europe has begun purchasing gold more extensively, according to Bullion Vault.
Given the global nature of the US economy, these movements have fed speculation that the US Treasury may have sold off considerable stockpiles of US gold.

Will we see - USSR happen in USA ?

Paul has repeatedly called for a return to the gold standard – which U.S. President Richard Nixon abandoned in 1971. He’s also called for the government to sell its gold reserves and rebate the money to taxpayers.

“(Gold) has to be in the hands of the people,” Paul said recently. “We should legalize its use as legal tender. Government doesn’t have to hold it. If an individual gets into trouble they might sell their stocks, their CDs, their assets to pay their bills. Why can’t a country do that?” This right here is a smart man thinks logically why keep building debt ???
According to a russian intelligence report prepared recently, all "gold" in fort knox have tungsten inner core and a gold outer core. IMF chief was jailed for discovering this.
USA government officials are nott fools,American economy is not going anywhere it will continue to dominate world atleast for three decades !
Very good news, and some thing that required attention in the forum.

Exactly how Gold market will behave, is difficult to predict at the moment.
What is certain is, that the current monetary system needs a huge adjustment; and that too of drastic type.
The americans are aware of what is going on, and they have been trying to assert controls over global assets, to back up the currency
and the projected value of the currency.

We will see in next 3 quarters, not 3 decades, what will happen.
USA government officials are nott fools,American economy is not going anywhere it will continue to dominate world atleast for three decades !

Just one more economic depression will chock us of a, don't forgot a trillion dollars debt. 3 decade? not in your wildest dreams.
USA government officials are nott fools,American economy is not going anywhere it will continue to dominate world atleast for three decades !

your love for usa cant save their economy my friend. no offense.
USA GOV gets $4 Trillion in taxes alone annually,they just have to decrease the public benefits or war expenditure for a year or two(and they are thinking about that) and everything will be fine.There main strength is consumers(there citizens)and they are not going anywhere or reducing there consumption,so i again say USA economy is not going to collapse(your wet dreams about it will collapse)and USA will remain strong and super power of the world,few other countries(china & India) will catch up to USA status in coming decades.
this is what happens when u exchange cash for gold.Fedral Reserve which is owned by Israel..they have shipped all gold out of Continental USA
I just have this strange feeling Great depression is just around the corner

These strange financial stories are just adding more fuel to my fears that all this glitter and calmness is just a show and behind the scenes - there is a serious financial crisis coming on a global scale
europe is no different....member states are defaultung and euro ia les ans less stable......yuan will be the next international currency.
Well its not on CNN but the russian channels are reporting all these inside info -
Obama's body language says it all...previously he used to come with this huge grin on his face....look at him now....Obama also paid a tribute to the seals in OBL raid during his speech in which he said they would be pulling out troops from afghanistan....i have this strange feeling that something pretty bad happened to those seals during that raid:woot:
Obama's body language says it all...previously he used to come with this huge grin on his face....look at him now....Obama also paid a tribute to the seals in OBL raid during his speech in which he said they would be pulling out troops from afghanistan....i have this strange feeling that something pretty bad happened to those seals during that raid:woot:

One chopper was gunned down by 20mm gun near the aircraft academy and at least 15 navy SEALs killed. Obama bin Laden lied that it was a "mechanical failure" and "nobody was injured/killed".

Regarding Afghan withdrawal, he is forced to withdraw, albeit unwillingly.

Obviously he is not feeling great.
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