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US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

What do YOU genocide deniers think about the Azeri Genocide where over a million people were displaced and forced to flee simply for being Azeri, where the U.N condemned the Armenian actions during the Azeri-Armenian war, where the Armenian military and para military groups systematically destroyed homes, towns and cities and ended the lives of entire families and future generations.

Tell me how can a nation who cries genocide commit a genocide themselves?

I take it you don’t agree with your government decision in commemorating the AG on April 24th and opening relations with the Armenian Diaspora in USA.

That is not correct. The NKR war was between the ethnic Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh Oblast and the new republic of Azerbaijan. After what Azeris did to the Armenians in Baku and other cities (pogroms carried out with the list of names and addresses of Armenians) and seeing how the Armenian of Nakichevan were purged they decided to hold a referendum and vote to separate themselves from Azerbaijan.

Azeri response was to do the same as they did in Baku (make MT Ararat from the heads of Armenians, is what was said). The New Azerbaijan did not even recognize NK as part of Azerbaijan until later convinced to do so by the West.

Initially the soviets provided help to Azeris (but not get involved) to surround Armenian towns and would allow Azeris to go in and pull Armenians out of their houses but later they supported both sides with missionaries. Azerbaijan had also support of Chechen and Afghani Wahabi fighters. They actually fought the best and were well organized. for while Baku looked like Kabul; too bad for them we broke their radio codes and send them to meet their maker (Armenian Russians who served in Afghanistan during Soviet invasion knew their tactics and communication).

Ethnic Armenians seeing their dire situation and human rights violations with no referendum in site decided to fight back with the help of volunteers from Soviet Armenia and Diaspora. The rest is history. Artsakh liberated and buffer zones established for our safety.

Your overinflated Kojaly was not a Genocide carried by the state of Armenia but a lesson from certain Karabaghtsis to you cry baby Turks that you cannot mess with Armenians ever again. A safe corridor was even provided for civilians to evacuate and plenty of warning was send out in form of leaflets and loud speakers. Everybody knew about the upcoming Armenian offensive and shelling. Azerbaijan forced their civilians to stay on purpose.
What Azeri authorities did to the victims’ bodies (mutilations) after our offensive and pull back (Armenian forces were nowhere near when these mutilation were reported) was a savagery beyond human understanding (This was done in order to gain support from abroad since they were losing the war badly) and not to mention kill their own reporter because he found out and he was going to report the truth in Russia.....this is a crime that should be addressed by Azeris against their own junior Sultan Aliyev for the actions of his father.

Next time Azerbaijan decided to attack Artsakh we will solve and neutralize this problem once and for all.
I take it you don’t agree with your government decision in commemorating the AG on April 24th and opening relations with the Armenian Diaspora in USA.

That is not correct. The NKR war was between the ethnic Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh Oblast and the new republic of Azerbaijan. After what Azeris did to the Armenians in Baku and other cities (pogroms carried out with the list of names and addresses of Armenians) and seeing how the Armenian of Nakichevan were purged they decided to hold a referendum and vote to separate themselves from Azerbaijan.

Azeri response was to do the same as they did in Baku (make MT Ararat from the heads of Armenians, is what was said). The New Azerbaijan did not even recognize NK as part of Azerbaijan until later convinced to do so by the West.

Initially the soviets provided help to Azeris (but not get involved) to surround Armenian towns and would allow Azeris to go in and pull Armenians out of their houses but later they supported both sides with missionaries. Azerbaijan had also support of Chechen and Afghani Wahabi fighters. They actually fought the best and were well organized. for while Baku looked like Kabul; too bad for them we broke their radio codes and send them to meet their maker (Armenian Russians who served in Afghanistan during Soviet invasion knew their tactics and communication).

Ethnic Armenians seeing their dire situation and human rights violations with no referendum in site decided to fight back with the help of volunteers from Soviet Armenia and Diaspora. The rest is history. Artsakh liberated and buffer zones established for our safety.

Your overinflated Kojaly was not a Genocide carried by the state of Armenia but a lesson from certain Karabaghtsis to you cry baby Turks that you cannot mess with Armenians ever again. A safe corridor was even provided for civilians to evacuate and plenty of warning was send out in form of leaflets and loud speakers. Everybody knew about the upcoming Armenian offensive and shelling. Azerbaijan forced their civilians to stay on purpose.
What Azeri authorities did to the victims’ bodies (mutilations) after our offensive and pull back (Armenian forces were nowhere near when these mutilation were reported) was a savagery beyond human understanding (This was done in order to gain support from abroad since they were losing the war badly) and not to mention kill their own reporter because he found out and he was going to report the truth in Russia.....this is a crime that should be addressed by Azeris against their own junior Sultan Aliyev for the actions of his father.

Next time Azerbaijan decided to attack Artsakh we will solve and neutralize this problem once and for all.

Next time Armenia decides to attack Azerbaijan a powerful Russia will not be there to help Armenians and neither will Turkey for Turkey is not the Turkey of the 90's. Being classified as a regional hegemony is no small thing and neither Turkey and Russia will enter on the side of either Azerbaijan and Armenia respectively as both nations act as counterbalances for the involvement of the other.

The increasing likely reality is that the next time Armenia attacks Azerbaijan she will face the Azerbaijan military alone who's budget is more then the national budget of Armenia.

And by stating "us genocide deniers" have you not broken your claim that you are not on :pdf: to spread Armenian propaganda. How can anybody take you seriously now?

On the contrary you have stated that Kojaly was not a genocide yet the U.N has stated that Kojaly was a massacre on genocide proportions and that if the conflict was much larger the results would have been the regional genocide of the Azeri people. In other words the extinction of the Azeri people from their own homeland.

It should also be noted that some Armenian sources have started supporting the Cyprus view that the Turkish forced intervention in Cyprus back in 1974 resulted in genocide which is nothing but a post 1974 lie. So using this as a basis for how Armenians have started defining genocide then the actions in Kojaly were definitely a genocide.

So again I ask you how can a nation that claims to be a victim of genocide commit genocide themselves? as it is not I who has stated that the Armenian actions were a massacre of genocidal proportions but it is the U.N.

Your intentions to commit genocide on the Azeri people by stating this problem is also well noted. So tell me and the world wide Internet community will the United Javakhk Democratic Alliance also start a war of conquest in Georgia and commit the same horrors the Azeri people experienced onto the Georgian people?
Why can't we be more like Turks? After all, we are blood brothers aren't we? Where is our honor? Why do we assist in killing of Afghans and our own Pakistanis? Think... 'cuz it'll be too late soon.
Next time Armenia decides to attack Azerbaijan a powerful Russia will not be there to help Armenians and neither will Turkey for Turkey is not the Turkey of the 90's. Being classified as a regional hegemony is no small thing and neither Turkey and Russia will enter on the side of either Azerbaijan and Armenia respectively as both nations act as counterbalances for the involvement of the other.

The increasing likely reality is that the next time Armenia attacks Azerbaijan she will face the Azerbaijan military alone who's budget is more then the national budget of Armenia.

Armenia has never threatened to attack Azerbaijan unlike Aliyev who has been threatening renewed war every other day.

The Armenian president has stated if Azerbaijan attacks then this time we will solve this problem for good. The dispute is between Azerbaijan and NKR, not Armenia itself. Armenians are in a defensive position but if attacked then all bets are off. There are no Russians in NKR but if Aliyev attacks Armenia proper then according CSTO and the military alliance Russians will get involved. If Aliyev attacks NKR then President Sarkisian has stated that he would recognize Nagorno Karabagh , send Armenian troops and try to get Russians involved according to the security pack.

Turkey has already stated that they will not fight side by side Azeris (due to NATO) but will send weapons to Azerbaijan. Both Turkey and Russia would get involved and their growing friendship will suffer, this is why Azerbaijan is not getting a green light from Turkey to attack besides other reasons that would mean political suicide, not to mention a major military defeat and more conquered lands by Armenia.

Oil money can never match Armenian determination, which was proven to the world in 1994. You guys want to purge Armenians from that land better be prepared to fight to the death. It is obvious you know nothing about the conflict but you just like to run your anti-Armenian mouth.

And by stating "us genocide deniers" have you not broken your claim that you are not on :pdf: to spread Armenian propaganda. How can anybody take you seriously now?

This whole thread from beginning is full of denyalist. I posted articles from your own country to see what average Turks think about this new move by Ankara in observing the Armenian Genocide, are you saying Ankara is passing pro Armenian propaganda? It is obvious you don’t agree with your own government recent stand on this issue. That is all I wanted to know.

On the contrary you have stated that Kojaly was not a genocide yet the U.N has stated that Kojaly was a massacre on genocide proportions and that if the conflict was much larger the results would have been the regional genocide of the Azeri people. In other words the extinction of the Azeri people from their own homeland....

Your intentions to commit genocide on the Azeri people by stating this problem is also well noted. So tell me and the world wide Internet community will the United Javakhk Democratic Alliance also start a war of conquest in Georgia and commit the same horrors the Azeri people experienced onto the Georgian people?

Provide proof that UN has officially said that about Armenians before you spread lies. Azerbaijan (and some in Turkey) are the only ones claiming such things. Have some shame and morals, you think everybody would just buy your verbal diarrhea? As far as I am concern if you guys think it was genocide of 300 or so people then good, let that be a lesson to you Turks.

In Georgia situation if the hostilities and human right violation by your wannabe Turk Suckisswoody does not stop then we will have to convince the Russians to Annex a corridor from Armenia to Black Sea and possibly a border with Russia that would cut through Javakh. The Armenian in Javakh are in Georgia, all we ask is that they be treated just like everone else. The Armenians in Artsakh are on ancient Armenian lands and currently we are excavating ancient Armenian cities which is making Aliyev look like a fool.
During our weakest times during WWI, when we are invaded and losing land after land to the allies, when we don't have enough military equipment and supplies left, why the hell would we go out of our way to kill all of these "innocent Armenians"? So, the Armenians were being great citizens of the Ottoman Empire and not causing any problems. On top of that, the Ottoman Army had nothing else to deal with, so they decided to kill the Armenians for fun... is that what you all ignorant genocide supporters believe in?

This is just unbelievably fair. Armenians rebelled against their own government and killed lots of children, the elderly especially women while their husbands were in the army fighting. But you guys are blinded by the Armenians' crocodile tears to see this. We are denying it for a good reason. We are not crying everyday. Turkish citizens are not getting any tax breaks in California. Armenians have been getting so much financial help from the world ever since they brought up this made up story. It is obviously working on their favors. Can you imagine??? I would be paying extra taxes if I were residing in California thanks to the Armenians.

Why isn't any historian coming to Turkey to take a look at the Ottoman archives? They have been open to historians for years. But who is there man enough to face the truth?

Yes, we are all deniers... FOR A GOOD DAMN REASON!!!!
During our weakest times during WWI, when we are invaded and losing land after land to the allies, when we don't have enough military equipment and supplies left, why the hell would we go out of our way to kill all of these "innocent Armenians"? So, the Armenians were being great citizens of the Ottoman Empire and not causing any problems. On top of that, the Ottoman Army had nothing else to deal with, so they decided to kill the Armenians for fun... is that what you all ignorant genocide supporters believe in?

This is just unbelievably fair. Armenians rebelled against their own government and killed lots of children, the elderly especially women while their husbands were in the army fighting. But you guys are blinded by the Armenians' crocodile tears to see this. We are denying it for a good reason. We are not crying everyday. Turkish citizens are not getting any tax breaks in California. Armenians have been getting so much financial help from the world ever since they brought up this made up story. It is obviously working on their favors. Can you imagine??? I would be paying extra taxes if I were residing in California thanks to the Armenians.

Why isn't any historian coming to Turkey to take a look at the Ottoman archives? They have been open to historians for years. But who is there man enough to face the truth?

Yes, we are all deniers... FOR A GOOD DAMN REASON!!!!

What Tax break??!! I live in Cali. What you say makes no sense whatsoever. There is no such thing. Where you guys come up with this stuff. Let me know I can use the extra money.

The battle of Sarikamish where the Turkish 3rd Army was decimated under the command of Pasha himself (against his own Generals recommendation) mainly by the hands of Russian Armenian volunteers 4th Battalion (doing their duties as Russian Citizens) against Turkey.


4th battalion of the Armenian volunteers engaged at strategic Barduz Pass

What War has to do with what Pasha did after this major defeat (which he blamed those Russian Armenians) to the defenseless Ottoman Armenians (mostly women and children and elderly) who had no idea what is going on?

You guys just can't stop talking about this can you. Listen, those Russian Armenians revenged you for the Hamidian massacres of Armenians (twice) and Pasha took it out on Ottoman Armenian civilians and to finally answer the Armenian question by purging them from their lands and take over all their riches.
Those Armenian Russians would fight with a determination that could not be found anywhere, according to Russian commanders. Check Hamidian massacres (bloody Sultan) if you think AG is all that happened. There is a trend.

What is your opinion on Ankara's new position on AG? That all I want to know, I don't want to talk/argue about AG
Azatavrear don't waste your time brother , one thing that i learned from talking to Torks is that arguing with a them is like talking to a wall.

All they need to know is that when Aliyev finally grows a pair of balls and puts his money where his big mouth is, we will solve this problem once and for all.
Azatavrear don't waste your time brother , one thing that i learned from talking to Torks is that arguing with a them is like talking to a wall.

All they need to know is that when Aliyev finally grows a pair of balls and puts his money where his big mouth is, we will solve this problem once and for all.

I'm sorry but i didn't get you, how exactly will you solve this problem? By starting a conventional war against Turkey and "invading" the country? Pls, see the reality mates, your country can't even feed its own citizens. You are basically a third world country with a GDP of 2.700 $ per citizen, and your population is just over 3 mio. How exactly can you solve a problem with military, forget Turkey you can't even handle Azarbaijan in a conventional war.
conventional war against Turkey

I don't think you read my last post at all, because if you did you would know that I said Aliyev and by that I meant we will solve all our problems with azerbaijan if they start a war.:agree:

third world country

Sorry but according to nations online projects Armenia is second world country.

handle Azarbaijan in a conventional war

Listen buddy if azerbaijan was so confident in its military supremacy and its ability to defeat Armenia, then why not start a war and liberate their "so called occupied lands.":blah:
Sometimes.. I wish Basbakan Reccep Tayip Erdogan came and said in front of live television and in front of 1million turks.
I'm ashamed of my grandparents for not killing the entire Armenian population.

What are Armenian people trying to ?
to say yes we did it?
and then?
Sometimes.. I wish Basbakan Reccep Tayip Erdogan came and said in front of live television and in front of 1million turks.
I'm ashamed of my grandparents for not killing the entire Armenian population.

What are Armenian people trying to ?
to say yes we did it?
and then?

a while back in a different thread i had posted :
I have been in this debate a million times and you guys never seem to escape the established pattern

first - it is Greeks/armenians/kurds fault
then - turkey didn't do it, it's a lie
followed by - even if we did, we were justified
and finally the glorious - Yes we *****ing did it and we'll do it again because we are turks and we are frikkin stronger than anyone else, so shut up and be happy some are left alive, as proven by the above post...

i'd like to say i'm happy once more i'm right, but i am actually sad by what i read..

such a shame ....
You shouldn't be so hard on your grandparents, they did the best they could.....you can finish off what they started.
Good Luck.

:lol: Are you going to start crying now? You don't really need to cry to suck up to big nations so that people would feel sorry for you. Humans have a tendency to take the side of the weak without looking at the whole picture. Your my grandpa told me stories are not enough to label a nation as genocide deniers. If your ancestors did not want any problem and did not rebel against the Turks, Armenians today wouldn't have been begging other nations to recognize such an absurd load of crap.
If your ancestors did not want any problem and did not rebel against the Turks, Armenians today wouldn't have been begging other nations to recognize such an absurd load of crap.

So if a nation is living under another nation's rule it DOES NOT have the right to rebel and seek independence ? wow !! talking about imperialism and delusions of grandeur .
:lol: Are you going to start crying now? You don't really need to cry to suck up to big nations so that people would feel sorry for you. Humans have a tendency to take the side of the weak without looking at the whole picture. Your my grandpa told me stories are not enough to label a nation as genocide deniers. If your ancestors did not want any problem and did not rebel against the Turks, Armenians today wouldn't have been begging other nations to recognize such an absurd load of crap.

The only one doing the begging is your Turkish lobby who is petrified from seeing the AG recognize by few remaining countries which will tear the fabric of your society apart.

It wasn't Genocide.....there, you happy?
I am afraid the world has wussyfied you Turks and you aint got what it takes anymore, however your denialist camps has made us Armenians more extreme and resolved.

You wanna finish it......then come and get it toork. We are here standing. Dumass
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