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US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

That is how we say it in Turkish. Kind of like Atina for Athens. I didn't mean to disrespect. If that is the case, please stop calling Istanbul Constantinople.

I am sure your Greek brothers sent our people with flowers. Dude, come on... dont try to act angelish.

And they told you this after waking up from their graves??? I could have made up and told you somethign similar but I choose to stay honest. Dont try to act like the Armenians.

Are you naive ? or are you just choosing to play the fool? Do not judge people based on your own age first and second learn the facts and the events,
if you don't know when Greeks were killed in .."istanmbul" and other places.. go find out.. although I doubt any turkish source will tell you ..
and I don't know how the turks who left Greece during the exchange left.. but at least they were alive ...

trying to twist facts because you don't like them doesn't change the truth ... but hey .. keep trying right ? You are probably in your twenties or something.. you'll learn i hope.
I don't get it .....did US not commit genocide in Hiroshima , Nagasaki and then VietNam etc

To be honest .. I never thought of that.. but for sure it was a war crime .
Not to mention the US is build on the death of indians (sioux, apache etc.), atm even though the indians are a dying race they are excempted from paying taxes and other stuff. But I don't know if that is justice for having being wiped out.

it's probably like a candy they can link until they cease to exist.....
Not to mention the US is build on the death of indians (sioux, apache etc.), atm even though the indians are a dying race they are excempted from paying taxes and other stuff. But I don't know if that is justice for having being wiped out.

it's probably like a candy they can link until they cease to exist.....

agree with this comment.
I don't get it .....did US not commit genocide in Hiroshima , Nagasaki and then VietNam etc

Genocide refers mainly to a race extermination policy carried out by the State on its own citizens.

It is also described as "the deliberate and systematic destruction in whole or in part of an ethnic, religious, racial, or national group." There is also a legal definition for lawyers.

Invading another country or bombing them from above, regardless of casualties, is not Genocide unless the goal is to exterminate certain ethnic minority groups only, even then it is not being done by the State against its own people but by an invading outside force.

Massacres committed by the state on its own ethnic minority to silence any protests or seperationalist are not Genocide either (like what Saddam did to the Kurds) since the goal of the State was not to exterminate certain minority citizens but to crush any grievances or rebellion, however it comes close because it can lead to Genocide of those people in the future.
The act of Genocide is a well planned carried out in stages (eight) and the actual killing is only one of those steps. These stages used by the state prepare the general population for what is to come to the minorities living among them:

Classification, Symbolization, Dehumanization, Organization, Polarization, Preparation, Extermination, Denial.

These days the term Genocide is being thrown around without its true meaning mainly to make something that is terrible (say Iraq invasion and the massive lost of life by Iraqis) look even worst.
Azatavrear the onus is not on me to prove my claims as being false but if your own knowledge of the situation is lacking that I cannot help you either and statements by Armenia as "they will solve this problem" can be interpreted as an act for the determination of extermination. Do not attempt to twist words with since you will fail as my day time job is to analyse such contracts for weasel words.

Since you brought up the topic of "driving the Armenians" out of their land then please tell me why if this is the case then there are over 100k Armenians living in Turkey today and then please explain to me and the Internet community why is there no Turk or Turkic people in Armenia when only about a century ago the region that is Armenia was still controlled by the Ottoman empire?
Azatavrear I have also noticed that on questions that you cannot answer you have instead replied with an attempt to make me on the defensive by stating that I am a person of the denial of fact.

This is a classic defense method that in the court of law is used by those of guilty parties, so please answer the question having caught you out; of spreading Armenian POV by stating that we Turks are genocide deniers why can you not answer the question of why have you broken your statement that you are not here to spread your pro Armenian propaganda?
During our weakest times during WWI, when we are invaded and losing land after land to the allies, when we don't have enough military equipment and supplies left, why the hell would we go out of our way to kill all of these "innocent Armenians"? So, the Armenians were being great citizens of the Ottoman Empire and not causing any problems. On top of that, the Ottoman Army had nothing else to deal with, so they decided to kill the Armenians for fun... is that what you all ignorant genocide supporters believe in?

This is just unbelievably fair. Armenians rebelled against their own government and killed lots of children, the elderly especially women while their husbands were in the army fighting. But you guys are blinded by the Armenians' crocodile tears to see this. We are denying it for a good reason. We are not crying everyday. Turkish citizens are not getting any tax breaks in California. Armenians have been getting so much financial help from the world ever since they brought up this made up story. It is obviously working on their favors. Can you imagine??? I would be paying extra taxes if I were residing in California thanks to the Armenians.

Why isn't any historian coming to Turkey to take a look at the Ottoman archives? They have been open to historians for years. But who is there man enough to face the truth?

Yes, we are all deniers... FOR A GOOD DAMN REASON!!!!

Their is a publication by pro Armenian genocide UCLA so called historians that state that the Janissaries were formed by stolen Armenian children such books these days are the central source material for the so called Armenian genocide.

A simple study of the Janissaries would reveal to anyone that they were Christian subjects from the Balkans and the parents of these children often competed in the community for their children to be noticed by the Ottoman officials since this would then ensure that their children not only got an education for free but an ensured prosperous future for their children.

California and the UCLA is so indoctrinated into the so called Armenian genocide that they have more statues for this so called genocide then for the heroes of world war II and by extension to their indoctrination they call any historian who gives them the actual truth as genocide deniers.
Dear amalakas do not confuse a population exchange and the abandoning of Izmir by the Greek army and the Greek settlers with genocide and please dont take my word on it but ask the following Greek historians why there is no such thing as the Greek genocide.

1. Dr. Georgios Nakracas
2. Angelos Elefantis
Sometimes.. I wish Basbakan Reccep Tayip Erdogan came and said in front of live television and in front of 1million turks.
I'm ashamed of my grandparents for not killing the entire Armenian population.

What are Armenian people trying to ?
to say yes we did it?
and then?

Napoleon occupied Vienna but the Ottomans failed to conquer it twice, today Italians hate the Ottomans more then Napoleon.

They would hate us even if they open their archives and the world declares the Ottomans innocent since we are the Muslim the "agents of Satan" the empire of anti-Christ and the "eastern menace".

Europe and their satellite Christian populations/nations who look to Europe for guidance despise us because of our religion and apparent difference of culture never mind the fact that nations only a century ago were all looking forward and attempting to build empires. How many times have you heard the word Mongol/Tork (as the Armenian who posted in this thread intending it to be an insult) and even the word Turk was originally meant to be an insult to the Ottomans.

The irony is that while white Europe and her Christian satellites continue their campaign of lies and hatred to anything that is not one of them they are being outpaced by other non white and non Christian people.

The intolerance to us brother will stop when the day Europe becomes a 3rd world continent due to her current speed at stripping natural resources and lack of viable long term energy sources coupled with her declining birth rate which is expected to have disastrous consequences to both industrial and economic capabilities in the future (forget about the 2009 GFC it is small as to what is expected to take place in the future).
The only one doing the begging is your Turkish lobby who is petrified from seeing the AG recognize by few remaining countries which will tear the fabric of your society apart.

It wasn't Genocide.....there, you happy?
I am afraid the world has wussyfied you Turks and you aint got what it takes anymore, however your denialist camps has made us Armenians more extreme and resolved.

You wanna finish it......then come and get it toork. We are here standing. Dumass

Only officially 12 nations of the some 150+ nations of the world recognize the so called Armenian genocide. Your arrogance into attributing 12 nations as the majority of the world is amazing and remember these 12 nations have only recognized the so called genocide by intense lobbying.

The race is on to get the some 138 nations to recognize this so called Armenian genocide before the Turks and people with historical curiosity outnumber intolerant anti-Turk, and-Muslim and Armenian ex-pats people.
i wouldn't call it retaliation, more like trying to maintain the status quo, i.e. keep "whoever" under turkish rule. Your "army" has every right to protect its citizens, noone denies that. Where there any terrorist acts against your citizens ?

As far as to what our army and our police would do if "turks living in Greece" did the same.. suffice to say that there are STILL turks living in Greece , while there ARE NO greeks living in turkey anymore ... wonder where they have gone ? do you know ? I wonder ........... ???? !!!!

Greek you have a selective memory as thousands of Greeks are living in Turkey as well as the fact that your patriarch lives in Turkey at the cost to the Turkish people for supporting that position.

You would have an moral voice of reason if you gave ethnic rights to Turks living in western Thrace and the U.N has called the situation of the Turks in western Thrace as suppression of basic human rights of the Turks, rights to Macedonians, rights to self selection of religious and community leaders, sanitary conditions for illegal immigrants that the U.N has called embarrassing and a human rights violation.

Also how many Islamic centers of worship do you have in Greece? Now go compare that number to the number of Churches we have in Turkey. It is also interesting how Greeks and Europeans when it benefits them claim us either Islamic or Secular so according to your opinion what are we?
when can the whole world play the 'genocide' card to presure the States?

We can't the Americans did their genocide against the Indians in the 1700's/1800's and finished it by the 1900's. You can talk about the Nazis killing the Jews but they didn't even come close to exterminating the Jewish people, the US on the other hand is probably the one who did the best job at actually killing off a people, physically and culturally. The Native Americans went from 100% of the population to 1.37% of the population and what of their culture do they have to left now?
We can't the Americans did their genocide against the Indians in the 1700's/1800's and finished it by the 1900's. You can talk about the Nazis killing the Jews but they didn't even come close to exterminating the Jewish people, the US on the other hand is probably the one who did the best job at actually killing off a people, physically and culturally. The Native Americans went from 100% of the population to 1.37% of the population and what of their culture do they have to left now?

100% agree. Infact i see it personally in Arizona. They live out in the middle of nowhere in "reservations" now and these places are very very poor and separated from the population centers.

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