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US ‘plans to deploy 120,000 troops to Middle East

Someone posted on another thread that Evangelical plan in essentially total destruction for their return of Messiah. Whatever anyone thinks of them, the scary part is they have right now complete power of US War apparatus, and fat Trump seems to just do what they ask.

It is worrying times.

Everybody is waiting for their messiah. Evangelicals, Zionists who wants to destroy Muslim countries and remove Muslims from Middle East which they have succeeded in Syria/Iraq. They want to make their Temple (which according to Ahadith will be built) and then Greater Israel after which they believe their Messiah will come.

While Muslims are waiting for Mehdi.

Zionists/Evangelicals have complete power over USA for over a century not just right now. Almost every US president has been either their puppet or a Zionist/Evangelical themselves.

These indeed are worrying times.

i think u.s will capture whole arab countries and they will lose sovereignty like iraq and afghanistan if war breaks between iran and arabs.u.s will turn whole middle east in to yemen and will massively implant isis in saudia and other arab countries who are asking and allowing u.s to deploy such no of troops for their defense and help.Arab world end is near and they will face destruction as they got caught in trap of u.s and israel.
There is no real threat to u.s from iran and is repetition of false propaganda like they used against iraq in the name of weapons of mass destruction , they are doing this to implement israel desires of greater israel which requires destruction of whole arab world
Worst scenerio man ... US is using them to fight against Iran ... Indeed whole middle east shall destabilise ... And it would become easier to make Greater Israel through Arabs slaughter
Iran must somehow get out of this situation, by making some compromise.
they plan to occupy iran with 120,000 personnel ? they must be really stupid
Even in ancient times, number of troops were not much of a factor in conquests but a good planning and a courageous leadership.

American war-machine is world's finest in terms of power-projection, no other force is even close. USAF and USN can soften much of the resistance on the surface on their own, and American armored columns will make short work of the leftovers. Refer to the Persian Gulf War (1991) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003). 120,000 troops in case of US, is a big force to contend with.
this war has become inevitable and u.s and israel have carried out terrorist attack in saudia oil pipline by using drones to blame iran so war may break now.Timing of this attack on saudi oil supply line clearly show this
Worst scenerio man ... US is using them to fight against Iran ... Indeed whole middle east shall destabilise ... And it would become easier to make Greater Israel through Arabs slaughter
Turkey and Pak, from the historical points of view, are the central powers of the Muslim world. No power on the earth can undo them for they are Last Citadels of Islam....

According to ahadith ...near the end of times, Istanbul will be conquered by a foreign power albeit for a short period of time and will be retaken by mujahids who will break down the walls by shouting takbeer

The end of these conspiracies will be the end of the petro-dollar world finance system. For those who are alive that day, gold and silver will be main currency.

Stock up on gold & silver coins ppl
US will strike on iran plus arabs will join this war...so 120k figure is quite huge.uae qatar oman saudia will be part of it...even the zionist regime...
This phrase explains every thing and putting it in context for 17 years long war in Afghanistan speaks the reality about finest.
Please do tell about how Taliban-led government and defenses fared against US in the opening phase of the war (2 months tops), and for how long Afghanistan remained peaceful to large extent afterwards (2 years). Taliban left-overs melted into Pakistani and Irani tribal sectors, regrouped, and bid their time. When NATO pulled majority of its forces from Afghanistan in 2014, only then Taliban had a clear shot towards resurgence in Afghanistan. Unfortunately for US, the elements it brought to power in Afghanistan proved inept and corrupt, alienating many Afghans in the process. This is why US lost its footing in Afghanistan and Trump administration is considering a negotiated settlement with Taliban. Well, shit happens because dynamics of every region are different.

Nevertheless, Taliban was never the real target to begin with, it was Al-Qaeda Network and where it is now? Oh yes, US neutralized it by 2011.

I was alluding to military prowess of US which is laughably ahead of that of Pakistan as well - recall Operation Neptune Spear in 2011. Not only this but Pakistan Army had to clear Waziristan from terrorists in phases due to capacity-constraints. But US managed two overseas occupations (Iraq and Afghanistan) through the years (2003 - 2011), defeating Iraqi insurgency and Al-Qaeda Network by 2011 across both fronts. Not an easy task to pull-off from operational and logistics standpoint, mind you. No army in the world could cope with this much pressure if in the same boat.

However, Salafi jihadism will not die easily: https://www.csis.org/analysis/evolution-salafi-jihadist-threat

Why do you think terrorist incidents continue to occur in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Because bad apples continue to thrive in both countries in spite of the efforts to alter the mindset of people across the region. Ideological forces are never easy to cull.

Pit American war-machine against another and US will prevail in days, but it is really 'expensive' to employ against ideological forces. Economic considerations cannot be overlooked.

Fazool baat karney sey pehley soch liya karo.
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