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US ‘plans to deploy 120,000 troops to Middle East

This is the reason why all prophets were sent to arabs.

False flag coming... Dajjal forerunners in full swing.

Prophets and messengers were sent to every nation.

People act like as if the Arabs were the worst.

Even before the Arabs the Babylonians, Pheoncians, Carthaginians all sacrificed babies while the Assyrians skinned people alive in their conquests.

Arabs at their lowest. They are ensuring their own destruction in future.

From the British and the French to the play toys of the Americans and the Israelis.

Middle East has to gone crap to ever since the end of ww1.
I'm not aware of those prophecies but if you say so.
To be honest there is so much doom and destruction prophecies that it's nearly impossible to keep up with all of them.

Sunni hadith. You can look it up on google.
@Hayreddin what do you make of the present situation???

Death trap for Arab countries to wage a war against Iran . arab Iran war cant come without indo pak conflict , its part of the package by Zionists . Pakistan has No option C in this conflict , has to be ally of either party . Neutrality is impossible.
One thing in this whole scenerio is beyond rational understanding that this all mess wld ultimately result in downfall of petrodollar , US got any contigency plan for it ???
Death trap for Arab countries to wage a war against Iran . arab Iran war cant come without indo pak conflict , its part of the package by Zionists . Pakistan has No option C in this conflict , has to be ally of either party . Neutrality is impossible.
One thing in this whole scenerio is beyond rational understanding that this all mess wld ultimately result in downfall of petrodollar , US got any contigency plan for it ???

How do you say it will bring down the petrodollar. Would like to hear your opinion on it.
Such a deployment has not been seen since the 2003 invasion of Iraq

THE US is planning to deploy as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East if Iran attacks American forces, a bombshell report claimed last night.

In chilling echoes of the invasion of Iraq, US defence chiefs have reportedly drawn up fresh military plans that would see a huge response to Iranian aggression.


A huge deployment of up to 120,000 troops is being planned if Iran attacks American forces in a chilling echo of the Iraq war (file photo)


US Aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has already been deployed to the region to beef up American military might

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan revealed the audacious strategy to America's top national security aides last Thursday, according to the New York Times.

The top secret plans are said to spell out how a vast land, air and sea force would be sent to America's regional allies bordering Iran should its foe attack US forces.

The deployment could also be sparked if Iran accelerates its work on nuclear weapons, according to defense sources - in breach of an international treaty.

President Trump's hard-line national security adviser John Bolton is said to have ordered the heavily beefed-up military plans in response to growing tensions in the region.

It is unclear if President Trump - who has tried to scale back US military involvement in the Middle East - would order the deployment.

Such a large force would be able to launch an invasion on the scale of Iraq in 2003 - and would almost certainly be met with a military response from Iran.

Mr Trump yesterday refused to play down the prospect of an all-out war.

When asked if an invasion was on the table, the president said: "We’ll see what happens with Iran.

"If they do anything, it would be a very bad mistake.”

Spokesmen for Mr Shanahan and Gen Joseph F Dunford Jr - the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff - declined to comment to the New York Times.


Fevered tensions between the US and Iran have increased in recent days as an American military presence in the region is heightened in response to alleged Iranian threats


The oil tanker MT Andrea Victory off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, was hit by a sabotage attack - which is being blamed on Iranoil tankers including one bound for US hit by ‘sabotage attack’ amid Iran standoff
The revelations come after it emerged yesterday that oil tankers bound for the US were hit by a "sabotage attack" off the United Arab Emirates.

Emirati officials are investigating - and US intelligence believes Iran is responsible.

A huge US naval presence has already built up in the Gulf over recent days as Washington accuses Terhan of plotting to disrupt and attack its interests and allies.

An aircraft carrier group, Patriot missiles and B-52 bombers have been sent to counter alleged - but as yet specified - threats in the region.

And last night Iran threatened to attack US ally Israel in retaliation for any strike by American military forces.

Iranian Parliament's vice-speaker Ali Motahhari said: “The US military forces' deployment in the Persian Gulf is more of the nature of psychological warfare.

“They are not ready for a war - especially when Israel is within our range.”

Iran has allies Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip - but it also has a number of missiles aimed at Israel.

We are very worried about the risk of a conflict happening by accident, with an escalation that is unintended really on either side but ends with some kind of conflict

Jeremy HuntBritish Foreign Secretary
Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt yesterday warned that America and Iran are in danger of stumbling into a conflict.

Mr Hunt said he would be speaking to visiting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as European allies about fears a war could erupt accidentally.

He said: “We are very worried about the risk of a conflict happening by accident, with an escalation that is unintended really on either side but ends with some kind of conflict.

"What we need is a period of calm to make sure that everyone understands what the other side is thinking.”

And ex-Admiral Lord West said launching military strikes against Iran would be "an absolute catastrophe".

Speaking at Westminster, the former military top brass said the current situation in the region was "extremely dangerous".

And Saudia must bear the cost plus, USA will not do anything plus, it will add more mentally challenged war veterans on the streets of USA.
One thing is for sure the modern Arabs are so easily manipulated.

I think we should be clear though, Egypt, Morocco etc should not be lumped in with the naive Gulf Arabs here.

First the British manipulated them in 1900s and history repeating itself now - this will destroy the Gulf economies.
The real question that nobody is asking; what will happen to the GCC? Are we staring down another "Gulf War"? If that happens; the real losers will be UAE/Qatar/Oman. Saudi not so much. USA further enforces their control on these countries while they try to keep Iran in check.

There will be no Iran after any future full fledged war between US and Iran.
Death trap for Arab countries to wage a war against Iran . arab Iran war cant come without indo pak conflict , its part of the package by Zionists . Pakistan has No option C in this conflict , has to be ally of either party . Neutrality is impossible.
One thing in this whole scenerio is beyond rational understanding that this all mess wld ultimately result in downfall of petrodollar , US got any contigency plan for it ???

100% agreed. I would add that this Saudi/Iran, Arab/Persian, Sunni/Shia war will be the second last stage of the Zionist plan. The final stage would be that Pakistan attacked by India and at the same time Turkey attacked by USA/NATO which will suck in Russia, China etc as well. We truly are approaching the end of times.
100% agreed. I would add that this Saudi/Iran, Arab/Persian, Sunni/Shia war will be the second last stage of the Zionist plan. The final stage would be that Pakistan attacked by India and at the same time Turkey attacked by USA/NATO which will suck in Russia, China etc as well. We truly are approaching the end of times.

And what in the world is the end goal - total destruction except a glorious Israel sitting at centre of the World?
John Bolton definitely seems to have some cooking plan for Iran. In case of conflict between US and Iran it will be interesting to see how Iran's "friend" India reacts.
Pind nu agg lagi
Kutta roori tey
Yup. That's what they believe.

Someone posted on another thread that Evangelical plan in essentially total destruction for their return of Messiah. Whatever anyone thinks of them, the scary part is they have right now complete power of US War apparatus, and fat Trump seems to just do what they ask.

It is worrying times.

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