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US ‘plans to deploy 120,000 troops to Middle East

You are right; but when emotions and sentiments start governing one's thought process, instead of logic; such views emerge. An armed conflict between US and Iran is extremely disastrous for the whole region, more so particularly for Pakistan, and should be averted at all costs. Real problem is that both Iran and KSA have competing hegemonic ambitions, which are far far beyond their real potential and power and, further, that this conflict is fired by triple sources/identities: sectarian, racial and ethnic. Both countries leave Islam, which could unify them, in some obscure back yard. Pakistan, in a way, becomes sandwiched in this conflict. Pakistanis start overemphasizing certain recent tensions between Iran and Pakistan and stop thinking about the larger picture. I am praying that this conflict gets averted, even if Iran has take some back steps, for the time being.

You are perfectly right.

Off Topic: Just for you information: I believe, in some other thread, you were referring to the following Hadith/tradition, but could not recall the source:

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

Warning: I have taken it from another thread and have not myself checked it from source.

Yes, I was referring to that hadith. There is also another one that says during the time of Mahdi, Arabs will be very few in number.
Yes, I was referring to that hadith. There is also another one that says during the time of Mahdi, Arabs will be very few in number.

Yes. May be. I just saw it in another thread and thought that you would be interested to refresh your memory.
I think you are a 5 year old, common sense absence alert.

Spaceborne surveillance is a constant. Latest example: https://qz.com/1387960/irans-ayatol...urface-to-air-missile-with-him-on-long-trips/

Airborne surveillance efforts are also there, but not advertised (common sense). You will have to look hard for potential tidbits on the web (OSINT).

I have explained these matters in detail before, no longer feel the need to repeat myself.
And you are a 4 year old fan boy . the claim is the plane engine sounded like thunderstorm . very good for stealth surveillance mission at the heart of enemy land.
US seems to be itching for WAR in the region ... I guess they are pretty clear that Afghanistan is a lost cause so they are now focusing on a new front , just like with the Afghanistan they shift all the terrorism inside Pakistan, this time by attacking Iran they are once again trying destabilize the region even worse :(

I thought Trump did not want US to fight in Arab/M Eastern Wars, why is he doing such thing ? if its Israeli Lobby that is pushing Americans into war, than i guess we gotta say that White Supremacist is not all wrong after when they say Jews are the ones with problems .

Why always US is being a factor or only responsible party here?? If US is having force in Araba then Arab nations are more responsible for any war where their land is used to fight with Iran.

Gulf countries are just playing with words...When they want to fight with Iran then they say US is asking for war...Butbfor any other reason where Muslims are impacted due to unfair policies of West, they will start their noise by pretending as if guardian of Muslims...

Gulf nations should take clear stand as it is fight where there land will be used along with Iraq to fight any unwanted war that impacts global economy.
Why always US is being a factor or only responsible party here?? If US is having force in Araba then Arab nations are more responsible for any war where their land is used to fight with Iran.

Gulf countries are just playing with words...When they want to fight with Iran then they say US is asking for war...Butbfor any other reason where Muslims are impacted due to unfair policies of West, they will start their noise by pretending as if guardian of Muslims...

Gulf nations should take clear stand as it is fight where there land will be used along with Iraq to fight any unwanted war that impacts global economy.

I am not only Blaming US but as Super Power we all assume US to be more mature than a Theocratic regime in Iran, Of Course I want Arabs to settle their issues by themselves without any western intervention but this is how things are now , and Arabs are now too much dependent on America for their own safety .

Gulf countries wants Iranian regime change , and they are already pretty much occupied in Yemen, but thing is both Gulf and US has a common enemy here and that is Iran, so as per saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend .
I am not only Blaming US but as Super Power we all assume US to be more mature than a Theocratic regime in Iran, Of Course I want Arabs to settle their issues by themselves without any western intervention but this is how things are now , and Arabs are now too much dependent on America for their own safety .

Gulf countries wants Iranian regime change , and they are already pretty much occupied in Yemen, but thing is both Gulf and US has a common enemy here and that is Iran, so as per saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend .

Why is the incentive foe US to be mature and behave rationally here...My point is not to avoid blame for US but a consistent negligence from Muslim countries to blame US for everything rather than addressing the problem that lies within their group...

I am sure Iran will never attack on Gulf nor Israel...Iran is also playing to gallery to pacify their own countrymen...This entire thing can be solved easily of Gulf Arabs, Israel and Iran meet and discuss it as a local middle east issue solve amicably...
You are wasting your time, friend.

According to Iranians, there airspace can never be breached. That RQ-170 incident was so telling. :rolleyes:

I have had arguments with Iranian members here that you have no idea, that you will never know how many times Iranian airspace is being violated. But they were all too assured...

Lot of information is not for public consumption in reality. Surprises are kept for the right moments.
your information are based on what you read on internet and in some cases based on delusions, mine are based on the debates with IRIAF pilots, they are pretty confident on our capabilities, i know where we are weak and where are we strong but naturally i say where we are strong.
do you remember US launched 60 CMs toward syrian bases?? the same week US launched 20 toward us but our f-14s and AD hit them all over persian gulf, nether our side released the news of attack nor US side. no 4th generation plane can enter our airspace, i posted the video of our f-14 intercepting saudi f-15 from 150 km away and forcing it to change course toward arabia. i posted our f-4 dogfight with US super hornet over iraq. army unlike IRGC does not publish anything of its activities, even footages of this year drills were from previous years because they tested new weapons.
Iran is playing with fire and they are playing on their own terms and at the moment saudis are on their back foot .
People who are thinking israel or USA is behind recent attacks on tankers and oil fields are miscalculating the situation , Iran has chosen this time to create confusion , chaos and psychological pressure on saudis that they can cripple their economy and they can block strait of hormus and reality is that they have capability to do so .iranians understanding abt US threats are that its only talk and talk and no walk n walk becoz of US economy situation and here iranians are playing stupid. Yes iranians have advancement in missile and drone technology but war is comolex game.
Houthis fire missiles on saudis on daily basis , who are arming them Israel/ US .. No .everyone knows its Iran doing thn why Saudis are still silent and even showing restraint by recent attacks and not taking iranian name officially. This is a sensible move by Saudis ad they know they have alot to lose in case of conflict .
Initially I thought some of 120 thousand troops will go to Afghanistan through Pakistan, but Pakistan won’t be a part of it ...

So the troops will be in Kuwait, Iraq and amphibious assault through marines ... northern front from sulemanyeh into Sanandaj, central front from Basra into Abadan, and southern front at bushes and bandar abbas...
Initially I thought some of 120 thousand troops will go to Afghanistan through Pakistan, but Pakistan won’t be a part of it ...

So the troops will be in Kuwait, Iraq and amphibious assault through marines ... northern front from sulemanyeh into Sanandaj, central front from Basra into Abadan, and southern front at bushes and bandar abbas...

Ground invasion would require a number above 500.000 US troops, considering the US deployed 700K troops in the 1991 gulf war. 120K is far too little and Iraq isn't going to grant them permission to do that.

Whatever that 120K plan is for, it's not ground invasion
Ground invasion would require a number above 500.000 US troops, considering the US deployed 700K troops in the 1991 gulf war. 120K is far too little and Iraq isn't going to grant them permission to do that.

Whatever that 120K plan is for, it's not ground invasion

LMAO, what are you smoking kid?
You think they could launch a ground invasion with 500k? :lol:
Unfortunately consequences would be ...
Win Win situation for israel
Lose Lose situation for both Iran and Saudi
Unfortunately consequences would be ...
Win Win situation for israel
Lose Lose situation for both Iran and Saudi

If there is a conflict, 1000's of missile will rain on the zionists from places like Lebannon. Explain to me how that's a win-win for them?

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