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US plans to bomb Miranshah and kill 200 civilians in revenge?

Then why didn't PA kicked American a** within a day after the OBL raid, when they had boots on ground far deep in to your country not far from the Capital, the fact remains it's not in Pakistan's interest to mess with US, remember the 'Back to Stone-age' comment, it's in Pakistan's best interest to co-operate with US and defuse the situation diplomatically

lol they will send us stone age right ? Taliban who dont have super duper military and living in stone age already kick American a**** lol and US (AS USUAL) lost 10 years of (ANOTHER) war & almost destroy her own economy. US 70% dependent on Pakistan for NATO food/military hardware/fuel (via Qasim Port - Karachi). If US start war against Pakistan her and NATO forces stuck inside afghanistan lol

Pakistan is not much dependent on Americans for your kind information. Rather then always jumping and trusting every BBC/CNN news go over the facts that Pakistan just got few $$ in which half of not properly payed to our govt and military. We spend 60-70 BN$ and got just 8 - 10 BN$ from US side lol in this WOT.

When you don't know anything don't jump into every thread!
Nopes there is where you people are mistaken, although I repeat all-out military confrontation is highly unlikely but in that scenario your country will be pushed 25 years back and US will at the most lose some $$$ and if it's non-military confrontation then the most Pakistan can do is stop the supply lines and you yourself can contemplate the consequences no IMF, WB, Drone strike, Proxy war, Sanctions etc etc, that's why I say the best way out for Pakistan is live today to fight another day and handle the situation diplomatically, if ISI has influence with haqqannis then surely something can be worked out but false bravado will hurt bad

Even the groups Pakistan is fighting today think of US as the infidel invader in Afghanistan, if an open encounter takes place between Pakistan & the US, they'll all be targeting the US. The supplies & the supply lines will be closed off from Pakistan. US will be eaten alive, so they will not be so foolhardy in these foolish endeavors. If they try the other route through the Central Asian states, it'll take much longer for them to get the supplies, & they'll be eaten up by the IMU operating in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & the Northern Afghan states of Kunduz, Takhar etc. By the time they get their supplies, their bases would be destroyed & they wouldn't be able to operate in Afghanistan. As well as the serious implications to their economy, considering the fact that they cannot afford to open a new warfront, & are looking to pull out their troops from Afghanistan.
Even the groups Pakistan is fighting today think of US as the infidel invader in Afghanistan, if an open encounter takes place between Pakistan & the US, they'll all be targeting the US. The supplies & the supply lines will be closed off from Pakistan. US will be eaten alive, so they will not be so foolhardy in these foolish endeavors. If they try the other route through the Central Asian states, it'll take much longer for them to get the supplies, & they'll be eaten up by the IMU operating in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & the Northern Afghan states of Kunduz, Takhar etc. By the time they get their supplies, their bases would be destroyed & they wouldn't be able to operate in Afghanistan. As well as the serious implications to their economy, considering the fact that they cannot afford to open a new warfront, & are looking to pull out their troops from Afghanistan.

Which video game are you playing dude? :D
Which video game are you playing dude? :D

I'm responding to a hypothetical situation posted by a member here, by stating geopolitical facts, not a hunch that 'Pakistan/US will lose'.
Of course, the good old "Doctrine of Necessity" is an excellent cover for the military to do what the hell they please. Have you any rational argument rather than this well-used emotional and patriotic lie?

My arguments are rational and non-emotional. Just revise once again and you will find answer of "Doctrine of Necessity" there too.
Even the groups Pakistan is fighting today think of US as the infidel invader in Afghanistan, if an open encounter takes place between Pakistan & the US, they'll all be targeting the US. The supplies & the supply lines will be closed off from Pakistan. US will be eaten alive, so they will not be so foolhardy in these foolish endeavors. If they try the other route through the Central Asian states, it'll take much longer for them to get the supplies, & they'll be eaten up by the IMU operating in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & the Northern Afghan states of Kunduz, Takhar etc. By the time they get their supplies, their bases would be destroyed & they wouldn't be able to operate in Afghanistan. As well as the serious implications to their economy, considering the fact that they cannot afford to open a new warfront, & are looking to pull out their troops from Afghanistan.

LOL what makes you think they will put foot on ground when they can accomplish everything from air? For how many days do you think Pakistan's air defense will hold in case of an on-slaught from US, 2-3?
LOL what makes you think they will put foot on ground when they can accomplish everything from air? For how many days do you think Pakistan's air defense will hold in case of an on-slaught from US, 2-3?

We see how much difference the drone program is making in disrupting the Haqqani network. We also saw how much Israel accomplished by their aerial attacks in the war against Hezbollah in 2006 as well.
lol they will send us stone age right ? Taliban who dont have super duper military and living in stone age already kick American a**** lol and US (AS USUAL) lost 10 years of (ANOTHER) war & almost destroy her own economy. US 70% dependent on Pakistan for NATO food/military hardware/fuel (via Qasim Port - Karachi). If US start war against Pakistan her and NATO forces stuck inside afghanistan lol

Pakistan is not much dependent on Americans for your kind information. Rather then always jumping and trusting every BBC/CNN news go over the facts that Pakistan just got few $$ in which half of not properly payed to our govt and military. We spend 60-70 BN$ and got just 8 - 10 BN$ from US side lol in this WOT.

When you don't know anything don't jump into every thread!

So you want Pakistan to be another Afghanistan and Pakistanis to be brave Talibs, sure confront the US left, right and center, one Ghauri or Shaheen across the border will do the trick ;)
We see how much difference the drone program is making in disrupting the Haqqani network. We also saw how much Israel accomplished by their aerial attacks in the war against Hezbollah in 2006 as well.

Dude they may not win the war, the question is who will lose what? Do you seriously believe false pride is more valuable than infrastructure, lives, economy and everything a country and it's people need
So you want Pakistan to be another Afghanistan and Pakistanis to be brave Talibs, sure confront the US left, right and center, one Ghauri or Shaheen across the border will do the trick ;)


and most funny part is ... Indian believe more then Americans on this bullls**** lol
Even the groups Pakistan is fighting today think of US as the infidel invader in Afghanistan, if an open encounter takes place between Pakistan & the US, they'll all be targeting the US. The supplies & the supply lines will be closed off from Pakistan. US will be eaten alive, so they will not be so foolhardy in these foolish endeavors. If they try the other route through the Central Asian states, it'll take much longer for them to get the supplies, & they'll be eaten up by the IMU operating in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & the Northern Afghan states of Kunduz, Takhar etc. By the time they get their supplies, their bases would be destroyed & they wouldn't be able to operate in Afghanistan. As well as the serious implications to their economy, considering the fact that they cannot afford to open a new warfront, & are looking to pull out their troops from Afghanistan.

I debated a lot on whether to post this or not, but here goes.. IF (an extremely huge IF) the US goes for a Pakistan confrontation, do you really think India will sit on the sidelines.. Unfortunately, I dont think so.. Now look at the map of J&K, G&B and Afghanistan and tell me, will USA need the Karachi or Central Asian states route to supply Afghanistan post that..

and most funny part is ... Indian believe more then Americans on this bullls**** lol

They want Haqqani group neutralized, they see Af - PAK border as the problem (threat to their homeland) and they say you neutralize that threat or we ourselves are gonna do it, I believe that's fair enough? When you people say India is not US the vice versa also applies that US is not India and they won't back down even if it means crossing the border, the question here is what will Pakistan do? What can Pakistan do? and What should Pakistan do? My guess is don't go down the confrontational path you have nothing to win
I debated a lot on whether to post this or not, but here goes.. IF (an extremely huge IF) the US goes for a Pakistan confrontation, do you really think India will sit on the sidelines.. Unfortunately, I dont think so.. Now look at the map of J&K, G&B and Afghanistan and tell me, will USA need the Karachi or Central Asian states route to supply Afghanistan post that..

The last thing India would want to do is get involved in the situation, firstly because of Pakistan's nukes being able to target all parts of India, & secondly, because of all the internal conflicts in the country, particularly the notion that Bangladesh intelligence & the ISI have 'worked together' (& the ISI is still recruiting) to recruit terrorists in India's North East. India will be sandwiched in the middle, & it could get pretty ugly for them. Along the fact that there are 160 million Indian Muslims as well that can probably cause a few problems as well. Which is why India won't be looking to involve itself in that situation. Don't expect China to sit back quietly either, they will let the Maoists run havoc inside India.
The last thing India would want to do is get involved in the situation, firstly because of Pakistan's nukes being able to target all parts of India,
Same was the miscalculation done by PA during Kargil.. And do read thru my post.. I am not talking of a full blown war.. Remember the age old regurgitation of Pakistan about Kashmir being a disputed area.. and the level of control US exerts over UN, creating a corridor in that area into Afghanistan wont be a big deal...

& secondly, because of all the internal conflicts in the country, particularly the notion that Bangladesh intelligence & the ISI have 'worked together' (& the ISI is still recruiting) to recruit terrorists in India's North East.
Are you agreeing to ISI using terrorists ;) ??

If not, then this comment is useless :)

Along the fact that there are 160 million Indian Muslims as well that can probably cause a few problems as well. Which is why India won't be looking to involve itself in that situation.
160 million Muslims existed in 1965 and 1971 as well.. Majority of Muslims in India also see Pakistan as an enemy and not a part of their Ummah :)

But as I said, its an extremely hypothetical scenario.. Just wanted to highlight that IF the realities of US Pakistan equation change, the strategy of US in the region will also change.
The last thing India would want to do is get involved in the situation, firstly because of Pakistan's nukes being able to target all parts of India, & secondly, because of all the internal conflicts in the country, particularly the notion that Bangladesh intelligence & the ISI have 'worked together' (& the ISI is still recruiting) to recruit terrorists in India's North East. India will be sandwiched in the middle, & it could get pretty ugly for them. Along the fact that there are 160 million Indian Muslims as well that can probably cause a few problems as well. Which is why India won't be looking to involve itself in that situation. Don't expect China to sit back quietly either, they will let the Maoists run havoc inside India.

India won't get involved directly PERIOD not because of Maoists, ISI or Indian Muslims (LOL at that) but because India is at a critical juncture of it's growth curve and a confrontation is last of what India needs
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