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US plans to bomb Miranshah and kill 200 civilians in revenge?

I watched that whole program. I don't like him much but his 90% prediction in past was 101% accurate. Now his new prediction not actually prediction sort of real senerio abouit US forces operation inside Pakistan and after effect look more real. Did you listen what he said @ last

How Military will react after that ? remember OBL operation he said what was 101% right after 10 days when Military and other parties admitted the same way what he said in his program 10 days back!

Afghanistan is a battlefield and a battle ground of PAKISTAN "Mark my words"

IF any kind of operation from US side PAkistan will **** American a*** with in day... Talibans and many other listen what our forces and our agencies want. US will lost her super-solo-control over Asia and arab countries if US will try any kind of adventure against Pakistan.

Pakistan is not Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Saudia, Kuwait etc!

Then why didn't PA kicked American a** within a day after the OBL raid, when they had boots on ground far deep in to your country not far from the Capital, the fact remains it's not in Pakistan's interest to mess with US, remember the 'Back to Stone-age' comment, it's in Pakistan's best interest to co-operate with US and defuse the situation diplomatically
totally agree with you sir, it is time for our military establishment to act in the interest of this poor nation. although i have doubts but still hope so our military for once stands up for this poor nation.

Look at history: the military establishment has always put itself first, the nation be damned. The record speaks for itself, so why should it be any different in the future?
Then why didn't PA kicked American a** within a day after the OBL raid, when they had boots on ground far deep in to your country not far from the Capital, the fact remains it's not in Pakistan's interest to mess with US, remember the 'Back to Stone-age' comment, it's in Pakistan's best interest to co-operate with US and defuse the situation diplomatically

They did make the US withdraw hundreds of trainers from Pakistan, as well as significantly reducing the CIA officials, along with many other things (Shamsi airbase comes to mind).
Point has to be understood that will they get what they want in worst scenario? Will Hqqani group wait until US or PA bomb them?
Point has to be understood that will they get what they want in worst scenario? Will Hqqani group wait until US or PA bomb them?

The Haqqanis in are almost all likelihood currently residing in & operating from Afghanistan, so if things go like they have in the AfPak region, it will be very detrimental to Afghanistan & a few Western border regions in Pakistan.
They did make the US withdraw hundreds of trainers from Pakistan, as well as significantly reducing the CIA officials, along with many other things (Shamsi airbase comes to mind).

The fact still remains Pakistan can't confront US military (although all-out confrontation is highly unlikely) with dwindling US-Pak relations Pakistan has much to lose not US
Look at history: the military establishment has always put itself first, the nation be damned. The record speaks for itself, so why should it be any different in the future?

Poor people, poor people, poor people & poor nation. Military establishment works under political government and government elected by this damn poor people & nation. Result in your hand. Let we will put nation first means government so where is the result? Zardari, Gillani, R. Malik, Isharatul ibad etc? Scenario doesn’t support to put people at first until they don't want it.

Situation forced them (Military establishment) to take action where they put theirselves first.
The fact still remains Pakistan can't confront US military (although all-out confrontation is highly unlikely) with dwindling US-Pak relations Pakistan has much to lose not US

The last thing both the US & Pakistan want is a military confrontation, the US will have much more to lose than Pakistan in that situation. That situation might even galvanize & unite the Pakistani nation.
The Haqqanis in are almost all likelihood currently residing in & operating from Afghanistan, so if things go like they have in the AfPak region, it will be very detrimental to Afghanistan & a few Western border regions in Pakistan.

What i want to say that it worth nothing but a delicate false flag action.

Situation forced them (Military establishment) to take action where they put theirselves first.

Of course, the good old "Doctrine of Necessity" is an excellent cover for the military to do what the hell they please. Have you any rational argument rather than this well-used emotional and patriotic lie?
The last thing both the US & Pakistan want is a military confrontation, the US will have much more to lose than Pakistan in that situation. That situation might even galvanize & unite the Pakistani nation.

Nopes there is where you people are mistaken, although I repeat all-out military confrontation is highly unlikely but in that scenario your country will be pushed 25 years back and US will at the most lose some $$$ and if it's non-military confrontation then the most Pakistan can do is stop the supply lines and you yourself can contemplate the consequences no IMF, WB, Drone strike, Proxy war, Sanctions etc etc, that's why I say the best way out for Pakistan is live today to fight another day and handle the situation diplomatically, if ISI has influence with haqqannis then surely something can be worked out but false bravado will hurt bad
well it's a no-brainer really......any such misadventure would not only be a war-crime, it would also lead to radicalization and more terrorism more likely. As it is, anti-Americanism is high not just in Pakistan but in the general region (leave aside Afghanistan)

i think the Americans are not so stupid they would do that

We both know that post 9/11 the road that USA took despite its deep knowledge of Middle east and Afghanistan was probably the road of vengeance that lead to more radicalization and terrorism throughout the lands being rescued.

The reason for this choice can be up for debate but the outcome is not.
A foreign country invading all out and killing left right and center cannot be viewed as a savior without any commonality of race or religion with the people being saved.

Also the fact that USA blindly supports Israel has made it the one country which is uniformly mistrusted in the Muslim world, however when it brings democracy and freedom to Muslim countries via blood and fire...this only promotes further hatred and radicalization...which the terrorists relish.

I understand that war is war but if the objective is to check terrorism then this approach has always been hugely flawed and is akin to playing into the hands of terrorists.

Haqqanis are not the real problem, the deadliest fighting is in South of Afghanistan where Haqqanis have no sway.
Pakistan also cannot take on all the groups and destroy itself while it is viewed as completely towing the line of a foreign country which has invaded Afghanistan.
The more USA outwardly pushes Pakistan, the more difficult it becomes for Pakistan due to extreme mistrust and hate of USA which is prevalent in the Tribal areas.
Also the fact that the real nucleus of the Afghan insurgency is in southern Afghanistan, makes me wonder why Haqqani is being given so much importance.

Also i do not understand why Pakistan's request about fencing the border and of using strict protocols in dealing with frequent travelers across the border is met with absolute indifference and deliberate roadblocks.
If USA can invade Afghanistan to defeat terrorism, why cannot the border be fenced and sealed in order to defeat terrorism?
If USA is not supporting these ideas due to Afghan political backlash then do forgive Pakistan for doing the same in not blindly following USA and jumping into perhaps the most anti USA region of FATA...all in the name of USA.

A politically sound maneuver is required instead of brute force in order to isolate the terrorists, so far i have been disappointed in this... but then again after 9/11 there have been many actions which went on to make the situation more chaotic and beyond repair.

I firmly believe that the approach has to change and the chest thumping and finger pointing in public is not at all helping, if the aim is to isolate the terrorists.
The perception of this war has to change in the hearts of the locals if there is to be any positive outcome.

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