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US plans to bomb Miranshah and kill 200 civilians in revenge?

It has become habit of US to put blame on Pakistan for every of wrong doing in afghanistan. It is very surprising that this haqqani network is controlling entire afghanistan, so it will not be surprising if it kills 100s of civilians, afterall it has got licence to kill any "suspect".
Pakistan should do the operation themselves and then tell the whole world by recording it, and give itself postive publicity and trust in the world community again.

Sorry mate I don't agree Pakistan army had done already too much for the fuc**** world and in return we are labeled as terrorists.

Mullen told Senate Armed Services Committee that ISI was behind the huge truck bomb blast near US base which wounded 80 soldiers. Options against haqqanis will be decided on Monday, so nothing final.

“With ISI support, Haqqani operatives planned and conducted that truck bomb attack, as well as the assault on our embassy,” Admiral Mullen told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “We also have credible evidence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul and a host of other smaller but effective operations.”

No decisions had been made on what actions the Obama administration might take against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan, a senior American official said Thursday.

The options would be discussed at a National Security Council meeting at the White House on Monday, he said.

“In choosing to use violent extremism as an instrument of policy, the government of Pakistan, and most especially the Pakistani Army and ISI, jeopardizes not only the prospect of our strategic partnership but Pakistan’s opportunity to be a respected nation with legitimate regional influence,” he said. “They may believe that by using these proxies, they are hedging their bets or redressing what they feel is an imbalance in regional power. But in reality, they have already lost that bet.

“By exporting violence, they’ve eroded their internal security and their position in the region. They have undermined their international credibility and threatened their economic well-being.”
Mullen told Senate Armed Services Committee that ISI was behind the huge truck bomb blast near US base which wounded 80 soldiers.

“With ISI support, Haqqani operatives planned and conducted that truck bomb attack, as well as the assault on our embassy,” Admiral Mullen told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “We also have credible evidence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul and a host of other smaller but effective operations.”


What does this have to do with the topic of this thread? There is detailed thread for your post already.
Islamabad won't tolerate U.S. boots on the ground
September 22, 2011

REPORTING FROM ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN -- Pakistan on Thursday rejected Washington’s allegations that it maintains links with the militant Haqqani network and warned that it would not tolerate any ground operation to hunt down members of the group.

Since the Sept. 13 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, the Afghan capital, American military and civilian leaders have urged Pakistan’s primary intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, to sever its ties with the Haqqani group. The Afghan Taliban-allied group uses northwest tribal Pakistan as a base from which to launch attacks on U.S. and Afghan forces in Kabul and eastern Afghanistan.

The language coming from Washington has been particularly strong, with Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, accusing the ISI of using the Haqqani network to wage a proxy war against U.S., NATO and Afghan forces in Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has warned Islamabad that the U.S. will “take whatever steps are necessary to protect our forces.”

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Tehmina Janjua, when asked at a press conference whether there was any truth to Mullen’s charge, tersely answered, “I would say a categoric no.”

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik also rejected allegations of any ties between Pakistan’s intelligence community and the Haqqani network, saying in an interview with Reuters news agency, “The Pakistan nation will not allow the boots on our ground, never.... They must respect our sovereignty,” an apparent reference to Panetta’s remarks.

ISI ties with members of the Haqqani group and its founder, Jalaluddin Haqqani, date to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, when Pakistan, as well as the U.S., backed the resistance. The Haqqani group now fights alongside the Afghan Taliban in the war against the U.S. and Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s administration, and is led by Haqqani’s son, Sirajuddin Haqqani.

Washington has long suspected that the ISI never severed ties to Haqqani. Officials have also repeatedly pressed Pakistan to launch a military operation into the North Waziristan tribal region to uproot Haqqani network fighters from their sanctuary there. Pakistani military leaders have consistently fended off those demands, arguing that its manpower is overstretched as it battles militants in other tribal areas who view Pakistan as their primary enemy. Haqqani network fighters have never directed any attacks against Pakistan.

Experts say Pakistan’s intelligence community maintains close ties with the Haqqani group because it sees it as a valuable hedge against Indian influence in Afghanistan after the U.S. pulls out.

U.S. officials say they have ample evidence of the ISI’s links with the Haqqani group, though they have yet to publicly lay out that evidence.

Malik called upon the U.S. to supply Pakistan with intelligence on Haqqani network havens so that its security forces can uproot them. “Our capacity to trace them in that area is limited,” Malik told Reuters. “Give us the information and we will operate.”

The allegations surrounding Haqqani-ISI links have plunged the always tenuous U.S.-Pakistan relationship into a new crisis, just two weeks after both sides were lauding their recent collaboration in capturing a key Al Qaeda leader, Younis al Mauritani, in the southern city of Quetta. The stakes are high for both sides; The U.S. needs Pakistan’s cooperation in bringing an end to the 10-year conflict against the Taliban in Afghanistan, while Pakistan is heavily dependent on U.S. aid to help revamp critical infrastructure and battle its homegrown militancy.

U.S. officials in Washington this week signaled that aid may be in jeopardy if Pakistan doesn’t abandon what many in the U.S. see is a strategy of battling some militant groups while backing or ignoring others. The Senate Appropriations Committee backed a funding package that set aside $1 billion for the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund, but conditioned the aid on Pakistan’s cooperation in the fight against Haqqani and other militant groups.
It has become habit of US to put blame on Pakistan for every of wrong doing in afghanistan. It is very surprising that this haqqani network is controlling entire afghanistan, so it will not be surprising if it kills 100s of civilians, afterall it has got licence to kill any "suspect".

TTP attacking Pakistan more than Haqqanis in Afghanistan, does that mean TTP controlling entire pakistan? haqqanis are behind the terrorist attacks does not mean they are controlling afghanistan. terrorists just need some supports and it is very easy for them to hide and attack.

all out war required by the NATO and Afghan forces to eliminate the haqqanis. they are ruining afghan peace process. killing rabbani killing was the worst.
I'm going to say this again: if the US really wanted to ever get its troops inside Pakistan, it would have been after the May 2 OBL raid. It would have had the backing of its people, & most of the international community. But it didn't. We can all be pretty sure that such a scenario will not be taking place.

They only have 2 cards, & they have played one of their cards: drone strikes. The other is cutting off financial assistance to Pakistan. There have been talks in the US Senate & Congress for quite some time to cut off aid to Pakistan. That is the only thing they can do. But then, they will lose complete influence over Pakistan, & will be the biggest losers. Hence, they won't try to lose this (financial assistance) card, & will try to pressure Pakistan to act against the Haqqanis. They know they've got Pakistan over a hold with the 'financial assistance' card, but once they play that card, they will be the biggest losers. They need something to hold over Pakistan's head, hence, they will not be stupid enough to act rashly.
Today if westerners are loosing the war in Afghanistan, it is because you are cowards. Look at the statistics and number Pakistan’s about 3000 officers and men laid down their lives (Pakistan alone). Entire US and 42 nations NATO casulaties in Afghanistan are less than half of Pakistan’s. Pakistan has almost 800 border posts along with Afghan border, how many does the coalition have?
One mistake that both the USSR and USA made was to underestimate the resolve of Afghan nation to defend their country from foreign invaders.They are hurting their pride with night raids and other war crimes. Killing of tens or hundreds not going to save them from loosing the war.
To the reports of US studying options to attack Pakistan well such a move will unite everyone in Pakistan, from the moderate, to the militry to the extremists. The answer should be, suspend all diplomatic relations with US, cut off the supply lines.
I'm going to say this again: if the US really wanted to ever get its troops inside Pakistan, it would have been after the May 2 OBL raid. It would have had the backing of its people, & most of the international community. But it didn't. We can all be pretty sure that such a scenario will not be taking place.

They only have 2 cards, & they have played one of their cards: drone strikes. The other is cutting off financial assistance to Pakistan. There have been talks in the US Senate & Congress for quite some time to cut off aid to Pakistan. That is the only thing they can do. But then, they will lose complete influence over Pakistan, & will be the biggest losers. Hence, they won't try to lose this (financial assistance) card, & will try to pressure Pakistan to act against the Haqqanis. They know they've got Pakistan over a hold with the 'financial assistance' card, but once they play that card, they will be the biggest losers. They need something to hold over Pakistan's head, hence, they will not be stupid enough to act rashly.

The biggest dangers will be INTERNAL, specially in the form of low grade endemic civil war, that will further bleed Pakistan is all sorts of ways. No externally sourced attacks needed.
The biggest dangers will be INTERNAL, specially in the form of low grade endemic civil war, that will further bleed Pakistan is all sorts of ways. No externally sourced attacks needed.

There is already 'internal bleeding', but mostly confined to the Western parts of Pakistan. The US is suffering from huge losses in Afghanistan as a whole, so it is not a situation the US wants to be in. When the US embassy in Kabul is attacked for 20 hours, you know things aren't right in Afghanistan. The losses Pakistan suffers on its Western borders is mostly linked to the situation inside Afghanistan, hence, I don't see any significant changes in the geopolitical situation in the region in the coming months.
The other is cutting off financial assistance to Pakistan. There have been talks in the US Senate & Congress for quite some time to cut off aid to Pakistan. That is the only thing they can do. But then, they will lose complete influence over Pakistan,

They will NOT only cut down the aid coming from US, BUT ALSO the aid coming from their allies/stooges/IMF/WB etc. Then above that BLA,BRA will start receiving CIA funds,training and so on so forth.

In short if they want they can make you a pariah like Iran. Iran can survive because it has oil and it is not afflicted by any insurgency,civil war etc. Pakistan ?
Good opportunity for Pakistan army and Air force to show that they are Pakistan's army and Air force and an excellent opportunity to turn such an action in to a national effort to recruit and train and additional eight to twelve divisions of specially trained troops to clean up Pakistani cities, ALL of FATA and Balouchistan, to organize a national political party dedicated to the resurrection of the Pakistani state, economy and society, call it whatever name you want, but a political party that is disciplined and focused on the resurrection of the state, the economy and society - clean up the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and let the Islamicans know, "no more" or Else!
Good opportunity for Pakistan army and Air force to show that they are Pakistan's army and Air force and an excellent opportunity to turn such an action in to a national effort to recruit and train and additional eight to twelve divisions of specially trained troops to clean up Pakistani cities, ALL of FATA and Balouchistan, to organize a national political party dedicated to the resurrection of the Pakistani state, economy and society, call it whatever name you want, but a political party that is disciplined and focused on the resurrection of the state, the economy and society - clean up the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and let the Islamicans know, "no more" or Else!

so it will be direct war with NATO if it attack haqqanis in FATA. it is Pakistani military's duty to prevent attack inside its border and protect its civilians. let see what they do.
so it will be direct war with NATO if it attack haqqanis in FATA. it is Pakistani military's duty to prevent attack inside its border and protect its civilians. let see what they do.

The mission of the Pakistan army and Air Force is the protection of Pakistan and it's citizens and their property, regardless of who is the enemy - if they can't do this, then we should not give such a huge portion of our meager resources to these institutions -- On the other hand, if the Army along with others, can succeed in it's mission and recreate Pakistan, cleanse it of elements that seek to destroy it from within and outside - well, then in that case, they may make a claim on even larger resources and Pakistanis will happily afford them.

I'm really surprised how few see this as a heaven sent opportunity - when was the last time Pakistan was united around a single idea? When was the last time Pakistan as a nation was clear as to what and who the enemy are and what must be done?

I'm not suggesting that Pakistan engage in chest thumping and bravado, rather that this is an opportunity to prepare, to galvanize the entire nation into action - not against anybody other than those who pose a danger, a threat to Pakistan, to Pakistanis and their property.
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