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US Pentagon believes that it is worth abandoning sanctions against India for the purchase of weapons from Russia

Its called national interest and Pakistan practices it too by keeping totally silent on the Uighur issue.
I am sorry huge difference. Uighar issue is not clear or fully ascertained - it smacks of the Iraqi babies in incubator BS I have heard or the Uranium bottle held up by Powell. Uighar issue currently is a Western concocted story. Also I am speaking about hypocrisy. Uighar issue cannot be disassociated with the terrorism in Xianjang. Clearly there was an effort to create trouble in China by using Uighars. And if they did so they deserve all hell from the Chinese state. They are called traitors and it is no ones business but China's!!!

In the US after 9/11 almost all muslims were put under suspicion, many locked up and abused for the flimsiest of reasons and brutally removed from the country. Plane loads were sent back to their countries of origin and the entire Little Pak in Queens vanished overnight. In addition Guantanamo Bay thrives to date where people have no rights whatsoever.

Secondly Pakistan is not sanctioning countries like Burma/India/France/Poland and others for their treatment of Muslims because we are not in a position of strength or ability to do so. US does this all the time but does not apply this in a fair manner. Comparing Pakistan and US is a false comparison. IF Pakistan was as strong as the US and then showed hypocrisy I would criticize them as well. I guess I expect the US to be more moral and upstanding, given its strength prestige and national narrative of a system of fairness and egalitarian values.

It is the US that has decided to sanction countries and play cop. And when you do this being fair should be a precursor and be prepared to be called out.
I love it how the Yanks are so divided on this. It is for everyone to see. Punish Turkey, but suck up to Hindustan. What a precedent to set. Well done Yanks. Well done. Everyone is going to take 'Murica so seriously LOL
I am sorry huge difference. Uighar issue is not clear or fully ascertained - it smacks of the Iraqi babies in incubator BS I have heard or the Uranium bottle held up by Powell. Uighar issue currently is a Western concocted story. Also I am speaking about hypocrisy. Uighar issue cannot be disassociated with the terrorism in Xianjang. Clearly there was an effort to create trouble in China by using Uighars. And if they did so they deserve all hell from the Chinese state. They are called traitors and it is no ones business but China's!!!

In the US after 9/11 almost all muslims were put under suspicion, many locked up and abused for the flimsiest of reasons and brutally removed from the country. Plane loads were sent back to their countries of origin and the entire Little Pak in Queens vanished overnight. In addition Guantanamo Bay thrives to date where people have no rights whatsoever.

Secondly Pakistan is not sanctioning countries like Burma/India/France/Poland and others for their treatment of Muslims because we are not in a position of strength or ability to do so. US does this all the time but does not apply this in a fair manner. Comparing Pakistan and US is a false comparison. IF Pakistan was as strong as the US and then showed hypocrisy I would criticize them as well. I guess I expect the US to be more moral and upstanding, given its strength prestige and national narrative of a system of fairness and egalitarian values.

It is the US that has decided to sanction countries and play cop. And when you do this being fair should be a precursor and be prepared to be called out.
Lets agree to disagree - you seem to consider national interests as some chivalrous game whereas not just Pakistan but the Chinese have conducted illicit business and switched sides when it suited them. Crying foul because the US is powerful enough to sanction is worth a laugh in geopolitics.
Lets agree to disagree - you seem to consider national interests as some chivalrous game whereas not just Pakistan but the Chinese have conducted illicit business and switched sides when it suited them. Crying foul because the US is powerful enough to sanction is worth a laugh in geopolitics.
No it is not chivalrous, but I am not going to give the West a free pass to pass their policies as such either. So when they talk about human rights in HK or Xinjiang - I will laugh at it. I am sure you agree it is a bit comical for the West to talk about human rights. I think US has the right to do as it pleases. I just dont want to buy the notion that it does it for some benign goal or for some fairness. There is no fairness in geopolitics. I am just going to call out the US hypocrisy so people can learn to separate realpolitik from emotion.

You cannot have it both ways, where you question the soundness of bringing Chivalry into geopolitics but with the same breath peddle your policies as being chivalrous. That "MUNJAN" has become too old for people to buy anymore.
Oh, you guys are soooooooo blind. This is the good cop, bad cop , US diplomacy. One comes hot the other comes cold and eventually get what they want. the military chief always said good things about Pakistan while the state department said do more.

the idea in this case is the US will impose sanctions but this admiral would be able to say to the Indians I was on your side let’s keep speaking .............they would offer India Patriot air defenses and start to reduce India’s dependency on Russia 🇷🇺

Wait a few days someone from the state department will communicate to the Indians that they will be all alone if China attacks and will be sanctioned, classic American 😂 deal with this everyday

I wanted to gloat that I was right

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