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US Pentagon believes that it is worth abandoning sanctions against India for the purchase of weapons from Russia

Aug 29, 2018
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23 MAR, 18:28 Updated 18:55
US Pentagon believes that it is worth abandoning sanctions against India for the purchase of weapons from Russia

WASHINGTON, March 23. / TASS /.

The imposition of sanctions on India for its acquisition of weapons and military equipment from Russia is, apparently, not the best course of action for the United States. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday by Admiral John Aquilino, who was nominated to the post of head of the Indo-Pacific Command of the US Armed Forces (AF).[/B]
Speaking to the US Senate Armed Forces Committee at a hearing on his candidacy, he refused to directly answer the question of whether, from his point of view, Washington should use restrictive measures against New Delhi for military-technical cooperation with Moscow.

“I would leave that to the [US] policymakers to determine if this is the way [forward]. I think we should definitely understand where we are in relations with India. And I think that the potential aspect of persuasion [ India], providing [New Delhi] with alternatives could be a better approach, "the military leader said.

According to the admiral, "India is a really excellent partner" for the United States. "And, as we saw on the basis of recent discussions in the Quartet format, the importance of India and the rest [of the US partners] in the Quartet will increase," Aquilino said.

The Quartet is a union of Australia, India, the United States and Japan. The Quadripartite Security Dialogue was founded in 2007. This mechanism of interaction in the Asia-Pacific region and the Indian Ocean region includes Washington, Canberra, New Delhi and Tokyo. The first quadripartite meeting of the foreign ministers of Australia, India, the United States and Japan was held in September 2019 in New York. In November 2017, the four countries formed a coalition as part of a new strategy to secure critical shipping routes in the Indo-Pacific. The first summit of the Quartet was held in mid-March. In connection with the pandemic, it will be held in a virtual format.

The admiral also acknowledged that the Indians have established "long-standing relations with the Russians, cooperation in the field of security," New Delhi traditionally relies on Moscow to purchase weapons and military equipment. At the same time, Aquilino confirmed that he would continue to persuade India to "consider the possibility of acquiring American [military] equipment."

"We will continue to compete with Russia in the region," the admiral added.

Threat to the United States
The US Department of Defense views China's ballistic and cruise missile systems and the development of hypersonic weapons in the Indo-Pacific as a serious threat to the US and its allies, Aquilino added.

"China's ballistic and cruise missile systems, as well as the development of hypersonic weapons, raise risks and create problems [for the US]," the admiral said.

In his opinion, the deployment of hypersonic weapons "poses a serious threat to the United States and the forces of its allies in the region, and to solve this problem, an initial defense potential is needed in the near future." The admiral also stressed that the US forces currently in the region on a rotational basis "will not be able to counter the threat posed by China."

"The Rocket Forces of the People's Liberation Army of China has a growing arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles that can threaten US bases in the region, including South Korea, Japan, and Guam, including the US Navy <...>. In addition, China is constantly developing its missile technology, increasing their range, stability, accuracy and lethality, "- says Aquilino.

Still if US n Europe could sanction India for next 5 year, will be great for our local production and mean while all corrupt official who only want foreign maal will also be phased out..

i told you
biden will declare India as an MNNA in his presidency
the problem is that pakistanis like you are too blind to see the writing on the wall
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And there you have it folks, the israeli-indian nexus that america is conforming to. Why? Because Zionists are the ones who truly own and control america.

I called it years ago!!
It will essentially kill Indian attempts of indiginization. US will push for hardware making it difficult for indigenous products to survive this competition. Yankees effectively gotten a big market for their weapons sale.
What Pentagon says today is what US policy becomes tomorrow.

Not really, not at all, lots of times both Congress and President have over ruled Pentagon. Pentagon wanted to keep Turkey in F-35, so go figure and try and read up a bit more.

US Sec Def was in India a few days back and had chance to reassure India, instead he warned you.

I know it is your style to get every small positive signal and they hype that up and inflate it to be very signficiant but no one really buys it anymore. US credibility on CAATSA will be totally lost if India gets S-400. They will value that over keeping you happy anyday
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