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'US partnering with India to contain China'


May 25, 2010
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'US partnering with India to contain China'

WASHINGTON: Ahead of the State Visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao, an influential American think-tank has said that the United States is partnering with emerging powers like India to contain the Communist nation.

"The United States has already started partnering with an emerging power that shares a long border with China as it moves to open a special relationship with India," said Jessica Mathews, president, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

"The biggest motivation for Washington's engagement with New Delhi -- even though it's not talked about -- is the hope that India can help balance China's rising power," she said.

A day earlier, The New York Times reported that China has quietly expanded its area of influence in Central Asia. Several of China's neighbors in recent past have expressed concern over recent aggressiveness in Chinese behavior.

"The ultimate answer of whether the United States will try to contain or cooperate with China is mostly up to Beijing . One year ago, Washington was looking at the Sino-American relationship very differently and more positively," Mathews said.

"In 2010, the world witnessed a series of moves by China that seemed to suggest a 180-degree turn -- certainly in tone, but also in real political choices. China's assertiveness in the South China Sea and its bullying behavior after the Japanese arrested a Chinese trawler captain in disputed waters in the East China Sea were particularly notable," she said.

"Most importantly, China has been totally unwilling to deal with North Korea's provocative behavior. This was clear both after Pyongyang was implicated in the sinking of the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, and more recently when tensions flared on the Korean peninsula after North Korea carried out a deadly artillery attack on a South Korean island in November. China is not stepping up to its responsibility," Mathews said.

Despite the assertions made by eminent American experts like Mathews and others, both India and the United States have strongly refuted observations that New Delhi and Washington are joining hands to contain Beijing.

Both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama have said that there is enough space in the world for a peaceful rise of China and India.

The visit of the Chinese President to Washington comes within two months of India visit of both Obama and Hu Jintao.
Only in Indian wet dream because US is dependent on China for its economic recovery and India cannot even meet its own infrastructure demand but dreams to be a super power..its might become a super desperate power. Secondly it speaks about the Indian regional commitment..playing the role of imperial mouthpiece will not survive India as the two giant power of Asia that is China and Russia will see a strengthening partnership. Playing power dogma is beyond the sphere of Indian capability. If USA truly wants to contain China it can do so by cutting some economic slack but USA is not geninely intrested in cutting off its own economic vein however such talk of "rising" india does help USA in milking the Indian cash cow.

Seriously, Indians indulge in the highest form of obsessive flattery!
Only in Indian wet dream because US is dependent on China for its economic recovery and India cannot even meet its own infrastructure demand but dreams to be a super power..its might become a super desperate power. Secondly it speaks about the Indian regional commitment..playing the role of imperial mouthpiece will not survive India as the two giant power of Asia that is China and Russia will see a strengthening partnership. Playing power dogma is beyond the sphere of Indian capability. If USA truly wants to contain China it can do so by cutting some economic slack but USA is not geninely intrested in cutting off its own economic vein however such talk of "rising" india does help USA in milking the Indian cash cow.

Seriously, Indians indulge in the highest form of obsessive flattery!

You just don't have any logic.
It's a report coming out of washington.
India rising power,
Well you guys just won't accept it and there's no use of debating on it.
Go get some logic!Poor Pakistani
WHy cant people leave other Nations alone?
Scared that they will over power you?
They have the right to do what so ever they want for their trade!
Only in Indian wet dream because US is dependent on China for its economic recovery and India cannot even meet its own infrastructure demand but dreams to be a super power..its might become a super desperate power. Secondly it speaks about the Indian regional commitment..playing the role of imperial mouthpiece will not survive India as the two giant power of Asia that is China and Russia will see a strengthening partnership. Playing power dogma is beyond the sphere of Indian capability. If USA truly wants to contain China it can do so by cutting some economic slack but USA is not geninely intrested in cutting off its own economic vein however such talk of "rising" india does help USA in milking the Indian cash cow.

Seriously, Indians indulge in the highest form of obsessive flattery!

Can you read? Do you realize the report is authored by an American Think-Tank? Do you find any GoI or military official talk about containing China with American help?

Dont rant on with your own inner hate without at least reading the original post.
It's a pity that India has to partner with USA. Don't they have honor? If they really want to become a full-grown power, they must be able to be completely independent from USA and other powers. When the Commonwealth games underwent some scandals, I saw Indians on other forums telling Westerners to STFU. That is a good sign. India shouldn't be pawns of the west anymore.

I am happy that China often does not bow to the westerners. It shouldn't be 300 (US)/500 (EU) dictating 1300 (China)/ 1200 (India) million people on their policies.
hmmm.. A new 'Taller than mountains, deeper than oceans' friendship taking shape??
Only in Indian wet dream because US is dependent on China for its economic recovery and India cannot even meet its own infrastructure demand but dreams to be a super power..its might become a super desperate power. Secondly it speaks about the Indian regional commitment..playing the role of imperial mouthpiece will not survive India as the two giant power of Asia that is China and Russia will see a strengthening partnership. Playing power dogma is beyond the sphere of Indian capability. If USA truly wants to contain China it can do so by cutting some economic slack but USA is not geninely intrested in cutting off its own economic vein however such talk of "rising" india does help USA in milking the Indian cash cow.

Seriously, Indians indulge in the highest form of obsessive flattery!

Where does the article say India wants to be superpower? "Playing power dogma is beyond Indian capability" - Please cut the racist bit short...

India only has tried to keep its borders intact and Pak-China have taken land from it...that much for being an imperial mouthpiece.Pakistan has been lapdog of Britain and then US and now China.

China itself is a merchantilist and expansionist power.If geography hadnt been kind,you wouldnt be licking its boots either...
Where does the article say India wants to be superpower? "Playing power dogma is beyond Indian capability" - Please cut the racist bit short...

India only has tried to keep its borders intact and Pak-China have taken land from it...that much for being an imperial mouthpiece.Pakistan has been lapdog of Britain and then US and now China.

China itself is a merchantilist and expansionist power.If geography hadnt been kind,you wouldnt be licking its boots either...

I don't know, it's not my business. But Indian needs some serious reshaping around its borders. Currently it looks aweful to me.
its a partnership b/w two nations if it takes place.they are not putting belt in our neck like they used to do and usually do:D:D

india should get their tech according to needs and remain a partner not a dog
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1390738 said:
It's a pity that India has to partner with USA. Don't they have honor? If they really want to become a full-grown power, they must be able to be completely independent from USA and other powers. When the Commonwealth games underwent some scandals, I saw Indians on other forums telling Westerners to STFU. That is a good sign. India shouldn't be pawns of the west anymore.

I am happy that China often does not bow to the westerners. It shouldn't be 300 (US)/500 (EU) dictating 1300 (China)/ 1200 (India) million people on their policies.
We were never really the 'pawns of the west'. Hell we've never done anything they wanted. We enjoy good relationships with the US- fact is many Indians want to be open, capitalistic like the US. It's not India's fault that the US has done so much more to build a relations with India than China has.
We were never really the 'pawns of the west'. Hell we've never done anything they wanted. We enjoy good relationships with the US- fact is many Indians want to be open, capitalistic like the US. It's not India's fault that the US has done so much more to build a relations with India than China has.

It is naïve to believe that USA takes the initiative to forge closer ties to India of purely altruistic/business relations.

Besides, the U.S. forged earlier closer ties to China. E.g Nixon went to China in the 70's to help China counter Soviet.

Just saying, take everything from the U.S. with a grain of salt. Otherwise, I hope for better relations between India and China. Makes much more sense.
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中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1390856 said:
It is naïve to believe that USA takes the initiative to forge closer ties to India of purely altruistic/business relations.

Besides, the U.S. forged earlier closer ties to China. E.g Nixon went to China in the 70's to help China counter Soviet.

Just saying, take everything from the U.S. with a grain of salt. Otherwise, I hope for better relations between India and China. Makes much more sense.
The USA can forge it's ties keeping whatever in mind but India has never done anything that isn't a part of our own agenda. They said no nuke tests- we tested and then bent the world order to suit us, we kicked the c**ap out of them in WTO and climate change. We haven't made a single move without reciprocal advantage. Now contratst it with China- your support of pakistan vs america's stand on the issue--who do you think India would naturally favor?

More importatly- Why shouldn't we have great relations with them? Aren't they a democracy? Haven't they worked hard to win our trust? haven't they worked hard to forward our interests? We trade with them, use their economic models, their companies have been a positive corporate force, their executives form a good exchange--there is little reason why we should not forward such a healthy relationship.

Your rivalry with them may make it look like a move against you...but from IndianPOV, it is actually your inability to enage with the US that's the problem and not a lack of India's convergence of interests with the US.
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