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US' overtly pro-India stance will hurt Pak: China

.........an official Chinese think tank has claimed that Washington's "overtly pro-India stance" will hurt its overall goal to fight militancy in Pakistan.

Where was this Chinese gentleman all these years when both the US and China supported Pakistan against India? A case of selective amnesia perhaps?

Both the US and India are doing the "opposite of what they should have done to help Pakistan fight terrorists," it said, adding "their hard stance could provoke Pakistanis and help Islamic extremists strengthen their base in Pakistan."

One does not know about the US but what does India have to do to help Pakistan fight the terrorists it does not wish to fight?

By supporting Pakistan, China is riding the proverbial tiger. Pakistan breeds and harbors terrorists who took the assistance of the US to strike at the USSR. Now they are striking at the US and are all buddy buddy with the Chinese. How long will it be before the turn upon the Chinese? After all, there is a commonality between the Soviets, the Americans and the Chinese, is there not? Are they all not 'kaffirs'? So it all boils down to a question of who is a 'good kaffir' and for how long?
Bhashan ka shukria, BTW you are really not known about the power of rothschild learn about them!!!

I was replying to praful who said U.S is the friend of japan i said they nuked them they are not their friend that's it!!! i am not comparing you with them!!!

What has that got to do with us? Mate, I know as much as this world-controlling thing is fascinating to read, we've been at this game for a very long time. I know that it is not easy to befriend US but this is about mutual strategic partnership. Let me give you a small example; many people were saying that MMS would give in and that SH will win the competition hands down. The result was something else. Many people were saying that India would sign CTBT (preventing us from future tests) to get a seat in UNSC, and to get sensitive tech transfer from the world community especially USA. We didn't and still got exempted. Now we might be stuck on the US front in terms of ENR, but other countries are willing to assist.

There was also belief that we will relent to signing of CISMOA and LSA for interoperability (usually done between NATO units so that US can operate even other countries' weapons that are usually US-made like in Afghanistan and Iraq's case). But IAF doesn't like others' using its assets. Simple as that. So the idea was changed that all we get is the aircraft and its engines and main parts while sensitive communication stuff and other hi-tech things that will be installed will be Indian made and Indian developed. Which means that unlike other countries, US cannot hold annual checks of its planes at our bases. The want billion $ deals; we give them. But once we do that, it is our prerogative as to what we do with the products we buy. It is not liked by some sections of US Congress but that is because the are used to dealing with you in South Asia till now and have not dealt with us as of yet. In time they will also get used to this fact that we're not you and not used to taking orders and suggestions from others when our interests are clashing.

So there's a mutual benefit here without any clash of interests.

This is a very very small example that I have cited you. There are much much bigger examples that we have dealt with at a time when India was financially and economically much much weaker than what we are today in terms of numbers. Politics especially foreign affairs is to be done without emotion and with rationale such that you get what you want for your advantage without necessarily harming the other partner in the relation such that he also gains something out of it. Foreign affairs and maintaining strategic partnerships is a very tough aspect of rational politics. It isn't easy for everyone to play the game.

But then you know who our political guru is... one and only.. ;).

But still there are tensions between them!!!

So? There are tensions between you and Afghanistan as well. There are tensions between you and us as well. These tensions died down in ROK since CW got over but DPRK is still living in past. It doesn't realize which era we are in. You cannot use the word them when the insane deranged madcap ruler of one Korea is threatening the other Korea everytime. It is not the mistake of both countries. Blame DPRK for their obsession with 1950s.

I was replying according to the current situation no one knows the future!!!

Certainly, that is why it is said that hope for the best BUT prepare for the worst. We are taking adequate measures. Now see, there are different types of friends around the world; some are easy to deal with , some are okay and some are tricky to handle. It is just that when handling tricky friends, certain additional steps are to be taken that if taken, can become mutually rewarding and there are no issues. If you can live through US and China could in 70s, it is not difficult for us to have a good relationship with them and at the same time ensure that we remain partners and not mentor-servant.

A good summation!

Says it all!

china is worried....good.......that means...we are on the right path....continue marchin......
What has that got to do with us? Mate, I know as much as this world-controlling thing is fascinating to read, we've been at this game for a very long time. I know that it is not easy to befriend US but this is about mutual strategic partnership. Let me give you a small example; many people were saying that MMS would give in and that SH will win the competition hands down. The result was something else. Many people were saying that India would sign CTBT (preventing us from future tests) to get a seat in UNSC, and to get sensitive tech transfer from the world community especially USA. We didn't and still got exempted. Now we might be stuck on the US front in terms of ENR, but other countries are willing to assist.

There was also belief that we will relent to signing of CISMOA and LSA for interoperability (usually done between NATO units so that US can operate even other countries' weapons that are usually US-made like in Afghanistan and Iraq's case). But IAF doesn't like others' using its assets. Simple as that. So the idea was changed that all we get is the aircraft and its engines and main parts while sensitive communication stuff and other hi-tech things that will be installed will be Indian made and Indian developed. Which means that unlike other countries, US cannot hold annual checks of its planes at our bases. The want billion $ deals; we give them. But once we do that, it is our prerogative as to what we do with the products we buy. It is not liked by some sections of US Congress but that is because the are used to dealing with you in South Asia till now and have not dealt with us as of yet. In time they will also get used to this fact that we're not you and not used to taking orders and suggestions from others when our interests are clashing.

So there's a mutual benefit here without any clash of interests.

This is a very very small example that I have cited you. There are much much bigger examples that we have dealt with at a time when India was financially and economically much much weaker than what we are today in terms of numbers. Politics especially foreign affairs is to be done without emotion and with rationale such that you get what you want for your advantage without necessarily harming the other partner in the relation such that he also gains something out of it. Foreign affairs and maintaining strategic partnerships is a very tough aspect of rational politics. It isn't easy for everyone to play the game.

But then you know who our political guru is... one and only.. ;).

So? There are tensions between you and Afghanistan as well. There are tensions between you and us as well. These tensions died down in ROK since CW got over but DPRK is still living in past. It doesn't realize which era we are in. You cannot use the word them when the insane deranged madcap ruler of one Korea is threatening the other Korea everytime. It is not the mistake of both countries. Blame DPRK for their obsession with 1950s.

Certainly, that is why it is said that hope for the best BUT prepare for the worst. We are taking adequate measures. Now see, there are different types of friends around the world; some are easy to deal with , some are okay and some are tricky to handle. It is just that when handling tricky friends, certain additional steps are to be taken that if taken, can become mutually rewarding and there are no issues. If you can live through US and China could in 70s, it is not difficult for us to have a good relationship with them and at the same time ensure that we remain partners and not mentor-servant.

You proved you haven't read the article that's why same questions again and again!!! please read it, it will help you!!!

China is at its most vulnerable moment since the Tiananmen Square upheaval of 1989.

Yes, we have been on the "verge of collapse", ever since the Tiananmen incident of 1989. :lol:

Funny how everyone predicted that China would collapse back then, and nobody predicted that the Soviet Union would collapse.

Hindsight is a funny thing.
Yes, we have been on the "verge of collapse", ever since the Tiananmen incident of 1989. :lol:

Funny how everyone predicted that China would collapse back then, and nobody predicted that the Soviet Union would collapse.

Hindsight is a funny thing.

Not my comment.

The author is not me!

I am not the Atlas!

And even if you think I am Atlas, have I shrugged that your world has collapsed?

So, what is going up that is upsetting you so harshly that you are attacking me?
So, what is going up that is upsetting you so harshly that you are attacking me?

LOL, why do you think I was "attacking" you? :lol:

Read the post again. I was replying to the article, and I was not "attacking" anything.

I just think it is funny, how people have been saying that we were "on the verge of collapse" after the 6-4 Tiananmen incident in 1989.

Ironically... the Tiananmen incident triggered the Fall of Communism in Europe, and in the Soviet Union. But not in China.

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