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US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India

not possible...Pak needs to take action.. this is not acceptable that ppl from Pak come n kill inncoents here, then Pak says no proof so lets forget it..!!

Pak should be clear that such attacks from its soil by its ppl here in India will not be tolerated. Pak must not allow this to happen. If this msg doesnt go across then the non state actors will continue to bomb India, obviously Pak army and isi will not mind it at all..!!!!!
give proof or shut up......simple

therefore even as the peace process moves forward, the best way is to Trust But verify...(aptly said by MMS)....
Peace is beneficial for both of countries. If you do not want it we will not force you.

Blind trust leads to Kargil or mumbai....

It was not the result of blind trust, but faults of your own intelligence agencies. BTW which trust you was talking about?

if Pak is sincere another mumbai must n will not happen....:cheers:

Cannot guarantee you as far as TTP funding and assistance is no stopped by India.
give proof or shut up......simple

i dont know bout proof...but try another mumbai and then try to ask for proof...forget India, try to do smthng similar in USA who is ur ally and if attack happens to be planned from Pak , God save u...again USA wont ask for proof...it will be time for action on part of Pak or else USA.....

u cant ask for proof all the time...when the neighbours home is burning and he knows who has done it...to the neighbour proof doesnt matter...... it is not legality that will do at that time....

but circumstancial evidence....if it points a finger to someone in Pak that person will have to be dealt with....

Pak cant hide behind i dont have proof which is supportable in court...so i cant do anythng.....

smtimes it happens tat u knw that the a person has done the crime...even the court knows but as per court procedure u cant do anythng..... or maybe simply India might have only 10% evidence, rest might be in Pak.....sorry dude no one will be interested in proving in ur court who is guilty at that time.......

more then the court it will be who did what and whether Pak will take action or not.period.

Do u think ppl of Pak can repeat such attacks in USA or India or UK and everrtime say, look give us proof which will prove in Pak court they are gulity.......u knw that wont happen.....

if someone knws who has done it, even if that proof is not sufficient for proving in court... still the person remains guilty...and USA or India or anyone else will want action against that person...

Peace is beneficial for both of countries. If you do not want it we will not force you.
we want peace...do u want.? so make sure no Mumbai happens again here or anywhere else(USA) which leads to ppl in Pak.

i think its fair..?

It was not the result of blind trust, but faults of your own intelligence agencies.
every attack that happens anywhere in world means intelligence failure. so u mean thats an excuse to launch attacks... kill and its ur fault, ur intelligence failure....!!!

Cannot guarantee you as far as TTP funding and assistance is no stopped by India.
so India fundin them to launch another mumbai in India.!!

dude stop givng excuses....Neither USA nor India will be interested in these....next time...

But next time only one thng will make sure peace prevails...HARD ACTION AGAINST THOSE PPL WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE....

no one will wait to see u refuse saying prove in court...when everhything is crystal clear...

that is why MMS is very rt in saying Trust but Verify....

if Pak acts trustworthily it should also be open to verification fully.....isnt it...:cheers:

lets see how the two countires tread the path to peace...but it will be a very dificult one...this time mere words wont do...only reallity....it is real test this time.......if Pak slips again and gives only words but no change of heart in reality, things will be tough.....
it cant kkepp on going forever that India keeps getting attacked, and Pak keeps sayng non state actors...prove in ocurt...bla bla...it got to stop somewhere..... if Pak is genuine in its intentions...there wont be another mumbai or kargil...simple.
Nice to see Indian and American relations tightening...
Hopefully they take relations above the buyer-seller relationship. The US and India see quite a bit of potential in each other.
PIOs in the US probably are catapulting the desire for heightened relations.
Providing sufficient proof.....
Even india sent dossier to Pakistan in Hindi and Marathi which represents GoI's intentions...
BTW read this

In Pictures: India?s Ridiculous Mumbai Evidence Vs. Pakistan?s Concrete Waziristan Proof .:. YOUTH DESERVE LISTENING .:.

We have been facing this scenario in Af--Pak border, but without any crying stuff. We are correcting our faults instead of pointing it out to others.

If these are credible proofs then why is intl communities not taking action against India when they are also spending heavily on AfPak issues.
its allways the same bullshit in all threads. And it goes like this

First a news posted

Members liking it jump in post pumping statements

Members who do not like it start to negate it

Firstly they fight for sources and then fight for something else

Dick measuring contest starts and (any meaningful :what: my foot who am i trying to fool here!!!!!!! :undecided:) debate is out of the window even before the thread begins.

Recent times are showing that some members can get so low by posting the most vulgar language sometimes.


I am sick and tired of this :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Nice to see Indian and American relations tightening...
Hopefully they take relations above the buyer-seller relationship. The US and India see quite a bit of potential in each other.
PIOs in the US probably are catapulting the desire for heightened relations.

WEll, as of now, the relationship at most is between buyer, seller. India shows no desire to work wit hthe democracies. It believe that it has the capabilities to play both sides and be manipulative in international arena without regarding its inherent weakness. As a result, it come up with policies such as destroy China/Pakistan in 96hrs and harbor fantacies of becoming a superpower exceeding that of US in 20 years. Observe the posts by Rahul Indian and you will see the delusion. He is the epitome of that lunacy. Not all Indians are like that as there are some sane ones. But there are enough for me to come up with my conclusion.

Finally, there are hot heads in everyone country. Be it Chinese, Pakistani, or Americans. But you see more of those from India. Its one thing to brag about ones own country in a forum such as this. But India politicians come up with lunatic statement no different than someone like Rahul Indian in here. That is the scary part. Could the Indian politicians steal ideas from Indians posted on this forum.. or bharat Rakshak.
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WEll, as of now, the relationship at most is between buyer, seller. India shows no desire to work wit hthe democracies. It believe that it has the capabilities to play both sides and be manipulative in international arena without regarding its inherent weakness. As a result, it come up with policies such as destroy China/Pakistan in 96hrs and harbor fantacies of becoming a superpower exceeding that of US in 20 years. Observe the posts by Rahul Indian and you will see the delusion. He is the epitome of that lunacy. Not all Indians are like that as there are some sane ones. But there are enough for me to come up with my conclusion.

Finally, there are hot heads in everyone country. Be it Chinese, Pakistani, or Americans. But you see more of those from India. Its one thing to brag about ones own country in a forum such as this. But India politicians come up with lunatic statement no different than someone like Rahul Indian in here. That is the scary part. Could the Indian politicians steal ideas from Indians posted on this forum.. or bharat Rakshak.

hahaha good one!
That was the most lowest comment anyone has made on this forum! and im surprised the members who are thanking this post! SICK people :smokin::disagree::pakistan::usflag::china:

You need to take a look at your nations weapons and see what percentage of it comes from the United States.
WEll, as of now, the relationship at most is between buyer, seller. India shows no desire to work wit hthe democracies. It believe that it has the capabilities to play both sides and be manipulative in international arena without regarding its inherent weakness. As a result, it come up with policies such as destroy China/Pakistan in 96hrs and harbor fantacies of becoming a superpower exceeding that of US in 20 years. Observe the posts by Rahul Indian and you will see the delusion. He is the epitome of that lunacy. Not all Indians are like that as there are some sane ones. But there are enough for me to come up with my conclusion.

Finally, there are hot heads in everyone country. Be it Chinese, Pakistani, or Americans. But you see more of those from India. Its one thing to brag about ones own country in a forum such as this. But India politicians come up with lunatic statement no different than someone like Rahul Indian in here. That is the scary part. Could the Indian politicians steal ideas from Indians posted on this forum.. or bharat Rakshak.

faithfulguy talking about lunacy is like a pot calling the kettle black.
give proof or shut up......simple.

Give proof ??for what??we have all the proof of the crime which has been comitted in indiaall details and also a living pig terrorist.Now if some moron asks to give proofs of the crimes comitted in your country then y should i be asked the proof u find proof of how the so called non state actors conspire who all are behind it??and if u cant then dismiss ur incompetent police and investigavite agencies and outsource the work,if not us atleast to bangladesh police or nepal police.Shame on u..

Peace is beneficial for both of countries. If you do not want it we will not force you..

Not force??Give this dhamki to ur deciples and Tamed dogs the Taliban and LET who are turning against u.

It was not the result of blind trust, but faults of your own intelligence agencies. BTW which trust you was talking about?
oh is it??our fault..so it is the legitimate right of pakistan to train terrorist and send them on bloody jihad missions all over india and we are born to just stay mute and defend ourselfs ..if so then we all nations branding pakistan a terrorist nation are very sorry..

Cannot guarantee you as far as TTP funding and assistance is no stopped by India.
some lines ago in this post u were saying "give PROOF" .now i ask u do u have proof for this??TTP a pakistani cultural group struggling in pakistan,and as u said our guys supply ammunations and money to them in NWPF,so bothe the criminal and the crime going on in pakistan .So do u have proof for that??If not out source ur investigative agencies works to atleast Nepal police..
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