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US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India


who asked u to worship India,but ur worship of China show something else,after all dont live in a delusion that the Indians on the forum have never met any real Taiwanese

Can you point out a post from me that I worship China? I do point out a lot of short coming about India. Maybe that is why u mean by worship China. To you and Rahul Indian, anything negative anyone says about India is worshipping China. This is your wierd logic that no one understands.
US is not seeking to dominate other countries. Sometimes, US would have policies that appear to be dominating but this is more of a abnomaly that standard. We just want to free use of sea way and ensure that there are no conflicts as best as we can. Also, US is not seeking to contain China through India or contain India through Pakistan. We just want to be friends with every country. How can we contain China if we are doing all these trade with them and they help us with national debt. And the military supplies to Pakistan are to help them fight the Taliban, not to help Pakistan contain India. Also, US is developing great trading relationship with India, including selling top of the line weapons. US would start to sell weapons to China once China turn away from communist dictatorship and embrace democracy. So China, India and Pakistan are good friends of US. They may not be allies but good friends.

and the PENTAGON,obama and his forign policy makers seek ur advice what to do or what not to???the relationship between US and china or US with india or US with pakistan is a lot bigger than what u claim...
and the PENTAGON,obama and his forign policy makers seek ur advice what to do or what not to???the relationship between US and china or US with india or US with pakistan is a lot bigger than what u claim...

Any foreign relationship is bigger than what people can understand here. But I do present my views and if you disagree, point out your disagreement instead of making personal attacks.
Any foreign relationship is bigger than what people can understand here. But I do present my views and if you disagree, point out your disagreement instead of making personal attacks.

whr is the personal attack in my post,or r u jst too high???

the thing is clear isnt US selling hi tech weapons to india jst so that they can use india against china???whr was US beforew when we were not in a sound economic position and a counter to emerging china but yet needed weapons,ill tell u they had put sanctions on us

isnt the US providing arms to taiwan despite the fact that obama claimed that taiwan is a part of china???what are those weapons for,the fact is US will always use these tactics so that no country can challenge its supremacy,playing pakistan against india and india against china

the old divide and rule thing....
India is buying equipment from all over the world. We're buying stuff from Germany, France, US and collaborating with our long term partner Russia. Europe is not a one-stop solution to everything...

Thats correct, But do u really think Obama and his pro Muslim policies will allow America to help India in anyway. Isn't is clear to India politicians Bush Era has ended.

lets take example of obama policies- Its clear to everyone that Pakistan created Mumbai carnage, weather its govt sponsored military or ISI whatever u say. What he does he arms the same country with F16 and other sophisticated equipment, and say to India Pakistan will not use it bla bla bla....

isn't it Russia is the only country stood by India, i don't recall any forum where Russia stood against India policy. In my scenes India should stop buying military equipment from America unless they create a clear policy for India or to wait till Obama leaves the office.
Can you point out a post from me that I worship China? I do point out a lot of short coming about India. Maybe that is why u mean by worship China. To you and Rahul Indian, anything negative anyone says about India is worshipping China. This is your wierd logic that no one understands.

why should we accept -ve when it is bs....!!
also there are lots of -ves about China which never catch ur eye....when was the last time u said anythign against cHina maybe never....coz u r a chinese...and posting anti India baseless rants is not acceptable...:taz:....u r guilty of exaggerating on India's issues...and ur intentions are wrong.... u r not for debate on topics but for spreding malicious information....

u r not posting in some home town chinese forum...it is PDF and international forum and while u can fool chinese back home, u have no chance here....so stop wasting ur time....:wave:
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